
I'm Sorry, I Love You
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"Darling you come"

Soojung could hear her mother's voice when she entered her home. She met her mother again, but she wasn't happy at all. Her mother came from kitchen and hug her lovingly, which she didn't mind to hug her back. Her mother broke the hug and led her to the couch.

"I'm cooking grilled meat for you, your sister help me. Ah but darling, where is Jongin?"

Soojung stiffed after heard that, her eyes widened but she managed to control herself now.

"Mom! Come here or the meat will burn!"

Sooyeon shouted from kitchen, helped her mother washed the ingredients. She left Soojung on the couch, she felt wrong after said that name; Jongin. Something must be happened, she thought.

"I told you mom, she's like a mummy nowadays" Sooyeon told her mother. A few days ago she came to Soojung's apartment just to find she sat on her couch, stared at televison but her mind wandered around. She became like this after last time she saw her with Jongin last sunday.

"Jongin? I just feel his behind this" her mom told as she placed the meat on the plate. Serve it on the table and about to bring Soojung when her first daughter said "I thought so."

They had their dinner, they chatted about everything and Soojung smiled and laughed but her mother and sister knew that iw wasn't her.


"He stayed with you?"

Jinri said when Sehun approached her, told her about last night.

"Soojung didn't tell you anything, is she?"

Jinri sighed and nodded. She felt her bestfriend not herself anymore. Soojung was always lovely, friendly and caring. She knew her since both of them were 6. She felt lost.

"Were Jongin told you something?"

Sehun shook his head. He failed to make Jongin told about his relationship with Soojung. Both sighed and they just hope Jongin and Soojung would back together, since they became someone else now.


Kim Kai : Klee, I miss you. So bad.

She froze when saw his chat popped up on her screen. A month has passed after their break up. Her hands were shaking as she typed the reply.

Jung Krys : You know, this isn't right.

She waited for less than 60 seconds and the reply came.

Kim Kai : Is that hard for you to say you miss me too?

He got it. He knew it. She missed him too, he knew.

Jung Krys : I'm sorry, Kai. I still can't Kim Kai : I'm waiting you, Klee. Whenever those girls around me, my eyes always searched you. Whenever those guys flirt with you, my heart ached. Stop this and come back to me.

Tears flow down her cheeks as she read that. She felt nothing when guys flirt with her.

Jung Krys : I met mom again, she seemed fine. I can't understand why she did this. Kim Kai : Want me to comfort you there?

She wiped her tears, she knew he would say that.

Jung Krys : No need to, I'm sleepy Kai, bye.

She turned off her phone and placed it to her bed table. She closed her eyes, and something she wouldn't see come to her mind. Her mind brought her back to that night, two months ago, when her parents decided to divorce because they found another love and forgot their long-love story. You know the reason? They felt nothing when they together, no more love in their eyes. Simply, they got bored and decided to live on their own.


Soojung heard a knock on her door. She tried to open her eyes but she still sleepy, but someone out there knocked the door more louder. She groaned and walked to the door, opened it and found her best friend there; Jinri.

"Oh my, Jinri, it's still 8 in the morning and you woke me up!" she yelled at her, but Jinri just smiled and walked in to the room. Soojung closed the door and she fell on the couch, trying to sleep again.

"I'll make your breakfast and we will go Soojungie, now go bath and eat!" Jinri pulled Soojung to her bathroom and left her. Now she was at kitchen, made some pancake for Soojung and herself. She checked her phone and smiled, she will be rewarded after this.

From: Jongin Jinri-ya, can I ask you a favor? We know Soojung will mad if her sleep disturbed but can you take her somewhere tomorrow? I'll give you what you want but do this first okay?

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thelastghostgirl #1
this is nice story, update soon :D

and I have a question if they're dating for 6 years and they're in jongin and soojung started together since junior high ? wow..why they're decide to broke up ? it not just because their boredom of each other right ? should be a big reason for it..
Chapter 1: o, i thought this is oneshot.
but anyway, this is interesting :)