Fight For You

I'm Sorry, I Love You
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"I bet we thought about the same thing" he said while looked at her, straight into her eyes, and vice versa. "You always know what I think". He straigthen his body, leaned his back against the couch. "Because I love you."

She rolled her eyes. "Don't say anything about love when you suppose to leave me"

"You'll leave me too" he stretched his arm wide open. "Farewell hug?"

She stood up and pushed herself into his embrace. Her favorite place for the past 6 years.

"I love you". Both said to each other.


She could hear everyone whispered to each other. But she denied it. She walked to her class. Greeted by the scene she never saw. There's a girl kissed Jongin's cheek. And he seemed fine. Everyone in class stepped back when Soojung started to walk to her chair, where was in front of Jongin's. They scared to see the beginning of World War III. Why not? While walking to her chair, Soojung's eyes filled with something-you-can't-describe and only Soojung and God who knows what should called it. They afraid Soojung will pulled that girl Jieun's hair and threw her outside class. But they wrong.

She didn't do it.


If everyone in class already confused because of Soojung's weird behaviour, now it's everyone in cafetaria's turn. They afraid Jongin would destroy the whole cafetaria if he saw Minho was trying to flirt with her. And Soojung looked like she enjoyed it. And then Jongin entered the cafetaria. Everyone made a way for him. Sehun was the first to notice the flirtin

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thelastghostgirl #1
this is nice story, update soon :D

and I have a question if they're dating for 6 years and they're in jongin and soojung started together since junior high ? wow..why they're decide to broke up ? it not just because their boredom of each other right ? should be a big reason for it..
Chapter 1: o, i thought this is oneshot.
but anyway, this is interesting :)