Chapter 7

The Devil's Heart 2



I woke up with a pretty girl beside me, Am I just dreaming? IU is here by my side, Hugging me while she’s asleep.


I face her and touch her nose line which I always do when I’m with her, She’s still the same IU that I know.


She never change.



“ Just stay “ I whisper



“ I will “



My eyes widened as I hear her talking and open her eyes as she smile, She give me a GOTCHA look and kissed me.


Sudenly, I heard that someone is knocking in the door.


“ It’s open “


I shouted and try my best to open the door since I already heard that someone twist the doorknob.


It’s Tiffany.



“ The School President wants tot talk to you. “


“ Oh. “


“ 9:30 in his office. The Event will start later. So be ready “ She said



She’s not like that when I’m talking to her, Seems she’s not in the mood today.


“ IU go home first. I need to work. “ I said as I kissed her forehead


“ Okay. Call me okay? “ She smiled


“ I will “



I quickly get the towel and start to take a bath, It’s already 9:00 am.


By the way, Why do tiffany need to call me? What is she in this school? Hmm.


As I change my clothes, I go in front of the mirror and check how do I look. I can feel something in my eyes, I keep on blinking and blinking. I don’t know why.


After a few minutes, I stop blinking and seems like my eyes is already okay with it.


When I look at the mirror.





















I saw my eyes turns red.


































As I stare at it, I try to blink again.

















But it disappears and my eyes back into it’s normal color.




















I lowered my head and blink. My head start to kill me, Damn! What the hell is going on?!


“ Taeyeon~ “



Finally, Jessica is here. She support my back and just poof in the sofa.



“ What happened?” Jessica asked


“ I just saw my eyes turns into red Jess!~ “


“ Shh. Calm down.  “


“ What the hell is it Jess “


I saw jessica’s eyes turns into a suspicious one, I don’t know what’s going on and I saw her eyes like she don’t want to tell me. She keep on telling me that she will say it in the right time and place.


“  Just get some rest midget “


“ But I have a meeting with the University President “


“ Okay okay. Be careful kaaay? I need to go somewhere right now “


“ Where? “


“ Somewhere”


Okay. I lose. I just want to know where is she going. She just disappear, She never change.


I only have 5 minutes to go to the University President’s Office, I go in front of the mirror and blink my eyes again. Seems like something is wrong, I don’t know what the hell is going on with my life.


































“ Good morning Sir “ I greeted the University President as I enter his office


A big wide smile flash as he saw me, He let me sit and discuss what will I do later when the event start. I never know that this kind of University will have a very happy University Week, Maybe it’s because I never experience it.


Suddenly, I hear the door open and a girl wearing the University shirt and Skinny jeans enter the office too and greet us.


“ Ms. Kim, This is Ms. Hwang. The Student Central Council’s President. She will guide you in the University as you take pictures in every event “


She smiled at me as she get those Lenses in the Photography room near in here,


“ She’s the Editor in Chief too in our school magazine, So maybe you can work hand in hand in this event “


“ Sure, My pleasure to work with Ms.Hwang “  I said as I


“ Oh please. Call me Fany, It’s like we don’t know each other Taeyeon “ She smiled


Oh god, Those eyesmile. It kills me emotionally.


“ So you already guys know each other. SO tiffany, You already know your job right? So let’s get this started! “




























“ You’re old. HAHAHAHAH “ Tiffany laughed as she take pictures to those students who is doing the parade in the city


“ HAHAHA. You’re young “ I laughed too and take pictures


“ Atleast I don’t  look old HAHAHHA “ She said as she look around the city


“ Hey! I don’t look old “  I said proudly to myself with 101 % self confidence


“Said who? “ She said in English accent


“ Me! “ I said childlishly


“ You’re 24 and you look young but you act like 5 for pete’s sake. HAHAHA “ Tiffany laughed and took a photo of me while showing my reaction on what she just said


“ WHAT?! Did you just picture me? “  I asked


“ HAHAHA. Your face is priceless. “ She laughed again and focus the lens on my face


“ Stop it HAHAHA “ 


Suddenly, I saw many student trying to pour water to the co schoolmates. Luckily our cam was waterproof. I asked a senior if she have another bottle of water and she nodded, She gave me a bottle and try to pour a little bit in Tiffany’s head so we can enjoy this event.


“ WHOAH! “


I laughed and saw her hilarious face and capture it.


“ What was that for?! “ She said in English with that priceless face


“ For teasing me “  Then I pour half of the water and the bottle again in her head


“ FOR THE SECOND TIME? OH COME ON! “ She said while laughing


“ That’s for laughing at my age “  I laughed and suddenly I saw her holding 2 bottles.


She gave me a smirk and Give me a teasing smile.


She pour the whole bottle on my head and I was like WHAT-THE-HELL-IT’S –SO-COLD! HAHAHAHHA. But hell yeah! I don’t care. I want to enjoy this and picture ourselves with these wet clothes.


“ Hey. Let’s take a picture “


I put my arms around her waist and Smile since the picture will see the whole body and the other students enjoying the event in the back.


I asked someone to picture us and I can’t believe that we’re like high school kids too celebrating the event with them. Maybe it’s because I look like a high school kid? XD HAHAHA


“ You look really wet HAHAHA “  I laughed at Tiffany and she slightly punch my arm


Suddenly I saw many balloons in the bikes who is supporting the event which rode by the student of the university too. I asked one student to give us 2, For me and for tiffany so that we can do what we want to. XD


“ Do you have pen there? “  Tiffany asked when she get the balloon


“ Yes. Here “ I handed her the pen and she start to drawing something that looks like… Me?


“ HAHAHAHAHA! This is so awesome! “ She laughed


“ Hey! I don’t look like that! “


“ Yes you are. HAHAHAH! “

She draw peas and wrote down my whole name, Of course I won’t let her win.


I draw a mushroom and put Tiffany’s name on it.


“ Hey! I don’t look like that! “ She slightly punch my arm


“ Yes you do! “ I laughed harder


“ No I don’t! “





























“ Then should I draw a pig? HAHAHAHA!”





Okay. Cliffhanger. HAHAHAHA. I'll be updating no so don't worry! :D but i need to finish first my Midterm exam so i can continue this.




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krystalhasna #1
hello !! are you there !! it's being a long time you didnt update ! i really miss you and your story !! come back please !!
Hope you update soon ~
tipco09 #3
Chapter 8: Tae and ny are having a wonderful time bonding together. I hope they get together for real.
tipco09 #4
Ah Yuri fell in love with Jessica.I bet it will mess up her mission
MAR50N3 #5
Chapter 6: Taeyeon is slowly getting her memory back! ^.^ I'm still reading this story!! Update soon :)
tipco09 #6
Chapter 5: I think Jessica is going to checkmate Yuri to keep her from disturbing Taeyeon but she managed to distract Taeyeon from Tiffany through that IU image. I hope TaeNy get together soon.
Chapter 5: Im a huge fan of taeny :) thr news really hurts me but i move on now author and im glad you will continue your stories :)
Chapter 4: hAHA YULSIC is sailing . hmm wonder why she remembers iu ? hm why iu ? = =
Chapter 4: YulSic xD hehehe~
Hope Taengoo remembers Tiffany.
tipco09 #10
Chapter 4: I think for once, I'm going to enjoy the Yulsic just as much as the TaeNy. Haha!