Chapter 6

The Devil's Heart 2



I was sitting at the corner of Taeyeon's table and just watching this two lovebirds flirting or whatever you called it. *sigh* She can't see me right now because i don't want them to disturb, I know this is Taeyeon's moment since IU didn't come back here in korea.


I keep on spinning Taeyeon's chair where i was sitting and keep rolling my eyes.


" This is really really big room. " I said as i saw a lollipop in Taeyeon's table and Grab it


" Can i just go outside with this amazing chair? " I look at this spinning thing and just poof outside.


Now i'm in the Oval where no one can see me, Well. Actually no one will really see me. T_T" I keep on spinning and spinning my chair while looking at the moon. I enjoyed staring at the moon while this Vanilla Chocolate flavored Lollipop.


" So you happy now? "


I was kinda irritate with that voice and didn't turn around. I know that black angel will disturb me again, I quickly use a spell so she can't attack me while i'm sitting on this AMAZING CHAIR *_*


" Yes. "


I'll just kill our conversation quickly so she'll get piss off. I can feel her walking towards me and she sit beside me.


" Hey "


" What? I'm not in the mood to piss you off or fight with you. So shut up " I said as i on the lolipop and just stare on the moon


“ I’m not in the mood neither “




“ Then don’t disturb me “ I said


She walk towards me and Sit beside me, She sitted on the grass and Kinda pulling it out. I was just staring at her and seems like she’s not the hipocrite that keep pestering me.


“ You’re scary today “ I said as I look at her


“ I’m always scary “


“ Sometimes “ I sarcastically said as I keep spinning this amazing chair *_*


“ Can we not think that we’re enemy today? “ Yuri said as she look at the moon


Whoah. She’s really scary today. I kinda push myself and this amazing chair far from her while looking at her like I’M-ATTENTIVE-ENOUGH-SO-DON’T-YOU-DARE-TO-ATTACK-ME.


“ Haha. You’re funny. Like I’m going to eat you? “ She said sarcastically


“ I don’t trust you. Dark skin angel “


“ Shut up. You long chin angel “


Huh! She dare to piss me huh?


“ You dare to piss me off huh? “ I asked sarcastically


“ You mock me first “ She calmly said as she sigh


“ Can we just forget that we’re enemies. Don’t worry, I’m not going to fight you this time. I want to relax “


I just nod and stare again at the Moon, I keep the Lollipop and Keep spinning this amazing chair *_*


“ Can I ask you something? “ She asked


“ You’re asking now “ I answer


“ Answer seriously please? I’m trying to be calm here “ Yuri said in a pissed tone but when she reach the last word, She try to control her emotion and stare again at the moon.


“ Okay. What is it? “ I asked


“Do angels fall in love in their opposite natives?  Or Do angels have the rights to marry another opposite angel? I’m just curious about it “  She seriously asked


My head burst too, Does it legal in our kingdom? Having a relationship with another opposite angel? Kinda Interesting. I never heard of that question before.


“ I don’t know neither. It’s my first time to heard that kind of weird question. But it’s kinda interesting too” I answered as I keep the lollipop but right now I stop spinning now this SUPER DUPER AMAZING CHAIR *_*


“ But why does People are legal to have a relationship with angels or demons? This is so friggin unfair “ She kep pulling those grass and throwing it with emotion.


I think she’s thinking something right now that connected on what she just ask me.


“ Does this really bother you? “


“ Yes. 329 years of my existence, This question keeps bothering me “


Whoah! She’s older than me. Cool.


“ My dad is a Dark Angel and My mom is a Human. Mom died and Dad keeps me in his side. He taught me not to talk with Opposite Angels and I’m forbidden to love a Opposite Angel. Is it Unfair? “


I can see and feel her sadness from the very start, I just keep on rejecting on her.


“ I know, But in our Tradition. We are natural enemies. We can’t do anything about it “ I said as I look at her who lower her head and sigh


“  Then what will you do if you fall in love to a Opposite Angel? Are you going to fight for it or just let it go? “


“ Then I’ll just let it go”


“ What if that decision makes you lonely and sad, And that is your only happiness in forever? “  


Damn! We’re like in a debate. But she has a point. What if it’s your only happiness in forever? I’m speechless.


“ What if you fall in love with a White Angel even if it’s against your law? “ I asked


“ Then let me be the Baddest Angel in the Hell, It’s my only happiness and I’ll never let it go. NEVER. “


I never thought that a Dark Angel like her is willing to give up everything just because of her HAPPINESS. But what if HAPPINESS Rejects her? What if Happiness accept her but her life is in risk?


“ I gotta go now. You go rest. “


She showed her Shining Black Wings and Sigh.


“ Goodnight Sica~ “


How can she be like that?


Well, This is our first time to talk each other with arguing and fighting.






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krystalhasna #1
hello !! are you there !! it's being a long time you didnt update ! i really miss you and your story !! come back please !!
Hope you update soon ~
tipco09 #3
Chapter 8: Tae and ny are having a wonderful time bonding together. I hope they get together for real.
tipco09 #4
Ah Yuri fell in love with Jessica.I bet it will mess up her mission
MAR50N3 #5
Chapter 6: Taeyeon is slowly getting her memory back! ^.^ I'm still reading this story!! Update soon :)
tipco09 #6
Chapter 5: I think Jessica is going to checkmate Yuri to keep her from disturbing Taeyeon but she managed to distract Taeyeon from Tiffany through that IU image. I hope TaeNy get together soon.
Chapter 5: Im a huge fan of taeny :) thr news really hurts me but i move on now author and im glad you will continue your stories :)
Chapter 4: hAHA YULSIC is sailing . hmm wonder why she remembers iu ? hm why iu ? = =
Chapter 4: YulSic xD hehehe~
Hope Taengoo remembers Tiffany.
tipco09 #10
Chapter 4: I think for once, I'm going to enjoy the Yulsic just as much as the TaeNy. Haha!