No. 7

The Dorm



-Kai's Pov-

Now you bastard! Must learn!
But what happened? Aish!
Im not going to kill him but to scare him only. Why is it that creepy moment!
"Master, are you okay?" Chanyeol asked me.
I nodded. I was in the middle of my thinking and analyzing. 
"This is bull. Let's get out of here!" I cussed and walked.
The other men followed me. Im the leader here. When I see him I get irritated. 
It reminds me of his mom.
"Kai baby, please eat your breakfast.." An adult woman feeded me. I pouted and ignore her.
She smiled at me. I crossed my eyebrow.
"Stop acting like you're my mom freak!" I screamed.
That girl is my new dad's mistress. That girl seems nice but I dont want her. her.
"You want this strawberry jam for your pan?" She asked me once again. 
I smirked. I don't know why dad love her. I think she just need money that's why she seduced dad.
I hate her! I hate dad for letting her stay here with her son.
It's not dad son but on the other man. huh. dad accepted her with that situation?
Tss. I stood up and went to school.
"Kai! Wait!" She called my name. i stopped and when she reached me she handed me a sandwich.
"Eat this along the way, okay? Study hard." She smiled and walked with me on the car. 
When I got in, I looked at her. I don't dare to smile.
I saw a kid, same age like me. i think it is him. We didn't meet yet.
"Get in Min.." I heard his mom say. 
"Go with Kai at school. You two study hard okay?" Her mom once again say.
"Let's go.." I said coldly.
When we're heading at the school. 
This kid seems quiet. 
"Are you the son of that woman?" I asked.
I don't want to mention her name.
He nodded. 
"Ahh. Can you leave the house. It's uncomfortable." 
-Minhyuk's POV-
I stared at the dress that Kai throwed to me. It was my mom's dress when she celebrated her birthday.
I cried a lot. Kai, you're such a bastard.
I'll kill you.
I stood up and exited the place.
How can I get the rope? My mom helped me.
-Chorong's POV-
Next day..
"Chorong-ssi! You looked tired." Bomi
They've noticed my haggard face. I can't sleep last night due to Minhyuk's condition. He went to my room around 3am. He slept on my place. He said he had nothing place to go with. 
He stayed there. 
"Ahh. Nowadays Im busy." I excused.
"Get a rest right now." Eunji said and I nodded.
After my morning class, I hurriedly went back on my room. I saw Minhyuk still sleeping.
he looked pale. Like dead.
"Oh you're so pale." I whispered and head to the kitchen and get some wet towel.
I wiped his face with the towel and stared at him.
"I love you.."
"I love you too."
I was shocked. He heard it. Omo.
"M-Minhyuk! Oh no. you're awake! Are you okay? What happened? You didn't tell me when you got here!"
He sat down and faced me. He cupped my face and gave a smile.
"Im fine right now cause you're here. Last night? Tss. We just talked about you. He just want you. I don't want you to be with him. So don't worry babe." He said and gave me an assured smile. I smiled back too.
"Look at you. You're tired. Sit here. I'll cook for you okay?" he said and kissed my forehead.
So sweet. His handsome face, his cute smile and angelic face. So warm to see.
I nodded. He got up and headed to my kitchen.
After an hour.
"Here.. Let's eat."  He said.
He scooped on the soup and feed me.
"Is it good?"
I nodded.
"Okay. Here."
"No, you must eat too. Look. you look so pale. I can eat by myself." I gave him the spoon.
"Okay. Eatwell babe." 
I smiled and eat.
After that moment, he went home.
I cleaned all the dishes and rest for a while.


Oh no! It was short! ;/

Im sorry.

Anyways, How was it?

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Isabella37 #1
Chapter 11: Update more!!!
Chapter 10: Omo minhyuk was died? is it true???! ahh i'm getting curious ><
Chapter 10: omo! i'm getting curious, what exactly is going on now? ._.
Chapter 8: the sweetest couple ^^ ah chorong why you must don't know what minhyuk want it ㅠ ㅠ
Chapter 1: New reader here~ the story is so interesting kk~ ^-^
LuRong_ship #6
Chapter 6: Yeey.
MinRong couple !!.
But, poor Minhyuk -_- What happen between Kai and Minhyuk ?. Update author-nim !!. I want more again...
Chapter 6: hiks poor minhyuk :'( i'm happy because chorong and minhyuk finally being a couple ^^ oh and i love you too author XD
Chapter 6: Getting curious XD
Chapter 4: i'm still curious with that girl >< hehe finally chorong like minhyuk :33
LuRong_ship #10
Chapter 4: Full of mystery.
I want more author-nim. Update soon !.