Himchan & Me

Dark Chocolate Love ♀♥♂

WARNING. THE OTHER MAIN CHARACTER IS HIMCHAN. GOING TO DO HIS STORY NOW. I'M GOING TO BE DOING LIKE A PART OF DAEHYUN AND A PART OF HIMCHAN. PLEASE DON'T GET CONFUSED.To tell you, I planned on doing a Himchan story and Daehyun story together. Bascially thay're both the main man. I'm going to be jumping between Himchan and Daehyun. This time I'm going to be focusing on Himchan in this chapter.


*Ring~ Ring ring ring*


ring ring ring ring


Ughh. Stupid alarm, I'm waking up now.

Today, I'm going to go to the school where my dongsaeng, Daehyun is.

I miss him. He's sometimes awkward with me and we play around a lot. He says I nag him too much. I say it's for his own good, he keeps making wrong choices.

I get up and go to brush my teeth. I look at myself and see my handsome face staring back at me. It's nice being good-looking. I subconsciously fix my hair and clothes. I finish up and go put on my clothes.

I look at my closet full of clothes. I think and think and think. AISH. What do I wear? I want tot leave a good impression on my classmates, but Daehyun would think I'm weird and all if I wear this. I finally decided and picked this to wear.

I decide to tag along my sunglasses to make me look cool.☺

I head downstairs knowing that my parents left for work, I eat some cereal. Then, I'm out the door.

I get in my honda civic and drive to school. I pass by Daehyun and he notices my car, he yells to get my attention.

" Yah! Himchan-hyung, take me to school with you! " Daehyun yelled.

" Yah! Dongsaeng, you haven't seen me in a few months and you don't say hi to your hyung?! I see how it is. " I rebutted.

" An-yong, Himchan-hyung. Yah. Aren't you letting me in? " Daehyun screamed.

I relectantly let him in my car.

" So relaxing~ Haven't been in your car for a few months now. Feels like home now. " Daehyun says casually.

" Dongsaeng, how is your school? Is anyone bully you? " I asked.

" This school is horrible. Nobody wants to be my friend 'cause they haters. 'Cause I be getting all the girls' attention. " Daehyun stated.

" YAH! JUNG DAEHYUN! Didn't I tell you not to be a player anymore?! Are you going against our deal? " I screamed in the car.

We just arrived at school before I asked the question and I just parked. Before I could look back him for the answer, he unlocked the door and ran to the school.

" YAH! JUNG DAEHYUN! You better answer me! " I screamed out to him.

He stuck his tongue out at me. How dare that bastard. I'm going to get him at school. :P

I arrive on campus and look around the school. Seems like a nice school, not dirty or is broken down. I check the hallway where the lockers are and they seem pretty new to me. I go check my locker and see the condition of it. I automatically put a mirrow on the locker flap. I look at myself and say you're handsome Kim Himchan.

Suddenly a girl pokes me.

" An-yong haseyo, I just wanted to tell you that oppa, you are handsome. " Mihyun says.

Then she rushes off. I caught a glimpse of her nametag and saw the name Mihyun. Oh, that's her name. She seems like the motherly type I thought. I hope she is. I smile.

I look for Daehyun at the school and no luck finding him. Then the bell rings. Guess this is time to start class? I walk off and look at my schedule to my classroom.

I stand at the hallway and the teacher notices me. She has never seen me before, so she knows I'm a new student. She informs me to stand in the hallway until the bell rings.

The tardy bell rings. She says her morning announcement and then she interrupts the class to introduce me.

" Su-eop(Class), today we have a new student. " The teacher says.

I walk in and the first people I notice are my dongsaeng and the girl who complimented me this morning.

I mostly see my dongsaeng with his eyes wide open. I guess he never expected me to be in his class.

" An-yong haseyo, I am Kim Himchan. It is nice to meet you all. " I say with enthusiastic.

I bow. Then the teacher asks me to choose a seat. I see a seat that is empty behind Mihyun and I decide to sit there. I also see Daehyun making weird faces at me so I made one back.

LOL. He laughs at me and I laugh back. The teacher looks at us weirdly. She must think we are crazy. The teacher asked if we knew each other and we both responded at the same time with a yes.

I noticed that when I sat down near Mihyun, tons of girls were looking at me. Then, I also saw girls talking about Mihyun and how how she is a b$%^& and how she took all the boys' attention. I think they specifically said it out loud so I could hear. Who cares? She is a nice girl to me and her smile is perf.

I managed to go through all my classes before lunch, I'm so tired.

At lunch, I found Daehyun with these girls surrounding him.

I awkwardly walk up to him and all the girls are like staring at me. 

" Dongsaeng, I missed you why don't you hang out with me today? " I say. Hehe.

" Himchan-hyung, okay. " Daehyun galdly says.

Daehyun say sorry to the ladies and he goes hang out with me. He told me he is gald I saved him. I bet he is.

We first hugged. LOL. I feel gay, but I miss my dongsaeng very much.

I started off by talking about his " player " ways.

" Daehyun, you know you're hurting girls' feeling by being like this. " I stated.

" Hyung, I can't help myself. The girls lure me in. " Daehyun chuckled.

" All right. I can't just keep nagging you about it. You made your own choice. " I say, giving up.

" Oh yea Daehyun, do you like any girls here? Like you want to start a relationship with them. " I asked with curosity. hehe.

" You know that girl in our class that sits in front of you, Mihyun. She is pretty and she capitivates me. I can't get close to her since she has girl problems and the girls won't let me get close to her. " Daehyun shyly admitted.

" Aww, I see how it is. " I about it.

I think I'm feeling some guilt. I actually kinda like that Mihyun girl. She's cute, and I have a feelings that I want to pinch her cheeks. Well, that's over. Better find someone else before I ruin our "  bro-ship " with my overly obsessive self.

We talked about the awkward things that we did for girls. Suddenly, the bell rings. We head to our classrooms. I wish school had ended a minute ago.


* Saranghae Saranghae Saranghae~ *

I wake up to my sleep alarm. Another nice day at school~

I get up happily, surprised that I'm not sleepy. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Then, I go to my room to dress.

What should I wear today? Something cute and flashy? Pretty and chic? Tomboyish and cool? I end up look at my closet full of clothes decided for very long. I decide to wear my cute clothes today. I look myself in the mirror and I nodded in approve of my outfit.

I go downstairs and eat the waffles my dad made. It's so good. I eat a little bit over what I usually eat and I say bye to my parents. I start walking to school.

I hate walking to school, the girls are always hating on me. I always get heckled, harassed, and hated. It's not my fault that at the first month of school, all the guys liked me. They chased after me and I was scared too. Some guys asked me out, and I rejected all of them. The other guys never ask me out, but instead they stalk me and invade my privacy. This all stopped when I yelled I hate boys and some new girl snatched all the boys away. I was quite happy, but all my friends dissapeared. That new girl took them away and she says she has a good reason too because the entire grade of girls said I was bad and manipulated the boys. I was left alone, but when Kim Jinju transferred here I had my first friend. At first we were awkward and she kept striking conversation with me. Finally she says she would like it if people stop putting her down, bulling & harassing her, and judging her. We had major differences and I told her my story and we just hit it off right there. She soon because my best friend, my all.

I finally arrived at school. Whew, safety. I walk around and everyone knew I was a loner. They laughed at me when they passed by. I suddenly spot this guy I have never seen before near where my locker is. Wow, from behind he looks like he has good back abs and he has nice fashion. I pass by him and see him staring at a mirror on his locker flap. I look at his face, and all I feel is myself at staring at his face.

OMG! He his soooooooo handsome.

" An-yong haseyo, I just wanted to say that, oppa, you are so handsome. " I say flusterred.

I see him smile at me and say thank you. I walk off and caught a glimpse of his new name tag. Oh, so his name is Himchan? ☺ I hope to know him better soon. 

I caught up with Jinju and we talk about our life struggles. I try to teach her a few things about fashion and makeup. She is still confused about makeup, but she's learning pretty fast. I see that she has gotten skinnier over the week. I hope to see her succeed.

The bell rings and I go to my classroom. I take out my supplies for class.


I notice that guy, Himchan, out of the corner of my eyes. I can't help but smile. The girls give a weird look at me.

The teacher says we have a new student at our class today, and Himchan steps in.

" An-yong haseyo, I am Kim Himchan. It is nice to meet you all. " Himchan says.

The teacher tells him to choose a seat and I expect him to choose the one behind me. Luckily he did and I did a celebrated a little.

I see Daehyun making funny faces at Himchan and Himchan makes faces at him. I guess they are friends.

I go to next class, and finally it's time for lunch. I see Jinju and I drag her along with me. We go to the rooftop today again.

" I see you made changes, you lost some weight. " I say cheerfully.

" Yea, I can see my body changing and I feel a little better about myself. " She replied

I smile. I hope she can achieve her dream and change. I also hope she gets Jung Daehyun. I will seriously try to make Jinju soooo pretty that Daehyun's eyes will pop out. ☺ I WILL MAKE MY BEST FRIEND HAPPY BECAUSE IF I DO I FEEL HAPPY TOO.

We chitchat for a while about boys. LOL. Boys just thinking about them makes my mind flutter about Himchan. Oh, Himchan, Himchan, Himchan. That's all my mind can think about right now.

" Hey Mihyun, do you like anybody here? " Jinju suddenly asks.

" Yea I do. It's Himchan. " I reply quickly. I suddenly feel embrassed telling Jinju. Haha. I laugh out loud.

" Oh, Is it that new guy who came to Daehyun's class? " She questioned.

" Yea, I got captivated by him. HE'S LIKE SERIOUSLY THE BEST THING EVER, I SAY ADMITTING TO HIS PERFECTNESS. " I like practically screamed. I covered my mouth, I hope none of the school hears this.

We both laugh at the same time after I yelled out that I got " captivated " by Himchan. Guess we both have our crushes.


We go back to class saying bye to each other and I poke her before I go to my classroom. Tehee.

The day goes through smoothly and I see Himchan again. He smiles at me and I smile at him. He says hi and me and I'm surprised. I say hi back shyly and he patted my hair and said don't be shy. I get more flustered and he laughs. He is just weird, but I like that. I spent my entire class time practically looking at him across the room. We always end up staring at each other and I blush. Class ends and I rush out to there not wanting to see Himchan's face.

School ends and I go to my locker. Guess who comes up and pokes me. HIMCHAN. I get surprised and jumped out. He smiled his biggest smile at me and he makes me smile. He asked if I wanted to be his friend. I obviously said of course and we hit it off right there.


When I arrived at my next period, I spot for Daehyun and we high five. The teacher said I could go sit in the front desk where no one seats. Darn. I hate the front seat. I can't do nothing.

I ended hearing some boring class about I don't what. We finally get out since this is the last period. The bell rings and I go out with Daehyun.

" Sorry Himchan, I gotta handle with things with some girls today. Can't hang out with you today. " Daehyun says.

" What the heck? Ditching me on the first day. I see how it is. " I walk off saying.


" You better! " I screamed back.

That kid. He better not be playing those girls. I spot Mihyun near her locker and I go up to her. I poke her and she jumps. LOL. I laugh. She is just sooo cute. I smile my best smile at her she smile back. I just love her smile. It just came to my mind that I'm not friends with her and I'm like practically a loner here. Guess all the girls falling for Daehyun and they don't notice me? Guess so.

I asked her if she wanted us to be friends and she says yes. I feel all happy that I made a friend other than Daehyun. Ahha. I'm such a dork. She asks if we could hang out together and I say okay.

Suddenly while we were walking out the door, she yells this girl's name.

" Yah! Kim Jinju " Mihyun yelled.

* Jinju looks back *

" Ah, Mihyun. Wait, who is that " Jinju asks pointing at me.

" Oh, he is Himchan, my friend. " Mihyun says smiling.

They both giggle together and I am like wondering what they are giggling about. Jinju looks okay to me. Seems like she needs to lose some weight. Her facial features are not bad and if she loses all that weight she might actually look good. We walk out together making the entire school look at us. LOL. I actually felt popular at that point.

Suddenly, Jinju asks if we could go to her house to hang out. I said sure, even though I don't know them that well. Guess she wanted some friends pretty badly too. I told her I have a car and we could drive to her house. We arrive at where my car was and they get in awkwardly. We didn't talk much on the way.

We finally arrive at her house. It looks pretty neat. Once I come I see an empty house with nice furnishings. I told her she has a nice house and she says thank you. She says she is going to go prepare food and I say I can help since I like helping. It is weird. Mihyun just smiles at me and tell me to do a good job of cooking.

Jinju is preparing baked cookies & brownies. Also milk. I help her get the supplies she need for baking cookies and brownies. She put the supplies in and she starts mixing. I tell her I can mix but she says no. Guess she doesn't need my help.

I stare at her and actually realize how pretty she looks mixing. She has this concentrated face that actually makes her features shine. She has a high nose, big eyes, and clear white skin. Wow. I never knew that a person like that could look so dazilling doing what she likes the most. It is like something is sparkling from her for the effort she put in. I continue staring at her and suddenly Mihyun comes up saying what I'm doing. I jumped up looking scared. Guess I fell in love quite fast. I don't know, maybe this is how love begins.

When Jinju finishes baking after like an hour or so. I was talking to Mihyun about fashion, cooking, and all that other stuff. She seems pretty interested in what I am talking about. Seems like I was babbling.

I notice that I had a different view of Jinju now. Instead of looking how I viewed her at school today. In my mind she is a super curvy girl. I just falling in love makes you think that. She is a beautiful girl, just no one knows.

I take a bite off the cookie and that sweetness just gets to me. It is sweet like love and the after taste of dark chocolate. I love it. Just like I'm falling in love with a girl named Kim Jinju. My life just can't get any better.

I take Mihyun home, and she asks what is wrong because I keep spacing out. I say nothing and chit chat with her, but my mind is still stuck with the memory of Jinju cooking. Guess I love the motherly type of girls who like to cook and treat people well. I don't know.

I drop Mihyun off at her house and I say bye. I go home and I tell my parents I have ate food. I lock myself in my room and do my homework. I just had this feeling of picking up my diary and writing, so I started writing about falling in love with a certain girl. After that, I end up watching dramas and cring. I don't sleep until 3 AM. I feel like a girl now crying. It is so foolish. But, I can't help it. I cry more and I fall to sleep.

BEST SAD HAPPY NIGHT EVER! I close my eyes wishing never to be woken up. I fall into a deep trace of sleep.







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Chapter 2: I'm loving it so far!~
(on the 2nd chapter~!)
Awesome job!!!
Chapter 3: Cool....PLS Update.....
The story and starts looks cool. But ill be honest im more happier if himchan is the leading man