What is Love?

Dark Chocolate Love ♀♥♂


After I said I love you to Daehyun, I got up and ran away. I was scared he would reject me or say something mean.


"That girl, Jinju is weird." I said to Mihyun

Before I could finish, Mihyun ran out to chase after Jinju.

Aish, girls these days.

Well, I better reject her fast before anything happens.


I don't know why I'm running away.

Is it because I'm scared of the results or do I already know what he's going to say?

"Wait up!!!!" Mihyun yelled.

I stopped for Mihyun.

"What?" I breathlessly yelled.

"Why are you running away? You can't escape from what he's going to say about your confession anyways." Mihyun says trying to whack some sense in me.

"But..." I said, " I'm too shy to say anything, and I know he will reject me."

" You don't know until he says it from his own mouth right? " Mihyun said, " Trust me and come back."

So I followed Mihyun back to school.

The bell already rung for lunch, and we got in trouble from the principal for running outside of school.

We both got a detention for that.


What the heck is taking them so long?

I thought I could just reject her when she comes back.


Ughh. Now it's too late.

I got through all of my classes bored, and loads of girls swooning over me.

After school, I went to my locker to put my books back, and this pretty girl asks me if I wanted to go on a date with her.

I said sure and we went to the bubble tea shop a few blocks down.

We ended up getting along quite well, and I being the hidden player I am, decided to kiss her.

I ended up asking her out and she became my girlfriend.


I went home with Mihyun and we decided to talk about the incident that happened today.

We agreed that tomorrow at school, I would tell Daehyun that I like him and ask him to be my boyfriend.

She told me to not be afraid, and that I could move on. I trusted her on that.

These feelings of love are eating me up, and I just want to tell Daehyun those words right now.

I fell asleep thinking of Daehyun and his face.♥


I accompanied the girl to her house and I went home.

On the way home, I met this beautiful noona and I decided to hit it off with her.

I flirted with her, kissed her, took her to a restaurant, then she tells me I'm handsome and that she wants to be my girlfriend.

Being the player I am, I accept her confession.

I feel so accomplished today that I got 2 pretty girls.

I finally went home, and my appa yells at me for coming home late.

Amma asks me where I went, I ignore her and just slam the room to my door.

This kid just has problems I hear appa say.

I change to my pajamas and doze to sleep.


I woke up to my alarm thinking what I should say to Daehyun.

I wonder if I should go along with the plan because just thinking of it makes me have butterflies in my stomach.

" Oh, Jung Daehyun, Daehyun. " I keep saying while I prepare for school.

I eat the breakfast that my omma made for me before eating and I head for school.

I arrive at school and I instantly spot Daehyun because of his handsome face and perfect hair.

I told him I wanted to talk to him and we went to a place where no one was.

I decide to apologize for what happened yesterday and say my confession.

I gather my courage and I manage to blurt out, " I love you, Daehyun. Will you go out with me?

I said it a bit too loud and people heard it. They decided to laugh at me and say Jung Daehyun would never go out with you.

I wanted to cry so badly and I knew I had no chance.


I woke up to my annoying alarm.

" Screw this! " I yelled.

I put on whatever I could find in my closet and went down to eat breakfast.

I see my omma preparing bacon and eggs for me and I sit there waiting for my breakfast.

" Thanks, omma. " I said when she finished.

I walked to school and when I arrived Jinju told me she had something to tell me.

I was lead to a corner of the school where no one was.

She apologized to me for the incident and instantly afterwards she confessed to me.

She practically yelled it out with her eyes closed and people near the area could hear it.

They laughed at her and I felt bad, but I had to reject her.

She was not attractive to me, she was rather ugly and fat to me.

Her fat was exposing out of the clothes she wore today.

I wanted a pretty girlfriend, not some ugly girl.

So, I said to Jinju, " I'm sorry, I already have a girlfriend and I can't go out with you. "

I suddenly also blurted out, " 'Cause also you're ugly.."

I covered my mouth.

I saw her run away and cry.

Aish, karma just comes back to me.


I knew it I told myself.

I was sobbing, crying, and my nose was dripping.

My surroundings became blurry.

This is my first time getting rejected and my first confession.


I didn't want to give up and be strong, I wanted to hurt Daehyun for making my heart break in a million pieces.

I didn't talk to him much, but I wouldn't cry if he rejected me.

The one thing he said that hurt me the most was when he said I was ugly.

That word harms me the most other than the word fat and I want to show Daehyun how I could change.

I found Mihyun at school and told her whole story.

She told to be strong and don't cry. She told me to get back at Daehyun, which means to get skinny and use makeup.

She told me the essential why to be pretty is to wear makeup and have a good fashion sense.

She told me we would get started tonight.

I went through my entire school time not looking at Daehyun and feeling broken down.

I walked home with Mihyun and there we greeted my omma who came home early for once.

" Hi, omma. " I said.

" Did you eat? " She stated.

" Yea, Mihyun and me are going to my room. " I said.

" Okay, Have fun! I'm going to a club today later. " She rebutted.

" MOM! You are too old to be going to clubs. Ever since father died you... " I yelled.


I felt sad and mad, I made my mom go out of the house to the club.

Mihyun told me to not worry, but I still have doubts.

She took out a new planner and wrote plans for me to excercise, keep track of how much calories I eat, and makeup/fashion lessons from her.

She told  me if I put out my full efforts in each of these, in 4 months I will be as pretty as her.


I agreed to her plan completely and I will start it tomorrow.



My second chapter of my story. I'm sorry if my story is not good to you since I'm a beginner author. IM NOW PROVIDING FREE POSTER MAKING SERVICE FOR YOUR STORIES.  If you support please take your time to create an account and click the subscribe button after you do so.










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Chapter 2: I'm loving it so far!~
(on the 2nd chapter~!)
Awesome job!!!
Chapter 3: Cool....PLS Update.....
The story and starts looks cool. But ill be honest im more happier if himchan is the leading man