A Snow Day in Las Vegas

An EXO Christmas One-Shot Special!

“The weather report for the next week, a whopping eighty-five degrees straight! A record high for Las Vegas! So put those scarves and coats away, and bring back the tank tops and sunscreen! In other news-.”


Lian thrashed around and yelled into the nearest throw pillow as she took in the weather report. She continued to throw a tantrum until she heard a set of keys being tossed onto the counter and Minseok sitting on the floor next to her.


“Minseok, you’re here! Did you hear the weather report? Eighty-five degrees. Eighty-five degrees! I hate Vegas weather!” Violently pushing the down and up buttons on the remote, she flipped through countless channels to forget the weather until Minseok took the remote from her, changing it back to his favorite criminal show.


“Hey I was watching!” She twisted her body to retrieve the remote, but he had already hid it behind his back.


“Watching what? You were just flipping through channels.” Triumphantly smiling, Minseok watched as Lian laid back down, knowing that she had lost the remote privilege.


“Whatever.” Her eyes grew tired watching gun fight after gun fight and countless scenes of police officers coming up with information on their criminal.


Her eyes finally closed after an hour and a half of TV and Minseok carefully took out his phone, dialing Kyungsoo’s number.




“Hey Soo, let meet up at two tomorrow.”


“Why? And why are you whispering?”


“Lian’s sleeping, and I have a plan. I’m tired of this heat and I’m pretty sure you all are too.”

“Okay, but Kris said-”


“I know what he said. But I’m almost positive that he’s mad at this weather for not allowing him to flaunt off his new winter clothes.”


“Alright. I’ll call the guys. See you tomorrow.”


“Tomorrow then.”




“Why did we have to meet up now? I was watching a soccer game.”


“Yeah Minseok, it’s not like we can get up off of our asses and come to your needs. What the hell do you want?”


“Look, I know it’s been a while since we’ve done it, but I need your guys’ help. It’s too ing hot here and I want to do this for Lian.”


“Minseok, I’m not even sure if the sol-”


“I checked the lunar schedule, the next one is two days from now.”


“..Fine. Where do you want to do it?”


“Town Square.”




“Minseok why did you make me wear so many layers? It’s too hot and look! We’re the only ones wearing winter clothes.” Lian pointed in every direction while loosening the thick wool scarf that was carefully wrapped around her neck by Minseok.


“We’re not the only ones in thick clothing, look, those two guys over there have scarves and trench coats on.” True enough, two men walked together with scarves up to their noses and trench coats down to their knees.


“And over there too.” He pointed over to a man sitting on one of the benches dressed up exactly the same way.


“Huh.” Lian huffed as they continued to walk around the outdoor mall.


The two walked around for another hour going from store to store until the sun started to set. The string of clouds over the mountains were a mix of different shades of red, orange, and purples. Lian looked up to the sky and thought she was just lucky to be out and about out of all days, but the beautiful sunset was forged by the light in Baekhyun’s palms and Chanyeol’s fire. Baekhyun couldn’t give it his all since it was only sunset, but his lack of power allowed him to focus on the primary colors that he could create.


After the sun fully set, Kris flew the two back to the mall before the others could start their parts. Sehun stood around the corner and flicked his fingers in Lian and Minseok’s direction, a small pile of leaves blowing onto Lian’s side causing her to side step towards Minseok.


“Hmm, maybe it might just be cold today..” Minseok whistled.


For awhile the two walked around Town Square, admiring the lights until Lian started to get caught up in the lights and began to stray away from Minseok. He looked back at the boy walking behind him, winking at him. Kyungsoo stopped walking and stood far away from the two and knelt down, ever so lightly tapping the ground, causing a rift in the to appear on Lian’s right side making her tilt into Minseok’s arms.


“I got you.”


“Thank you.”


By now the two had roamed the mall for a second time, and were back at the beginning where they had entered.


“Hey, that guy on the bench is still there.” Lian glanced in the strangers direction then turned her head back to marvel at the lit tree that was in the middle of the children’s park.


“Maybe he’s waiting for someone.” Minseok looked at the man on the bench waiting for him to catch his gaze. When he did, Minseok nodded his head in the direction of the clock posted in the middle of the small park.


The man stood up and looked for the moon in the hazy sky, clouded by the lights from the endless hotels down the boulevard. He turned around and found the moon behind the overcast of the night. The shadow of the Earth had already been half way visible and the man got up from his seat. He pulled down his scarf and closed his eyes. Focusing on the other eleven boys and Lian, he clenched his fist and lifted it at eye level, released it, and a low and deep sound resonated around him, every stranger around him, paused in their tracks.


Minseok looked over and whispered to him, knowing his hearing would tune in to every little thing when he used his power.


“Thanks Tao.”


He winked back at him and started walking towards the two, knowing Lian would find out soon enough. She continued to admire the lights until she bumped into someone who seemed to be picking up something that had fallen on the ground.


“Oh! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t watching where I was going, here, let me help you.” Lian bent down to help pick up the fallen bags but they wouldn’t budge.




Lian remembered something like this had happened when she first met the boys. She looked up and saw the eclipse.


“Tao get out here.”


“Hey Lian.” He popped out from behind Minseok and hugged her.


“Hey, Tao. I haven’t seen you for a long time. So why’d you stop it?” She let go of him and waited for him to answer.


“Well it wasn’t my idea. And it’s not just me here,” he looked over her shoulder and saw a stream of water slowly turn in intricate patterns and shift into a small figure of a rabbit, “so turn around.” Tao took her shoulders and spun her.


Junmyeon’s here.


Lian smiled and gazed at the ‘rabbit’ as it hopped toward her and splashed onto the floor, turning into two koi fish. The fish swam around her, in the air, weaving through her arms and feet. Swimming circles up and around her, the two koi fish collided and burst into water droplets. She turned around assuming Junmyeon would be there, and was.


“You’ve gotten better Junmyeon.” She smiled and embraced him inhaling his calming scent of spring water.


“I’ve been practicing, and thank you for noticing.” He smiles at her and from the corner of his eyes, behind Lian he sees two figures walk towards the small group.


Hey Lian, long time no see..


“Luhan, you know I hate it when you do that.” Lian shook her head in hopes of getting Luhan out of it.


“Sorry Lian, you know I can’t help it. It’s too much fun to hear you freak out in your mind.” He grinned and hugged her.


“Whatever.” She let go of him and was quickly spun around against her own will and realized who it was.


“Hello Jongin.” She calmed her heart down and opened her arms for the fourth time.


The rest of the guys had pulled down their scarves and walked up to the group all greeting each other. After everyone said hi to one another, Lian had realized something.


“Wait, so I’m guessing that breeze was you, Sehun, and my ‘falling’ was Kyungsoo. Am I wrong?” She looked back and forth at the two with Kyungsoo coming up to her and squeezing her into another hug.


“You know it!” He chuckled.


“Hey what about us? Me and Chanyeol made the sunset earlier..” Baekhyun huffed and crossed his arms, pouting.


“You guys did that? For me?” She looked at them with wide eyes. “Of course.” They smiled as she ran at the two, pulling them into a big hug.


“Thank you guys, I’m glad you did that for me.”


“And what about me? If I hadn’t flown them back here, you wouldn’t have been able to thank them.” Kris huffed and turned his head to the side, trying to ignore her.


“Oh, thank you, Kris.” She turned and kissed him on the cheek in hopes to cheer him up. “And you look rather dashing tonight. Is this new?” Lian straightened his jacket and patted it down.


“It is! Finally, someone who notices my new clothes..” He hugged her but was quickly pulled away by Yixing.


“Hey I think someone’s getting jealous..” He winked at her and nodded his head at Minseok behind him.


Lian walked around him and stood before a pouting Minseok. “Are you jealous, Minseok?”


“No. Not at all. I’m just mad that you’re giving everyone attention but me.” He grunted and turned around.


“That’s jealousy, ‘Seok.” She hugged him from behind making sure no one could see his front. “And you know I’m the only one that gives you this kind of attention..” She whispered into his ear in a low voice while slowly moving her hands towards his lower region.


Minseok shivered at her little show but had to fight it, because if he didn’t, he might take her right then and there in front of all the guys, not giving a damn who’s watching. “Oookay! I forgive you.” He instantly turned around in her arms and kissed on her forehead.


“Okay enough of the mushy stuff, lets get to the skating!” Junmyeon put his fist in the air as all the others yelled in unison.


“Skating? But they don’t have a rink here.. Oh.” She questioned him but figured out his plan.


“Alright, Minseok, could you help me out?” Junmyeon put out his hand, palm facing up as the water quickly built up. Junmyeon then let the water go, it came out as a stream and fell all around the streets. A good two minutes later, the water covered a generous amount of the area, Minseok put out his hand and the water froze in an instant.


“Alright kids! Sit down, and put on your skates!” Yixing pulled out the duffel bag he had been hiding behind his back and gave everyone their skates.


“How do you know all of our sizes?” Chanyeol asked him as he had trouble tying the laces.


“I’m the healer. It’s my job to know everything about you guys. From blood type to shoe size.


“That’s a little weird, but I’m grateful.”


Everyone put their skates on and got onto the ice. Surprisingly, most of the guys were really good at skating. Tao was spinning circles around everyone and doing jump turns in the air. Lian expected Luhan of cheating when he started to spin continuously and bend his head backwards then jumping into the air.


Before Luhan did his final move, he was knocked down by a incoming snowball.


“Minseok! That’s not fair!” He got up and skated towards him but Minseok but his hands up in innocence.


“I swear I didn’t do it. I don’t throw em’. I just make em’.” Minseok left to find Lian.


Minseok had trouble skating around to find her. He was probably the worst skater out of all of them. Actually, no. He just saw Kyungsoo stumbling over and over again until Jongin took his arm and wrapped his own around his waist. Why can’t those two just come out already and get together like, seriously, it’s not a secret.


Minseok found Lian just skating circles around everyone, occasionally skating to some of the guys and chatting with them. Right before he was about to sneak up on her he heard Luhan yell.


“Jongdae, quit it!” Luhan then lifted his hand and picked up some of the ice that had turned into flakes from everyone skating around and threw it all at Jongdae.


Everyone started laughing at the now soaking Jongdae. Soon after a snowball fight broke out, everyone taking sides. With the help of Minseok, barriers of snow and ice were put up for more protection. They decided that the winner would be the one who could grab the small ice sculpture Minseok made in the center of the makeshift arena.


Jongin, Luhan and Chanyeol got the closest. Jongin moved like smoke when everyone threw snowballs at him, weaving through them like they were nothing. Luhan just blocked everything, but Junmyeon threw water from behind him. Chanyeol literally blazed through everything. Melting everything in his way, until Kyungsoo made him trip on a small pothole. Just then, he slid in and took the sculpture. Everyone was stunned that he had gotten to it so easily. Well, everyone except for two who were in an igloo.


“You know I really admire your abilities Minseok.”


“I still don’t get how you could stay with me. I’m so cold. Literally.”


Lian always had to cheer him up. Though she didn’t mind, because she could always have moments like this.


“Well, how could I help you warm up then?” Lian crawled onto Minseok’s lap, straddling him. She started kissing his neck down to the hollow of his collar bones. Both were too busy with themselves to realize that the igloo had been thawed by Chanyeol until they heard cat-calls and whoops coming from the boys.


“Whoo! Get it Minseok!”


“Damn, I didn’t know Lian topped?”


Everyone then started saying irrelevant comments until the couple got up.


“Whatever guys, you’re all just jealous that I have someone and you don’t.” Minseok took Lian by her waist and kissed her as slow as he possibly could. They broke out into a full on, heated, make out session. Wrapping her arms around him she released her lips from his.


“I love you Minseok. Thank you.”


“I love you too. Merry Christmas Lian.”


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Chapter 1: I cant wait for the rest of the stories! Loved the first one <3