The Seoul Effect


4 american girls travel to Seoul, Korea after winning a contest to go to a kpop convention and a few concerts. The girls are excited until they found out they were chosen to be apart of another contest. This contest is one where they become the idols that they have watched from afar and even meet the ones the most admire. 

This is the Seoul Effect.


The four girls walked off the airplane laughing as they walked into the busy airport with bags in hand. They were a rather excited bunch, one tall girl with chocolate skin was carrying around a video camera smiling while the other girls tried to cover their faces, hiding from the camera. Another girl who was only slightly shorter than the video girl was looking around, jumping excitedly, ready for the adventures that await. The other two, both looked around in awe at the faces of new people and a new culture. They walked outside and looked at the street. Their faces showed their excitment for what was to come next, but nothing could have prepared them for the fun adventure they were about to experience. The Seoul effect. 




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Chapter 19: OMO! It was beautiful! I love this story, and I got nervous there for a minute when Pure Bliss won but in the end I was like, Yep, the better and more graceful team won! Is there more to come, b/c I see you haven't marked this story as 'complete', so I hope there is more to come! Great story, as is your other one!
Chapter 5: Yay!!! I love this story!!! It's amazing!!!
Haileyboo #3
Chapter 4: Mooooooree!!!!!!
Ilabya #4