
It's Not My Fault I Turned Gay!

Jaejoong's POV

Jae came rounding the corner, blushing, with Yunho next to him smiling widely.

"Was it fun? Was it fun?"



"Ok, maybe a little."


We went into the bathroom to wash the that Yunho erupted inside me, when we both heard noises.

"Damn, I'm gonna get that Kim Junsu bastard."

I looked at Yunho questionally and he did the same. We decided to eavesdrop. We hid behind the door and listened on what he was saying.

"Argh, those are my girls I won't let him take any of them, I'm gonna find him!!!"

I gulped. What does he want with my Junsu? (When I meant my I mean freind my xDDD)

He was obviously talking to himself. There were sounds of stomping and pounding the walls.

I wanted to punch him, if he was gonna lay a hand on my cute Junsu, but Yunho pulled me back. "Sorry Boo, but you can't do something like hitting someone you don't know."

"Who said I don't know him?"

Yunho looked at me. "So you know him? Who?"

"Park Yoochun, I don't specificly know him but I know his name."

"You mean that hot guy that's always around girls?"

"Mmm-hmm." I didn't like the idea he called him hot.

"Why does he want Junsu for? I don't think he did anything bad, he's too innocent."

"Weren't you listening he took his girls."


We both heard footsteps coming nearer to us and we knew he was coming out so we ran off into the hallway. I guess I was gonna search for a different bathroom.

"I am not letting him touch my Junsu!" Jae whispered angrily. 

"Me, too Did you see his punching? I don't want him anywhere near that guy."

"Yea, we're gonna stay by his side." I had a disturbing daydream about Junsu on the floor and Yoochun laughing evily.

Junsu's POV

I looked around for my hyung, for a few minutes, I searched every janitor closet. But didn't see them. 

Until I heard them as they came running up to me. "jjjjjjjjuuuunnNNNNSSSSUUU!!!!"


Jae tackled me in a hug and told me if someone tried to hurt me. I shook my head, confused. They always make me confused.

"Thats good, we're gonna protect you." Yunho said.


They didn't bother to explain. They just stayed close to my side like I was a little child. They held my hand too. What are they doing?

Jae and Yunho quickly covered me when a figure walked passed them. HUH?? Was this a joke?

I tugged on Yunho's sleeve and looked up at him questionally. "There is this really bad guy that hates you and really want to get rid of you."


"Sorry, forgot...."

They both looked at Junsu who stared at them. "Bad guy?"

The nodded and gulp expecting him to break down in terror. But he just stood there and stared.

"Um.. Junsu?"

"I think you guys are crazy." I smiled at them innocently.

"Ahahahaha," they laughed nervously at me.

As we conitued to walked down the stairs to second period, Jae stopped and said. "Listen Junsu if you see any guy who looks hot and comes up to you like he's mad. Run."

I nodded. Were they trying to protect me?

"Ok, we have to go to second period now, remember my warning."

I nodded again.

They finally left which leaved me alone to walk in the hallway. "Junsu oppa!"


"Please accept this." A young girl came up to giving him a small box with pink heart wrappers and a note saying I love you.

"Thank you."

The girl smiled but then stopped when she saw the person behind me. "Y-yoochun oppa..."

"Oh, so now your cheating on me."


He looked at me and I noticed he was hot and looks mad.

"So you're Junsu?"

I ran.

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OrangeLibraMe #1
Hi~ I'm new... This is so cute XD LOL
run junsu run from mean yoochun....
nigyu07 #3
oww junsu-ah~ you're soooo innocent ke ke ke ke....<br />
update soon please....
DBSKloverforever #4
Lol he ran away ><<br />
he thinks Yoochun is handsome- so cute :D
LOL!!!...he ran....update soon!!!
next chappie XD
It sounds interesting...I'll be waiting for the next chapter...update soon please :)
interesting story<br />
more please!!!
DBSKloverforever #9
oooh ~ this seems interesting! Update soon please.<br />
I likey boyxboy kekeke 8DDDD