The Playboy Meets The Innocent

It's Not My Fault I Turned Gay!

Yoochun's POV

Park Yoochun walked up toward the school entrance while the girls fainted watching him go by. Yoochun smirked. The girls go crazy over him, he was handsome, rich, and manly. No one can compare.


A young looking high school girl came up to him, arms behind her back, and blushing deeply, making the other girls angry.

"Yes, beautiful?"

The girl stared up at him, admirely, blushing more. "I...please.... um... please accept this!!!"

She shoved a box, wrapped in pink heart wrappers, and a little note saying. "I love you."

Yoochun smiled kindly and said thank you, making her fall to her knees happily. Their eyes were popping with hearts on them. Yoochun smiled evilly when no one can see him, he entered the classroom and dumped the contents, apparently it was chocolate, into the trashcan before throwing the wrappers in as well.

"Heh, girls are just toys to play and mess around with. Their like slaves."

Outside Yoochun was nice and sweet, but inside he was evil and mean. Just like he said, girls are toys to just play and mess around with, that's how he is. He was a total player, girls love him because they thought he was sweet and kind. But the real sweet and kind one was someone else. A guy name Kim Junsu.

Junsu's POV


Junsu turned confusingly and looked at the girls running up to him. "Yes?"

They ran up to him with heart shaped eyes and smiled widely. "Oppa you look so good today."

Junsu looked confused. He was just wearing his same ol' school uniform. But it still made the girl go crazy that Junsu was so cute and innocent.

"T-thank you." Junsu blushed a little.


"I-I gotta go." Junsu walked awkwardly away. Did the girls confess to him just now? No. They say that everday.


Someone slapped Junsu on the back and laughed. "You sure are popular aren't you?"

"Popular, I'm popular?" Junsu turned to find his best friend Jaejoong.

"Uh, no duh!"

"I didn't know...."

"Then explain those girls running up to you all the time."

"I dunno."

"Your hopeless." He slapped Junsu on the back again, hard.


"That's what you get for being hopeless."

Junsu stick his tongue out at his hyung and they made their way down the hall. They were chatting happily when:


The shout came closer and closer and before Junsu could see anyhting, a figure swooped Jae off his feet and swung him over his shoulders.

"YAH! Yunnie! Put me down, now!"

Yunho looked at Jae and smiled goofingly and happily, which made Jae chuckle despite the fact he was still struggling on Yunho shoulders.

"Yunho hyung." Junsu smiled and looked at his hyung.

"Ah, hey Junsu, don't mind if I take your friend here would ya." He wiggled his eyebrows before saying. "He needs a trip to the janiter closet."

Junsu looked at Yunho, and being the innocent guy that he was, he nodded but confused too.

"Thanks, bro."

"AH! No Junsu! Don't let him."

Too late.

Yunho already went dashing away, with him over his shoulders, while everyone stared at them.

Junsu looked at them until they were out of sight, then went back to walking down the hall to his classroom. 

"I wonder what Yunho is gonna do with Jae. I wanna come, too." Junsu pouted. "I bet it's something fun."

As Junsu pouted down the hall the girls turned to him and started taking pictures on their phone. Junsu didn't notice it though, he was busy being mad at his hyung.

"Junsu oppa pouts are the best!"

"No doubt about that."

Junsu opened the door to his classroom and walked in. He sat in the very last row on the last seat, next to the window. He like to stare at the clouds as they move slowly by. It was so fluffy and white like cotton candy. Sometime he'll dream in class about them which made him drool.

Junsu sat at his seat and started listening to the boring lectures.

Yoochun's POV

Yoochun skipped class today to spend with the girls who just recently confessed with him. They were being lovey dovey next to staricase, with both the girls on each of his sides.

"I love you Yoochun oppa, your the best."

Yoochun smiled at her and responded. "I love you too."


The other girl tugged on his other sleeve and pouted. "Don't forget about me."

"I love you too." 


The two girls talked with Yoochun and argued with each other when a group of girls went passed them. Not noticing them.

"Awww did you see Kim Junsu's pout."

One girl nodded. "It was sooo cute, that I took a picture."

"Really?! Me too!"

Yoochun listened in on their conversation. He noticed the girl who spoke up next, the one that gave him choco.

"I like so love Junsu now, he's the best!"

That bastard girl. She said she loved me. No one! NO ONE is better than me!

When the group of girl passed and the two girls that was beside him went away, Yoochun went to the bathroom. He couldn't get his mind off of Junsu.

He took his girls for god sakes. They were his to control not some other boy. Kim Junsu, huh. I'll keep that in my mind. I'm gonna search for him.

That bastard.

Junsu's POV

"Yaa-chuu!" Junsu sneezed and rubbed his nose.

"Was someone talking about me?"


A/N: Hey guys this was a really short chapter >w<

Hope to do bigger and better ones! :D

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OrangeLibraMe #1
Hi~ I'm new... This is so cute XD LOL
run junsu run from mean yoochun....
nigyu07 #3
oww junsu-ah~ you're soooo innocent ke ke ke ke....<br />
update soon please....
DBSKloverforever #4
Lol he ran away ><<br />
he thinks Yoochun is handsome- so cute :D
LOL!!!...he ran....update soon!!!
next chappie XD
It sounds interesting...I'll be waiting for the next chapter...update soon please :)
interesting story<br />
more please!!!
DBSKloverforever #9
oooh ~ this seems interesting! Update soon please.<br />
I likey boyxboy kekeke 8DDDD