
Protecting You. [Hiatus]


“Hyung Mr. Park is safely at home now,” Junsu reported over the phone, “The SHINee boys are surrounding his room so it’s good, you don’t have to worry about tonight.”

“Good job,” I praised putting down the phone rubbing my temples, for the past few weeks I had been in charge of the safety of Mr. Park and for the past few weeks it was hell. He was so highly followed that it was impossible to let him even go to the washroom by himself. It was to the extent that I had to be by his side with the others. I picked up the phone again and dialed Doona’s number.

“Oppa, what’s up?” she answered breathing heavily.

“Am I interrupting something?” I asked taken aback by her breathing.

“No, I just finish my run, why?”

“Ah, nothing...”

“So why did you call?”

“I was wondering if the rest of DBSK are back.”


“It is time for me and the rest to take care of Mr. Park.”

“Well Yoochun oppa is still in America finishing some stuff up, Changmin oppa is in Spain with senator Jang. Yunho oppa is in Japan currently finishing business with Mr. Uzumaki.”

“When they come back make sure to message them telling them that the five of us are going to band together to protect the nuisance that we have...”

“Ok, do you want to know what Jay oppa is up to? Do you need his help?”

“Yeah where is he? I will need him to go and help Junsu first.”

“He’s currently right next to me lifting weights.”

I sighed, “Please hurry and inform him what I just told you.”

“Okay sir, I am right on it.”

I laughed as I can imagine her salute to me, I hung up the phone and leaned back closing my eyes. After a few minutes I re-opened them looking at the window I could see a shadow figure run across the lawn. Immediately I dialed the guards and within minutes the perpetrator was caught, I looked at him he had raggedy clothes on and I could see the hunger in his eyes.

“What are you doing here?” I asked calmly.


“Who are you? Are you a spy?”


“Can you understand me?” I watch his head move in acknowledgment, “Then why don’t you answer?”


“Sir I think he is mute,” one of the guards spoke up.

“Hmm, bring him to Doojoon so he can deal with him.” I watched as the man was taken out of the room, it was odd that this man was able to break into the high security mansion, this man could be make of use for us.


“Mr. Park, how are you?” I asked as we walked towards the hotel.

“I am fine just a little tired,” he said with a wide smile, no wonder everyone liked him he was a happy-go-luck fellow that made everyone comfortable.

“Is it alright for you to stay in the hotel room by yourself?”

“Yeah, I think it will be fine, I am going to be on the 23 floor, no one will be able to get up there.”

Are you sure, I mean it is easy for me to do that, “Oh yes, but I strongly recommend you to allow at least two of my men stay by your side. The safer you are the better it is."

“I strongly oppose, I would like to have at least one night alone, please?” He asked, suddenly pulling out his old puppy eyes.

“Ah..” I looked away as his gaze was starting to burden me, “Mr. Park please at least let me share a room with you.”

“Awe come on!” he pouted.

“Mr. Park, we are doing what the government is hiring us to do, and that is to protect you. Sorry but you can’t have it your way.”

“Fine, you’re a mean person.”

“...” I looked to Doona to see her trying to hide the laughter that was threatening to burst out, I shook my head as I followed him into the elevator. As the elevator door opened for the third floor I was surprised to be face with four unknown men that were covered in a mask, immediately I jumped in front of Mr. Park.

“Move,” I heard one of them speak, definitely someone from the North, his accent. They moved towards me and I could feel Mr. Park behind me frozen.

“No,” I said coldly, when I answered they started to attack me. They had knives on them, quickly I pressed the button attached to my shirt, “Assassinators.”

“I’ll be there,” I heard Doona say.

The men started to wave their knives at me, quickly dodging everything I kicked one of them in the stomach and grabbed one of their arms and twisted making him drop the knife. Pushing him in front of me I kicked him to the floor, still in front of Mr. Park I got into my defense mode. “Please don’t move.”


Charging at me again I watched as they divided themselves on both sides, running at me with their knives in front of them. In an instant I heard gun shots, looking to the sound I watched as Doona kept shooting until all four where died. I looked at her gave her small nod, she looked at me up and down and then towards Mr. Park, “Mr. Park are you okay?”

“Never better,” he said giving her a weak smile.

“Let’s hurry to his room,” she went to his side and guided him to his room.

When Mr. Park was showering I was in a deep conversation with Doona, “You should’ve never gone by yourself with Mr. Park. I mean I know you can protect him from four or six people but if there were more and no one was there to  help you,  you’d be dead.”

“I didn’t think that there would be someone already up there, I already had the whole floor checked.”

“Oppa, they are professionals. Just like us, we have to think of all the possibilities and just because you’re one of the best out of all of us. You are not invincible. If you hadn’t buzzed me when you did, I would’ve been a step too late and what if you got wounded and Mr. Park got killed?”

“I know now, stop being such a worrywart!”

“I am a worrywart because you’re the only one I have, you’re like my blood brother. We’ve been together for so long, I would be broken if I saw you injured.. Oppa.” I watched as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, “I’m going to call Jay oppa to come right now.”

“Okay,” I watched as she walked out of the room and two men walk in, bowing.

“Hyungnim, we searched the whole hotel, no one suspicious.”

“Okay, go out now.”

“Ye,” I closed my eyes and started to hum to myself to make myself feel better, I guess I will have to tighten my security up a few more notches.


I heard as the Jay and Doona shuffle into the room, “Hyung, you alright?”

“Yeah, was just surprised.”

“Sorry I wasn’t there, when I should’ve been.”

“It’s alright, I was just too careless.”

“How’s Mr. Park?”

“He’s fine, he’s in the kitchen making himself a snack.”


“Kids, are you sure that you guys don’t want to eat anything?”

“Yes, we are good.”

Mr. Park sat on one the couches and lay down eating his snack, laughing and pointing at the television.

“I would never imagine a senator doing that,” Doona said pushing up her glasses up a little, “I’ve totally lost the image of a sophisticated and cool Mr. Park...”

“Well you still see me as a cool Mr. Park right?” Jay asked smiling.

“Mr. Kim is way cooler~” Doona said smiling widely.

“Yaahh...” Jay looked at me then at Doona, “I see how it is.”


Night came and everyone was in bed, I sat beside Mr. Park as he was sleeping. My eyes closing ever few seconds, as I was about to doze off I heard a sudden noise from the balcony. Standing up ever so quietly I moved towards it, opening the curtains quickly I could see five guys standing there ready to break the sliding doors.   

“MR. PARK WAKE UP RIGHT NOW AND GET TO THE LIVING ROOM TO JAY AND DOONA!” I yelled, I head Mr. Park jerk up from bed and quickly running towards the door, but before he did I heard a gun shoot.

“ARG!” I turned to see Mr. Park get shot in the arm.


The door slammed open and Doona and Jay came running in, grabbing Mr. Park, they ran towards the exit. When the intruders broke in I was ready to take them on. Taking the offense I ran at them, shifting to the side before getting shot. Bullets started to be fired, but every one of them didn’t get me. I was surprised on how well they aimed at Mr. Park but how bad they were when they were shooting at me. Taking them out one by one, I ran out towards the lobby where we had decided to go if there was an emergency. But when I was out of the hallway I could see Doona fighting off two guys while, Jay and the others were surrounding the bleeding Mr. Park.  Punching  my way through I finally got to Jay, “Bring him away now!”

“Roger that,” Jay grabbed Mr. Park and lifted him on his shoulders, quickly running towards the elevator, when it opened he ran in with a couple of other men. Swiftly moving towards Doona, I knocked out the invaders and grabbed her hand pulling her to stair exits. We had to get to Mr. Park as fast as possible, as we flew down the stairs Doona dialed Junsu for him to come. When we finally reached the lobby, I spotted Jay right away as he was now over Mr. Park holding onto his wound as he was scanning around the room like a hawk to find anymore assassinators. Bolting towards them I grabbed Mr. Park, “Get the car!”

Speeding through the dark night, we headed towards the hospital as we reached the emergency entrance, I could hear tires wheels drifting. I turned to see a dark van with guns pointed out.

“HURRY IN, IN, IN!” I yelled. But before Mr. Park was able to get into the hospital door safely, a bullet passed through and hit Mr. Park in the chest. Staggering back Mr. Park fell to the floor, “JAY GET HIM IN NOW!”


I stood outside the operating room, the police had came and arrested the men that were in the van. Junsu had came and had parked the cars that enabled the men to escape, Doona had also ordered the extra men that came to surround the area to find any escapee. When the emergency light turned off, the doctor came out.

“How is Senator Park?” I asked.

“The surgery is successful, but we believe that he won’t make it... We have moved him to the Intensive Care Unit.”

I sighed, “Thank you doctor.” Grabbing my cell phone from my pocket, I dialed to Doona to call the Lieutenant of Defense to tell him the news.


That night the president came over to visit Mr. Park, he looked at me and sighed, “Thank you for trying... But I guess it was inevitable, he has to die... My good friend...”

“President don’t give up your hopes yet, Mr. Park may pull through this,” Doona said reassuring him.

“Mr. Park had had such a hard life in the political world as well as the normal world, I don’t know how Min Ah is going to take this. Mr. Shim, have you contacted her?”

“Yes sir, she has taken the earliest flight back and we expect her to arrive to Korea in the morning.”

“Buddy wait for your daughter to come, don’t let go too quickly. You have to see your daughter one last time...” I watched as the president wiped his tears and shook his head, “Mr. Shim let’s go back to the office, we have to deal with some things... Goodbye ladies and gentlemen.”

“Goodbye Mr. President,” we all said back bowing as he left.  

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Great story! :)
m0zarts0nata-- #2
Update soon ^^
yay ! you updated ! please update soon ! i want some progress between jae and minah relationship
Finally they are making progress! XDD and the boys are fine too!!! LoL<br />
Jaejoong just face your feelings, no need to be embarrass lol<br />
Please update soon!
I'm so sorry guys! I will try my best to update tomorrow, after I finish my essay, which I will be finishing tonight, no matter what! <3
msmjjeje36 #6
agree with them update soon please!!!
update soon!<br />
ii hope everything will be alright!
It's getting more complicated! And Jaejoong and Min Ah are getting closer!!<br />
Please update soon!<br />
Pray for Japan!
pls update again :]<br />
<br />
I hope the other two are FINE~!
i love the bad Jae! ^^ update soon ^^