When Zelo wants to make his relationship with Hyunmi public

Forever In Love : One shot requests (Currently OPEN)
B.A.P - Bow Wow

Heart racing, palms sweating, eyes darting back and forth, to say that Jung Hyunmi was nervous was a big understatement. 
Her boyfriend of one year, Choi Junhong, or going by his stage name, Zelo, has been talking to her a lot recently about making their relationship public. 
Now but of course with both of them being successful idols, she had been extremely weary with the mere thought of it being known amongst others. 
Plus she wasn't sure if their managers and companies would be against it or not. Well she was sort of hoping they would have been at least. And surprisingly enough and much to Zelo's happiness, they were okay with it. 
And so then the topic was discussed back and forth, and finally after about three weeks of countless begging, she was reluctant enough on letting him announce their relationship during Bap's comeback stage. 
Each passing day since then was getting closer and closer to the concert and Hyunmi was dreading each passing moment. 
She tried keeping her mind occupied with guest appearances and radio shows, but that only distracted her very little. 
And finally it was the night of the performance. Hyunmi thought it would be nice to dress herself slightly. Only wearing light make up and some nice yet comfy clothes. 
Hyunmi arrived at the venue, and along came 4Minute to show support for Bap's performance tonight, and to also show some support for their member Hyunmi as well. 
They knew well about the big announcement that's soon to take place later that evening and wanted to cheer them on and show some support.
They were all chatting amongst themselves in one of the backstage rooms, waiting for the final song. They all seemed to be having a good night, and Hyunmi admitted that she was feeling slightly better with her group mates with her. Yet her eyes kept darting back and forth to the clock until Hyuna noticed. 
"Now, I don't see why you're so nervous. You're such a wonderful person, how can they not love you? You're perfect for him and I know they'll think so too." Hyuna said gently as she hugged Hyunmi, as well as the rest of the group, giving out words of encouragement. 
Hyunmi smiled in return but that honestly didn't help the nervousness die down very much at all. 
"I really don't know guys.. What if something goes wrong tonight and it causes a riot of some sort, fans can be unpredictable. Oh dear." Hyunmi was currently fanning herself and was breathing heavily at the very thought of it. 
And she can see it now, death by angry fans. What a tragic way to die actually. 
"Bap you're on!" One of the staff members shouted in the room, making sure that the boys are prepared for their final performance of the night. 
The final performance.. that's when Zelo's going to announce the news to the whole world pretty much. 
And the thought of it only made Hyunmi's nervousness skyrocket to the ceiling, and she wasn't liking it one bit. 
Before heading onstage, Hyunmi spotted Zelo jogging over to them, his curls bouncing with each step. Hyunmi smiled and opened her arms to embrace him. He hugged her back tightly and spun her around before giving her a kiss to the cheek. He suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see 4minute looking at the both of them. 
"Ah annyeong noonas, I'm glad you guys can make it tonight." Zelo bowed respectfully towards them and Hyunmi giggled slightly. 
"Aigoo you're so adorable~ Hyunmi is lucky to have a kid like you. You better treat her well you hear?" Sohyun was pinching at Zelo's cheeks and he was laughing slightly at the odd noona. 
"Of course I'll treat her well. I love her~" He swayed his head slightly and Hyunmi couldn't help but to give him a small peck to the lips. His grin broadened and was about to say something until they heard someone shouting towards them.
"Yah! We're on in a minute, c'mon lets go! The hyungs are gonna be upset if we're late! Sorry girls but I need to take him." Jongup came running over to you guys, only to drag Zelo away as he waved back to the group of females. 
And so after a powerful and upbeat performance, Zelo had decided to get closer to the fans, while their screaming intensified as they notice their idol coming closer to them. He was finally about to make the announcement, Hyunmi thought as she bit her nails. 
4Minute were currently fangirling amongst themselves and Bap were standing a little behind Zelo, grinning like proud group mates. Hyunmi was currently sweating bullets at this point. Zelo smiled a little to himself before he took a deep breath and spoke. 
"Annyeong~ I have special news for you guys tonight! So for over the past year now, I've been dating this very special and awesome girl in private. And recently we have decided that you guys, our amazing fans, would have the right to know about our relationship. I know that you guys will be understanding of this."
"I've been dating Jung Hyunmi of 4Minute and I hope you guys will be supportive of us along the way! Thank you guys. Saranghae~" And with that he bowed towards the fans, and with Bap, left the stage. With the fans roaring in the background. 
While standing backstage, after the concert had ended, she payed no mind to the bustling of the other staff and crew around her, nor the loud shouts of orders and the other singers briefly conversing. 
"B-but what if they actually don't like me? Oh my gosh Junhong what if they end up being like those creepy fans that Exo gets and then they start threatening me or even worse, the other members! I don't even want to check online for their reactions. And what if-"
Hyunmi was quickly silenced as Zelo leaned down to give the short girl a sweet and gentle kiss to keep her quiet. As he pulled away he began to smile cheekily at her rather flushed expression. 
"Nah don't you worry, our Babyz are really the greatest fans you can get out there. I'm sure that they'll be accepting of our relationship no matter what. You saw the crowd out there earlier, they seemed pretty happy." Zelo reassured her greatly. 
And he was right too about that too. After the concert Hyunmi read some comments about the announcements and a lot of them were very encouraging. Sure there were a few haters here and there, but she ignored that. 
Seeing the positive comments from all kinds of fans made her feel so happy to have supportive fans, friends and family. Plus there was her tall boyfriend being there with her along the way. 
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My Request~

Name: Yahyah
Partner: Zelo
scenario: you wake up crying from a bad dream (your dream: he left you for a noona). He wakes up and comforts you until you go back to sleep.
[[Dongsang & Oppa love]]
Name; Jung Minhae
Partner; Bts's Suga
Scenario; Authors choice
ilovejunhong #3
Chapter 1: AWE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name; Yong Wonyeon

Partner; VIXX's Ravi

Scenario; When Ravi realized he falls for his strong and independent best-friend, Wonyeon, who he always treat as brothers.

Good luck author-nim, HWAITING! ^^
Name: Do Ahra
Partner: VIXX's Leo
Scenario: When Leo finally confess -at the concert- that he likes and has a feeling for someone, and wants to date her in public. It was turned out to be Jellyfish Ent's songwriter, Do Ahra ^^
ilovejunhong #6
Jung Hyunmi

Choi Junhong (ZELO) BAP

Where he announces your relationship to the public and they have a good response.

Hyunmi is also an idol but is an OC

Thank you!
ilabya5 #7