
Dear Myungsoo

Dear Myungsoo,

I have watched the thanks to video made for us fans.

you have suffered a lot. the other members too.

congratulations for achieving yet another stage in your life that you has been dreaming of.

i am so proud of you.

you had been through a lot hadn't you?

despite that, you kept your smile on, so that your fans won't be worried.

i hope you learnt soething from what have happen over this few months.

i hope you won't be making the same mistakes all over again.

i'll be here for you.

we, inspirits will be here for you.

Let's walk together till the end.

We might be hurt, we might be upset at you for a while,

but as true fans who truly loves you, we will stay here by your side.

i love you always.

congratulations again.

Just Another Fangirl.

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Caitlynn2013 #1
Chapter 5: This fanfic actually ment a lot to me. This fanfic is like my life, liking someone who will pro bulwark never like u back
Chapter 1:

nothing else to say~