Teaser 3- Park MiCha and her world...

Between the Sun and The Moon.

My name is Park MiCha and I'm 19 years old, just made them last month, August, I'm living, studying and working in my hometown Seoul, majoring in Overseas Languages in Seoul University, I'm just a first year, I still have a long way to go. 

Shall I tell you about my world?

Well it's a little different from yours, in my world society has divided the people in three categories, stupid idiotic thing if you ask me but well:

"The Angels" - The Day and Sun lovers, people who only live during the day and sleep for as long as its dark.

"The Demons" - The Night and Moon lovers, people who only live during the night and sleep for as long as its day. 

And of course the mid-term, to which I belong has an obvious name...wanna guess?

"The Dark Angels" (Obvious right?) - People who don't really care and live in both day and night.

These are true titles, they are on your ID card because there are certain buildings who don't accept people of certain titles, there's no way a night club would accept and Angel get it? How do they make sure what you are? They...wait...I'm not gonna tell you yet. 

Anyways I should tell you a little more about myself...there's nothing much to say, I'm an employee in "Beauty Nature Seoul" a flower shop and I love working there, the mix of sweet scents in the air is a nice way to start and end the day not to mention the beauty of the rare exotic flowers.

I also have a disease...like any other disease it gives me limitations but I'm used..I have had it ever since I remember and it's not only bad things, it taught me to do things differently and gave me an ability I don't really share with everyone, I can see the good and bad in people very easily, I can see their titles just by hearing their voices, I have grown used to identity the bad people since I have met so many. 

Through my life...which wasn't easy...I learned trust is a precious gift and that I shouldn't give it to just anyone, I also learned that not everyone has a dark heart just because they had a dark past or have a bad life, it's a risk needed to be taken so we can live together as a society, if strangers don't meet, friends and even lovers won't exist, so even if I don't give trust easily I always have a open mind to anyone that I find and meet.

Thanks to that I have good friends even if the list is short, they are enough, my family....I won't mention it yet but I had a beautiful childhood where I met one of my best friends who is a Dark Angel like me and the other who is the daughter of my boss is an Angel, Hwang HyeMi, who is the same age as me and in my class and Kim Jihye, younger than me by a year and an high-school senior. 

They are both very important to me though me and HyeMi have a special bond, we know absolutely everything about each other, we reached the point of readings thoughts. 

Anyways enough of the chit-chat, you know enough already, see you soon my dear reader.



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