Flair & Fleur & Key

Chapter 4: E X C L U S I V E . E P I L O G U E

“Will you take Miss Won Eun Na to be your wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till in death you part?”

“I do!” Key answered loudly and affectionately. I could catch his sideway glance at me from the corner of my eyes.

“Miss Won Eun Na, will you take Mr Kim Ki Bum to be your wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till in death you part?

“I do!” I tried to answer as firmly as Key, but I was attempting to endure my laughter, since it was the first time I heard Key’s full birth name.

His name sounded so formal, so unlike him.

“And with this ring I thee wed, and with my body I thee honor, and pledge my faithfulness,” Key and I exchanged our vows.

Next, we helped each other to wear the specialized rings, which were individualistic since Key designed them himself.

“I love you, Won Eun Na!”

“I love you, Key Kim Ki Bum!”

I saw Key’s affronted scowl, upon hearing me calling his full birth name. However, that scowl of his only stayed on his face for a moment. His lips curved upwards into a bright charming smile as he lifted my veil.

“You will get it from me later!” He whispered into my ears before crashing his lips onto mine.

I did not bother to think of what Key had in plan for me. All I knew that I was married to the one man I loved, and I was more than grateful for that.

Our love was sufficient to keep me going.

“Key & Eun Na. Love. Forever & Always.”

“Key, can you tell me the significance of the piece of black paper? I know the empty album is to be filled with photos of our future together. However, I still cannot figure out the meaning behind the empty black paper.” I asked Key as we were in the car.

“Black paper?” Key gave me a bewildered look. Then, his face glowed.

“That was a mistake!” He continued, “This is embarrassing.”

I heard his whisper to himself.

“What embarrassing mistake?” I questioned again.

“That was supposed to be some black paper which I am going to throw away. I had been cutting and doing some sketches with black papers. Somehow, one of them just dropped into your gift.” Key replied with a sheepish smile.

“So there is no special significance to it?” I was disappointed.

“Well, let’s just treat it as a special piece of black paper if you like it. It helped to bring us together in a way, didn’t it? You had mentioned that it had my scent. That black paper may be a hint to you that the sender was me. However, you are too dense to figure it out!” Key sniggered.

“Hey!” I smacked Key as I pouted. How I wished that that black empty paper would mean something. The love story between Key and I would have seemed more magical and romantic then.

I guessed I had to make do with reality.

“I love you, Won Eun Na.” Key indiscriminately leaned towards me and gave me another gentle kiss on my lips.

“I love you too, Key!” I declared my love for him honestly and directly.

Flair, fleur and Key – just the perfect combination for me!


E N J O Y & C O M M E N T S P L E A S E ! = ]

L O V E S & C H E E R S T O A L L ! =D

t h 1 r d 3 y e / crunch


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