
       “How are you?” He sat down in front of an old blue-gray tombstone which was still beautiful despite its age.

       “It’s been so long” He said touching the quaint headstone. Its etching was so familiar to his hands that he need not read what it was saying to know whose it was.

       “Im Yoona

      “I miss you. I really do. Time didn’t do much to help me forget you.” He smiled bitterly, reminiscing their bitter-sweet memories, how they met, got together and how they parted. Meeting her was like a roller-coaster ride for him, whether it was up or down, there was certainly no dull moment.

     “Do you know how long it had been since you left?” He continued, playing with the soft grass underneath him, wet from the rain the night before. “I’m sure you don’t.” he chuckled, finding his own question ridiculous.

     “Do you still remember me?” He asked again as if he’s expecting someone, in some way will really answer him.

     “It’s me, LuHan

     “It’s been more than six years since you died and there’s no single moment that I didn’t think of you.” He caressed the flower he brought and smelled it before putting it down.

    “By the way, I met a girl a few weeks ago. And to tell you, she looks very much like you but compared to you, she isn’t very prim and proper, not to my liking.” He tittered upon remembering the night of the Masquerade Ball where he met the girl.

    “I know she isn’t you, and she will never be but sometimes I can’t help but to see you in her and feel the same way I felt for you before whenever she’s around.” His eyes filled with the grief he’s been bottling in for a very long time.

    He sighed as he stood and stared at the gloomy gray sky above, he closed his eyes breathing the fresh autumn air turning frigid, a sign of the winter season coming. It took him a while to turn to the tombstone again.
   "Her name is Seo Ju Hyun"
        Oops, Crappy prologue there ;-; I'm sorry ~ And btw I changed the aloof Luhan to something else since he's not really detached here, he's just quiet and choosy? haha lol i can't explain it really.
Anyway~ Prolgue is up! Hihi! Enjooyyyy?


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eugenenni #1
Chapter 3: Update soon please author-nim~~~
Eycha_sk11 #2
Chapter 2: Aww seohan~ they got the same number right? ^^
SoshiLuver327 #3
Chapter 2: I'm Loving your story.....
Update soon^^
ambai90 #4
Chapter 2: omg !! i bet seohan have some numbers
how fate can really play with our life ... awww... so sweet

can't wait for next update !!
adanur #5
Chapter 2: I enjoy the first chapter too...
Update soon...
nanjang #6
Chapter 1: Luhan, you have to move on!!!!
Seohyun is not Yoona!!