
Geeks Advertisement Shop

❝ the geek manual ❞

Geeks Advertisement is an advertising shop for stories, roleplays, shops, contests, and more catered to your needs. We try to provide the best service that is fair for everyone and with that, comes karma points that is rewarded to the advertisers for promoting your roleplay in a timely manner. We ask of you not to rush the advertisers when finishing a request as we do have other things on our hands to deal with as well. We promise, if we are not able to deliver your ads in time, a proper refund of your paid cost but hopefully that rarely happens so everyone will be satisfied.

To officially become a geek, please subscribe and stay subscribed until your request is finalized. Upvoting is optional but required if you unsubscribe. You must complete an application form then comment requesting to have your thread advertised. After commenting, you must pay the advertisers the cost of your service. If you fail to comment, we will simply ignore your request and failing to pay for your service will result in blacklisting. Feel free to request as many times as you want (no more than three requests a person) but you cannot request the same story, roleplay, etc. more than once. After your comment is accepted, it will take the advertisers a few days to complete the task before it is published on our thread. This will notify you as a subscriber through our feed that our job is done.

❝ geek squad set-up ❞

In order for us to advertise, here are the services we provide for you and the prices that match those services. We'll call these services a 'set'. There will be a total of three personalized sets, a single set, and a custom set.

— Free promotional chapter
— 25 wall ads per week
— For every added week, an extra 25kp
— Total price of set: 40kp

— Free promotional chapter
— 50 wall ads per week
— Featured on the thread for 3 days
— For every added week, an extra 50kp
— Total price of set: 70kp

​— Free promotional chapter
— 84 wall 
ads per week
— Featured on the thread for a week
— Upvote to the story by advertiser
— For every added week, an extra 84kp
— Total price of set: 125kp

For this set, you can request how many of each one of the following you would like us to advertise. Example: 12 ads = 12kp 

— One wall post: 1kp
— One blog post: 2kp
— Featured: 3kp per day [ex: a week=21kp]
— One chapter: Free
— 2-5 chapters: 5kp per chapter


— Subscription: 5kp
— Upvote: 10kp [exception for Set C]

If there is a certain schedule you want us to advertise your roleplay, please let us know. A custom schedule, for example, is if you want your thread advertised on Friday for two weeks with 20 wall posts. The total would be: 20 wall posts x2 weeks = 40kp + 5 (friday) + 5 (custom fee) = 50kp

— Monday thru Wednesday: 3kp
— Thurday and Friday: 5kp
— Saturday and Sunday: 10kp

If there are any additional questions about these sets, drop a comment below.

❝ join the geek squad ❞

Please read through our manual so you understand how we work here in this shop and follow any instructions given.

Then read the set-up for any sets you are interested in.

After you have decided, complete the application form here.

You must comment once you are done. Comment with the following: "I have requested to join the squad".

Wait for an advertiser to accept your request. Once it is accepted, it will be pending until you pay for the cost. Your request will then be put into stages until it is complete. Make sure to check your subscribers feed to be notified about our completion.

After a number of days (one month) since your advertisement, we will move your ad to our affiliates.



❝ geeks affiliates ❞

01 ❯ Voyage Through Worlds | Multi-Shop

+ If you're interested in becoming affiliates, feel free to drop a comment!

[ GEEKS AD ] If you're a fan of thrilling fanfics and Monsta X, check out this new story written by serenitea named "Underland"!


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chanbob 102 streak #1
I've requested to join the squad. hope I did it thoroughly :)
I've requested to join the squad again! Just send me the receipt with both.
I've requested to join the Squad!!!!

Also question, I want to request again for an Entertainment. What would i put that under? Shops, Facts. Or what? Thanks!!
Hey~ I've requested :) looking forward to your reply ^-^
I requested. My last request was completely ignored so hopefully I'll be luckier it won't happen again :)
StoicBread #6
Hello! Do you advertise shops also?
Kay_scarlet #7
I requested to join that sQUAD ❤❤❤❤❤
i requested to join the squad ^^ sorry but i didnt understand the message to readers and your advertisement
I requested to join the squad.
I have requested to join the squad : 3