
Rabin Drabbles

6. Frustration


That night with Hongbin suddenly snuggled into his bed at 2a.m, Wonshik almost could tell what was wrong. He didn't want to admit it, he doesn't want to admit that he is sure about what is going to happen.


He holds his breath in, in whatever he has in his lungs to lower the tension rising in his stomach. He keeps his eyes closed and his back facing the handsome friend. He doesn't want to deal with this for some reasons.


"I don't think I can do this anymore," Hongbin whispers, his hands curl tighter around the slightly bigger one's torso.


"Do... what?" Wonshik also whispers, there is something in Hongbin's voice that makes him feel so small, that he should just shut up and go along with whatever the latter wants. However, he chooses to be ignorant.


"Maybe you should just find a new artwork Sik ah," he gives the last squeeze before letting go.


Still with his eyes closed, Wonshik lets out a shaky breath "Care to tell me why?" He notices the other stopping in his track. Hongbin must be thinking really carefully about what to say.


"I'm just tired of being your shadow." He says heavily.


Wonshik is furious. All this time, he has thought that they may be something more than friends. All this time, he has thought that Hongbin may, with the smallest chance, think of him as a special person that he never wants to loose. Look what's going on now.


He rises up in his bed with eyes opened wide. He shouts everything that was kept in his lungs for so long. He doesn't even bother to keep track of what he is saying. He shouts, and shouts, then breaks down crying. He just want to disappear in a hole.


"Idiot. Idiot." He buries his face deep down in the thick stack of blankets - that were prepared to give him a good sleep - until his cries are inaudible "Why the hell am I crying in front of you..."



He then feels footsteps heavily hit the ground and the silent click of the wooden door. It's over. 

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Chapter 5: Chapter five is extremely adorable. That really does sound like the perfect thing to do with your significant other on a lazy Sunday morning.
Chapter 6: Dangit they're all angsty
Chapter 1: You cannot just end it like that. What happens? Why was Hongbin ignoring him? /sadness
Chapter 2: ;_; aw no happy ending for Shik-ie? These are interesting, please write more~