Lies and Sorry...

From the start to the end

GDragon's POV

Oh my god.... She's dating someone as soon as she's back... Am I not worthy for her? I want her to explain all of these to me...

"Oppa,gwenchana?" Jennie asked looking into my eyes. I gave her a smile and nodded. "Nae, I'm fine... um.. hey Jennie... you seemed to know the guy earlier... who was he?" I asked hoping for an answer.

"Oh ... That was JiSung... he's a model who came back from US". MODEL?! No way.... wait... I'm also a model... and a singer too.. is she picky? 

"I see... are you friends with him?" I asked again. She took a moment of silence and finally nodded to my question "He and I were schoolmates. We have the same age too" she continued. I gave out a sigh and stretched my arms from all the driving. 

"Okay, I'll see you on Saturday... We're going for a double date" she said happily before she closed the car door. I waved her goodbye before driving away. 'What is wrong with me? Why am I thinking of her that much? I already have Jennie back with me...' I wondered.

"Min~ Let's go we have a date to be on!" 

THEY'RE COUPLES!? I accidentally released the stearing and almost hit a truck but luckily, I managed to turn the car in seconds. "Woah... that was dangerous..." I sighed as I continued driving. My phone rang and I quickly stopped the car at the side of the road to answer it.

???&Ji's Conver

Jiyong: Who is it?

???: We need to talk.... meet me at Wings Pastries...

Jiyong: Wait what? Who are you?!

???: Just come over....

Jiyong: What? Hey -

Phone convers hanged

What the heck was that about? But whatever... I don't have any schedule for the rest of the day anyway.... 

I started my car again and drove to where the caller told me to meet... them? I couldn't figure if it was a girl or a boy because it's a bit akward. 'I wonder if it's one of YG's workers...' I thought as I slowly got out of my car and got in wearing my sunglasses. 

I started to scan around the cafe until, "Mr Jiyong? Your friend is waiting for you at a private room" one of the waiter told me and with that I followed him to the room he stated.

I pushed open the door to find nothing at first until I got in fully.

"Hey..." said the very familiar girl who stood against a wall. "Minha... no.. what is going on?! Why did you left and suddenly you came back?! And... you're dating someone now?!" I yelled releasing my anger at her. She closed her eyes as I yelled at her

Normal POV

I knew he would react like this... I don't think he'll accept my explanation... I opened my eyes and looked at him but somehow... I couldn't. I can't look at his face so I turned my head away looking at the floor.

"Why aren't you talking to me?" he asked. I thought I could finally talk to him instead of running away from being scarred by him. "Fine... if you're not going to talk... I'm going to leave..." I heard Jiyong said. And as soon as he was about to open the door, tears started to fall.

"I'm sorry..." I said very softly that it turned out into a whisper. But Jiyong still turned as soon as I did that.

"Again with the sorries! Can't you explain everything?! Why are you being like this to me.. no not just me... Why are you beimg like to to everyone?! Don't you know how worried the others were?! You have no idea... how many night I couldn't sleep. I thought you were taken away for ever and won't come back! Explain everything to me, Minha!" he yelled out as his voice started to get even hoarse.

"Jiyong... first of all... do you like me?" I asked hoping for a no.

Eventhough he was wearing sunglasses, I could see his eyes changing.

"JUST WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" he yelled. I closed my eyes again and repeated the same question.

"Why are you asking me that question at this time?!" he yelled back. I looked at the floor for a few moments and looked back at him with a smirk on my face.

"Is that a yes? I'm sorry but you're not fit to be with me... I just used you. I knew that you were dating that Jennie girl ever since we met. And the video that Seunghyun got... It was all from me. You're such an idiot to not know that. Using you was like clapping my hands. You are nothing to m-"


I knew that he would be like this. "I can't believe you, Kim Minha... I don't want to see you around me or any of the Big Bang members ever again. Don't you dare talk to us" Jiyong warned before he left without any words coming out of his mouth.

As soon as he was gone, I slowly fell to the floor and and held my left cheek that was burning. That was the hardest hit I got in my life... but... I deserved it...

"You bet me on a gamble?! Appa!"

"I'm sorry Minha... but you'll have to be with the president's son..."

"But... why did you even used me?!"

"I wish I could erase the deal.... I'm really sorry..."

"Does mom know?"



"Yes... she does..."

"Since when?"

"The day I lost the bet... I'm such an idiot... I wish you deserved a better father... I'm so sorry, Minha"

"Why didn't anyone tell me? Does my unnie know?"

"Yes... everyone in this family knew except you...."

"I can't believe you... you left us and now you tell me that you bet me on a gamble... why are you like this?!"

"I'm sorry, Minha.... I truly am..."

I'm so pathetic... I'm even used as a prize on a gamble game... That's so funny...

I took at the cafe's mirrow and saw a bruise on my face. "That's not good" I said to myself. It was still burning that time but I had to leave the cafe somehow.

I slowly stood up and went to the door until I suddenly started to feel dizzy. I shook my head a couple of time and finally went out of the building

It was raining heavily. "Nice way to celebrate my Day..." I said to myself before heading out into the rain until I suddenly out.

'Ah... where am I? What happened?' I thoughted as soon as I woke up in a bed.'

"This place seemed familiar... It's so purple... AH! My cheek hurts...." I winced when a sudden pain came. 'Huh? It's bandaged... wait where the heck am I?!' I questioned myself in my mind.

I heard the door opening and I quickly closed my eyes to pretend that I'm still unconcious. 

"She's still asleep... I can't believe I found her in the middle of the road last night". That voice sounds familiar... "And she had a bruise... I wonder what happened to her..." Another familiar voice was heard. "I don't know Hyung... But I'm really worried of her... and where the heck is Jiyong?!" 


Oh god... I'm in Big Bang's dorm! I have to get out of here... "I'll stay here to look after her... you can go to the meeting first" I heard Seunghyun said to Tae. "Okay... call me when she's awake" Tae said before I heard the door opening and closing.

"He's gone now... you can get up, Minha" I heard Seunghyun said and I immidietly obeyed. "What happened to me?" I asked him still lying on the bed with my eyes opened. "Taeyang found you fainted at the roadside when he was driving and then brought you here" he replied as he sat at the edge of the bed.

"You had a high fever too... and what happened to your face?". "Does Jiyong know I'm here?" I asked avoiding answering his question. As soon as he shook his head I tried to get out of the bed and stood up just to fall again. But thankfully Seunghyun caught me just in time.

"Did you not hear me? You have a fever! You need to rest!" he said with anger in his voice.

"You don't understand... I have to go... I can't stay here!" I yelled as I tired to push him away from me. He managed to kept me still  by grabbing both my arms and pushed me onto the bed.

"Why are you being like this? Did we do something wrong to you?" he asked looking into my eyes. 'No.. please don't ask that' I thought as I started to close my eyes.

"Minha... please tell me... just this question. Do you love us?" and I snapped my eyes open and replied "Of course I do but I can't be with you guys anymore so please let me go... and please.. forget me..."

He knew that I won't answer anything else as he finally got off of me.

"I'm sorry Seunghyun... and here... take this back... I don't deserve it" I said as I removed the necklace that we bought together. He shooked his head and said "Keep it. But don't ever give it away or even throw it away". I could see sadness in his eyes that brought tears into my eyes.

"Don't cry..." he said as he wiped my tears of with his thumb. "I'm sorry... Seunghyun" I mumbled as I tried to keep my voice steady.

I saw him smile but the sadness in his eyes are still visible.

Suddenly the door opened up and my fear came back to me. "Jiyong!" Seunghyun called out. "Jiyong, don't go in there! SEUNGHYUN GET MINHA OUT OF THAT ROOM" Taeyang's voice was clearer and louder than usual.

I saw Jiyong giving me death glares that sent me shivers. "What did I told you yesterday? DON"T COME NEAR US!!" Jiyong yelled out as he tried to hit me again but thankfully Daesung, Seungri and Tae caught him and managed to avoiding it to happen. "Come on Minha, let's go" Seunghyun said as he grabbed my hand. I pulled my hand away and stood up.

"Gomawo and Goodbye" I said before running out of the Dorm. As soon as I got out, I looked back at the building. "Bye bye, everyone" I thought before turning around again and finally left.

I kept on walking until I saw someone that I knew. "Oh annyeong, you must be Min" she said. I gave her a smile and nodde.

"You must be Jennie... Jiyong's girlfriend right?" I asked and received a nod. "Ahh.. I see... you're lucky to be with him... Take care of him, okay? I have to go" I said before saying goodbye to her.

I knew somthing about her that was wrong. She's the person who caught the video and sent it to Jiyong 5 years ago. And she was the one who found my dad and took him to me. And she was also the one who called to blackmailed me. It's all her doings I know it. But I can't do anything... I'm powerlesss against her.

I felt my pocket vibrating and I slowly took my phone out. 'Hey Min, can you come over to my house for a second?' I looked at my watched before replying 'Oh sure... I'll be there in a few minutes' and I quickly caught a cab and was on my way. About JiSung. He's the president's son. And that means his dad is a very powerful gangster that everyone in Korea is afraid to be with. 

I'm surprised that his son is as normal as I am. He's a model too. I met his dad once and he seem nice... I guess... he was a bit awkward when he tried to be polite with me. And JiSung even said that he'll try to protect me with everything he got. And I think that either means he'll protect me like a normal guy or even have his people kick the hell out of the people who messes with us.

But overall he's a really nice guy. But he does always sits at his dad's table so I guess he did learn a few things from him. And he looked cool in the picture I took.

I guess he's going to be the next boss... and yes he's a one year older then me.

Anyways back to where I was, I got out of the cab to find his leaning against the wall that led to his house....mansion.


"Hey, Min!" he said waving to me. I gave him a small smile and waved back. "Hey Ji... what's up?" I asked. He took a few moment to arrange his words and finally said "My dad's workers said they saw you faint in the middle of the road and a guy took you somewhere... what happened?" he asked gently.

I gave out a sigh and motioned him to sit down on a bench and I told him everything. He had helped me a lot and actually he let me use the VIP room at the cafe last night. He had a 'friend' who was the manager there.

"I see... does your cheek still hurt?" he asked and received a shook from me until he slowly poked it. I winced a little and he sighed. "Why did you have to lie about that to him?" he asked as he looked up at the sky.

"You know what my dad did... so what can I do? You want him to be killed by your dad? No offence!" I said He gave me a glare and replied "Non taken... I can't understang that old man of mine... Since when did I ask for a girlfriend? I already had one back at school".

"Yeah.. and she always take charge instead of you" I said without thinking. "Watch your mouth young lady" Ji warned without meaning it. "Sorry... but I'm really sorry for Daum unnie... you two really suited each other and now I messed things up..." I said staring at the ground.

I felt him moving my head and let it on his shoulder, "It's alright... I already told her everything so once this is all over, everything will go back to normal". "What if it doesn't? And what will I tell the boys? There's no way they'll accept me back.. after what I did..." I said feeling really scared and guilty.

"Hey, listen to me. When I say it's going to be fine then that's that. If they really do love you then they would listen to you REAL explanation and accept you again" he said pulling on my uninjured cheek.

"Okay,okay I believe you..." I said as I tried to pull his hand away from my good cheek before it turned into bad.

"Good... now... do you want to come inside and have tea?" he asked blinking a few times. I shook my head and said "Can we go out instead?" "To give my dad more evidence that we're together? Okay then" he said as he helped me up. "But where are we going?" he asked.

I took a few minutes to think and finally cam up with an answer. "LOTTE!!". "You don't have to yell you know" he pouted and received a giggle from me. "Sorry Ji" I said smiling at him before we went to his motor and went to Lotte World. Actually he knew who Jennie was and hated her ever since high school.

He said she was a playgirl and always go for cute or famous people to have her name on the papers.

And that means, she's using Jiyong... "Minha... if you don't want to fall off then you better hold onto my jacket" I heard Ji said and I quickly obeyed.

Well first of all I don't want to add scars on my face. Secondly he likes to drive faster than a cheetah. I almost had a heart attack at the first time of riding a motor with him. And Him riding a Ninja 1000 is another thing.

"YAH!!! I told you to slow down for the 1000th time already!" I shouted as he drove. "I can't help it! I just love it!" he sang. I couldb't do anything but just prayed that we'll make it to our destination safely.

And thankfully we did. I got off of the motor with his help and hit him with the helmet I wore. "That's for almost giving me a heart attack, Jerk!" I shouted and glared at him. "Aww... don't be mad at me~" he pouted. I gave out a sighed and nodded before going in to buy our tickets.

As JiSung here is a model and I'm a singer, many people were watching us. Probably thinking that we were on a date. Some were even taking pictures of us and Jisung quickly gave me a cap and sunglasses. "I think I'm better off with just a pair of normal glasses" he said as he wore them.

"Thanks, Ji. I forgot to bring mine along" I said smiling at him. He returned my smiled adn the two of us went to a mirror house. When we were in there I kept on laughing at JiSung's reflection. He looked really short while I was really tall.

"Aigoo! I shrunk!" he joked as he waved his hands around. I kept on laughing at his actions and stopped when I saw someone that I wish weren't there.

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:/ hey unicornsss! I know I'm supposed to be back with a new chappy but apprantly I'm having writer's block so please be patient with me okay? Love you all!


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syaveda #1
Chapter 31: Update soon
HarunoMayaki #2
Chapter 29: Moarrrrrrr!!!!!! *-*