Trip to the Mall


With a sigh I get out of the car.  Jaejoong and I are at the mall because it’s getting cold out and I need a new pair of earmuffs.  Knowing my boyfriend though, this won’t just be a simple trip to buy warm headgear to protect against the increasingly cold weather.


So this probalby isn't that good but I got the idea and just thought I would go for it.  The hat that Jaejoong gets is the one that he's been wearing and said look like cow s in a recent radio interview and the dress is this one that I'm going to order for myself soon  As always, you don't have to read my other Jaejoong stories for this one to make since but please feel free to.  Comments are always welcome.


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aptxgirl #1
Chapter 2: this is so cute ^^ thanks for writing this story ^^