cause i love him so much

“Daddy!” a 5 years old boy running towards a man, and hug him tightly

“Sandeul-ah” the man hug the boy and lift him up “I miss you”

“I miss you too daddy! So much!!!” the boy named Sandeul looked at his daddy eyes showed him how much he missed the man

“Really? How much?” the man teased his child

“thissss mucchhhh” the boy made a big circle with his hand

“haha, daddy miss you too.. So much, more than you” the man peck Sandeul’s lip showed him how he really missed the kid

“If you really miss me that much why you go so far for 2 weeks?” Sandeul almost crying on his daddy’s embrace

“I’ve told you cho sandeul, it was for a business trip, that’s why I couldn’t take you with me cause you have school, but daddy promise to lessen my business trip from this time onwards since I won the deal so next time they are the one who need to come here to see me because I’m the boss now” the man smiled proudly “so…. Shall we go home now? I’ve bought many things for you and let’s have ice cream party tonight!”

“Ice cream? Yayy!!! I love you daddy!!! Let’s go let’s go quick!” Sandeul was smiling happily couldn’t wait for ice cream party with his dad, the man chuckled on his boy reaction and stopped immediately when he saw a woman walking towards him, Kyuhyun put Sandeul down and hugged the woman

“Welcome home Kyu” the woman hugged back his son

“I’m home mom, thanks for taking care of Sandeul while I was away” Kyuhyun let go his mom hug

“It’s okay Kyu, you can bring him anytime you want, he’s really adorable, looking at him can cure my longing for Sung..” Kyuhyun’s mom suddenly stopped when she realized she had talked too much “sorry, I never mean to hurt you Kyu..” Kyuhyun’s mom looked at her son worriedly

“It’s okay mom, I know.. Cause I miss him too..” Kyuhyun looked at the floor trying to hide his sadness


“Okay! Time to go home! Cho Sandeul, say thanks to grandma!” Kyuhyun looking at his son who was playing with his bunny doll while Kyuhyun talking with his mom

“Thank you grandma!!! I love you! Going to miss your pumpkin soup! Really nice!” sandeul hug his grandma

“I’m going to miss you Sandeul-ah.. And of course the pumpkin soup is nice, your mom taught me how to make it” Kyuhyun’s mom ruffled Sandeul’s hair

“Mom?” Sandeul looked at his grandmother with sparkling eyes and found his grandma get shocked by her own words

“Time to go home cho sandeul! Grandma is busy now” Kyuhyun cut down the awkward atmosphere around them since the word ‘mom’ came out

“Bu.. but daddy..” Sandeul were still persisted on hearing more about his mom

“No but, you don’t want to make Grandma tired don’t you?” Sandeul nodded on his dad’s words, waving goodbye to his grandma and followed his dad to the car

“Sorry kyuhyun-ah…” Kyuhyun’s mother muttered sadly to herself after saw Kyuhyun drove away from her house



Kyuhyun and Sandeul spent their night talking about what had happened during 2 weeks when Kyuhyun was away while having ice cream, usually Kyuhyun never let his son to eat too much ice cream only on special occasion like this he will let Sandeul enjoy ice cream as much as he wants, after their ice cream party, Kyuhyun tugged his son to sleep

“But I don’t want to sleep! I’m not sleepy yet daddy!” Sandeul trying to run away from the bed

“it’s bed time cho sandeul, behave and sleep” Kyuhyun hug his son tightly so he couldn’t run from his bed, Sandeul gave up and let his dad hug caressed his hair while singing lullaby for him, the things he would always do when Sandeul not feeling sleepy

“Dad..” Sandeul looked up to his dad eyes who looks like was really in pain


“Why you look so sad? Did I do something wrong? If yes sandeul is sorry …” Sandeul got up a bit from his lying position and looked at his daddy’s eyes and just made him feeling more sad

“No.. you didn’t do something wrong sandeul-ah.. I just.. Your eyes.. Remind me of someone” both of Kyuhyun and Sandeul remained silent after that

“Is it… mommy?” Sandeul tried to collect all his braveness and said that forbidden word, Kyuhyun couldn’t hide his sorrow when he heard the word mommy came out from his only son’s mouth, Kyuhyun trying to find other topic to talk to with his son but he couldn’t find any and he thought that maybe that was the right time to tell his son about his mom

“He is…” Kyuhyun almost choked up when he was telling the truth

“Can you tell me about him dad?” Sandeul felt like something blocked his throat as he remembered about his mom, he didn’t have any memories about him, He only saw him on the pictures since his mom died when he was 2 years old, but he can feel his mom kindness and love for him

“shall i?” Kyuhyun looked at his son eyes and took a deep breath when Sandeul nodded his head



“come sit here min, don’t stand too long, it’s not good for your health” Kyuhyun tapped empty space near him, that afternoon Kyuhyun and Sungmin decided to have a simple picnic on their yard since the weather was really nice, Kyuhyun already sat on the picnic mat while his ‘wife’ still standing looking at the flowers amazed by it

“but I still want to see the flowers Kyu, it looks prettier when I’m standing” Sungmin didn’t let his bunny eyes away from the flowers “it really grown up prettily even I never really take care of them”

“oh come on min, don’t start again, everyday you always take care of that flower until sometimes I think those flowers are your husband and you love them more than you love me” Kyuhyun pouted on his wife words, Sungmin smiled looking at his husband, he walked towards him and with Kyuhyun’s help he slowly sat down on the picnic mat

“are you seriously jealous on flowers cho kyuhyun?” Sungmin teased his husband

“I am, and you better give me good reason why I shouldn’t cut those flowers which takes away all your attention from me” Kyuhyun smiled when he saw his wife look down


“I’m just kidding min, I know how much you love me, and if there’s someone who should be jealous then it must be the flowers” Kyuhyun chuckled and kissed his wife softly, after their lips separated both of them staring at each other with smile and love on their eyes “ah.. so tired.. let me sleep for a while min” without waiting for his wife answer, Kyuhyun put his head on Sungmin’s lap and slowly close his eyes while caressed Sungmin’s protruding tummy, yes, Sungmin was pregnant and he was on 8 months pregnancy now, that’s why Kyuhyun really over protective towards his wife, since it’s not a normal pregnancy, Sungmin was a male and he had cancer which just made everything worse for him. They both remained silent, only enjoy each other’s presence and the warm of the sun light that afternoon until Sungmin broke all of it


“hmm…” Kyuhyun still caressing Sungmin’s protruding tummy

“can I tell you everything on my mind now?”

“anything… I’m your husband min” Kyuhyun opened his eyes and saw Sungmin’s eyes were both teary

“I.. I… I think this is perfect time, since it’s just 1 more months until we see our son” Sungmin tried his best to hold his urgent to cry, he didn’t want to make Kyuhyun feel sad, since he knew how Kyuhyun had suffered since the first time they visited doctor and told Sungmin that beside he’s pregnant, they found that actually Sungmin was on the last stage of cancer

“please don’t look sad like that min.. it’s not good for our baby” Kyuhyun didn’t move from Sungmin’s lap but just put his hand on Sungmin’s pale face and caressed it

“no I don’t kyu.. as long as you promise me that you will be happy even when I’m gone later..” Sungmin stopped for a while, studied Kyuhyun’s expression and he saw Kyuhyun clench his fist tried his best to not show anger, Kyuhyun really never like when Sungmin talking about what will happen when he’s gone later, the fact that Sungmin will left him for forever haunted Kyuhyun, hurt him until sometimes he crying alone hid it from Sungmin “and promise me you won’t cry alone again, find someone to talk to every time you feel sad Kyu, don’t hide it” Sungmin slowly caressed Kyuhyun’s shocked face

“you.. you know?” Kyuhyun stuttered on his words

“stupid.. we’ve been together for almost 10 years, I even will know when you have affair outside!” Sungmin laughed trying to ease the dark atmosphere around them now

“you know it won’t ever happen, even when you.. are gone” Kyuhyun smiled a bit, trying to relax himself, Sungmin clearing his throat trying to hold his tears which almost dropped after heard what Kyuhyun said

“so.. kyu.. actually.. I just want you to help me” Sungmin stared at Kyuhyun’s eyes and smiled

“help? Of course! Anything for you min, what you need?” Kyuhyun intertwined their hand together

“can you help me to tell Sandeul, our baby when he has grown up” Sungmin caressed his protruding tummy while smiling “to be a strong man.. to not crying easily every time he has problem.. tell him to be strong like batman, my favorite character, tell him that every time he wants to cry he must say ‘I am as strong as batman, no one can makes me cry’, tell him that no matter what once in his life someone will try to makes him down but as long as he believe in himself that he’s strong enough to fight all people he will grow up like a real man, I believe he will” Sungmin looked up trying to not cry but he failed, tears just dropped and it dropped on Kyuhyun’s face, made the latter got up from his position and hug Sungmin

“ssshhh.. it’s okay min, it’s okay, I believe you will see him grow up” Kyuhyun caressed Sungmin’s back trying to soothe Sungmin but actually he himself almost broke in tears

“I believe on it too Kyu, you know I never stop believe on it, but I just have to make myself ready for the worst scenario, and as long as Sandeul have you I believe he will grow up perfectly okay” Sungmin stopped crying and smiling when he was thinking how Kyuhyun will take care of Sandeul well “ah.. and I’ve taught your mom how to cook pumpkin soup, when Sandeul sick or feel bad, ask her to make it for him, tell him that pumpkin soup will make him better really soon, don’t forget to teach him to appreciate small things Kyu, those flowers who are staring at us now.. please take care of them well.. they are all for Sandeul, each flower contain my love to him, although my love to him is bigger than anything, but I took care of the flowers with all my heart, so I know Sandeul will feel it, my love towards him” Sungmin took a deep breath, his tears slowly dropped again, but he had to be strong, it’s all for Sandeul, so he collected all his braveness and continue with the last message “and.. when he ask you if I love him tell him…. Tell him that I really love him, that's why I have to go up to the sky to look at him from above so I can make sure I can see him for every steps he walks, everything he do, every single time on his life, I can see clearly from above.. . tell him that Kyu… tell him that I really love him to the extent that I don’t know any other way to show him how much I love him other than watching him from above and ask God to always make his way in life easier until the day we can re-unite as a ‘family’ and tell him that I’m going to miss him but I will be patient until that day come, we’re family after all, we meant to be together” Sungmin choked on his last words, couldn’t contain his sadness anymore and just poured everything on Kyuhyun’s embrace, he hug Kyuhyun’s tightly, don’t want to let him go, he was crying really hard and Kyuhyun couldn’t stand it anymore, he joined Sungmin crying together, let the sky watch how much they’re going to miss each other so much, 10 years will never be enough for them to show each other love, Sungmin was hoping that he could stay longer to show Kyuhyun how much he loves him and to watch Sandeul grow up together with his husband but God had chosen other way for him, and Sungmin believe that whatever it is there will be a good reason behind all of these and he kept telling Kyuhyun about it, made sure that Kyuhyun will be okay without him, although it will take a long time but he knew someday Kyuhyun will accept all of these and move on from all the sadness on his life. After felt better, Sungmin let go Kyuhyun’s hug and whispered “I love you Kyu.. so much”

“I love you too min, more than anything and no one will replace your position in my heart, forever” Kyuhyun cupped Sungmin’s face and kiss him

“actually I don’t mind if someday you found someone that better than me to accompany your life” Sungmin smiled after their kiss

“that’s the problem min.. I don’t think there’s someone out there who is better than you, and for your note, I also don’t mind to be alone forever until the day we can meet again” Kyuhyun smiled sweetly, instead of commented on Kyuhyun’s words, Sungmin just laugh and kiss Kyuhyun again, passionately.



When Kyuhyun had finished his story about Sungmin, he saw Sandeul was crying, the tears dropped from his innocent eyes, those eyes that really looks like Sungmin’s always made Kyuhyun miss the the latter

“Mommy said don’t cry Sandeul-ah.. he said you have to be strong” Kyuhyun wiped the tears from his son’s face and hug him tightly

“bu.. but.. I miss him too much now daddy, I wish he could be here and sleep with us together” Sungmin crying even louder

“ssshh.. mommy won’t like it sandeul-ah… he’s watching you now from above” Kyuhyun caressed his son’s back

“but daddy is crying too!” Sandeul judging on his dad now, Kyuhyun faster wiped the tears but the tears still flow

“maybe for this night only, mom will forgive us to cry for him, so.. you can cry tonight sandeul-ah.. but tomorrow you have to be strong again! Like batman! Promise?” Kyuhyun put up his pinky and intertwined it with Sandeul’s


“good boy..” Kyuhyun hug Sandeul and both of them let their tears flow together, maybe it’s okay for them sometimes to cry over Sungmin so the next day the can be stronger to walk on their life without Sungmin on their side

“I love you mom” Sandeul whispered before he fell asleep

“I love you too Sandeul-ah…” Kyuhyun sweared he heard Sungmin’s voice after Sandeul slept.







this is the first time i write about Cho family ;; really different feelings ;; anyway see you next time ^^ - lch




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Chapter 1: I love Cho family but whyyyy, cried ;;
Chapter 1: Oh my.. i cried.. this story is so sad and beautiful. Good job author-nim! :)
blacksmile4ever #3
ichathoriqlover #4
Chapter 1: Noooo this is so beautifully sad.... But then again, kyumin's love is strong to protect little sandeul...
Chapter 1: can't stop the tears TT^TT <333
RayhanAdni #6
Chapter 1: Awww it make me cryyyu T^T anyway, good jobbb xDD
Chapter 1: I'm crying now >.<
That's so sad T_T Poor Kyu and his soon...
But Min wil look of you, from the heaven - there where angel lives.
ehrytie #8
Chapter 1: my mommy is died one years a go n this story made me really miss my mommy.. T_T
Sandeullie.. its okay, ur mommy will watch u from heaven ^^
n we will meet our mommy again soon ^o^
authornim.. thanx for share this lovely story.
raya0101 #9
Chapter 1: sad but i like this story..u make me cry in the morning..TT
superkissshine #10
Chapter 1: So sweet sad i loved it i love the cho famliy