Personal Message

What would happen if the letters S and J left the alphabet?
There would only be 21 letters, because the letters E, L, and F would leave too.

About Me

My heart getting hurt
My heart is bruised
You know, we all have broken hearts
Don’t worry, this cold wind shall pass too~

♥ ELF ♥ VitaMin ♥ Joyer ♥

♫  Everlasting Friend
♫  Hardcore KyuMin Shipper
♫  Sungmin biased
♫  Some says that I'm a little diva ^^
♫  Penchant for.. dirty things *You know what I mean*
♫  Lovely person :3
♫  Kpop is my live
♫  Pink Lover
♫  Cat Fan (and Bunnys ♥)
♫  Trainee and because of that a lazy updater ><