Love actually


"Here. Take this and shut your mouth up."





"Wh-what?! You think im that person. Im not taking any bribe!"





"I guess... Your life is meaningless to you..."





Kris takes out his gun from his cloak.





Bomi grabs the money once she saw the gun.





"But... It's too much. It's just for renting anyway."





"Food. Clothes. Room. Everything. You'll get them all for me with that money."





".....He is....really...irritating me...." Bomi whispers to herself.





"I think its a deal between us. I give u money. You give me what I need. If it's not a deal.



I can just put you to death now.."





"Ah...Yes..Ye-yes..It's deal..."
















Kris climbs up the stairs.





'Where the hell is her room?...'





'This one?'





Knock! Knock!





Kris knocks the door like he wants to wreck it.





"Yya! You (**^&%$....Wake up! Cook me some breakfast! Im hungry!"



'This girl...*(^&%^&%.....'





'What is she? It's already 11am and she is still sleeping?...Ugh *(&*&^&^$..'





"I'll wait in my room. Yya! Palli!! Or....I'll shoot you in the face."





Kris giggles yet he is still angry.
















Bomi puts a plate of pancakes with an irritating face.






"This is not enough. Give me some more."





"But Im already cook that twice!"





Kris gives a glare to Bomi.










Bomi goes to the kitchen. Again.





'How dare.... Even almost screaming to me... This girl...'





Kris gets up from his seat.

















Kris is shocked when he saw Bomi is washing the pan and plates.







'What? She is not cooking for me?'





Bomi doesnt realize Kris is coming to the kitchen.





Kris puts a knife that he grabs at the counter earlier to Bomi's back.





"I dont think you are dealing with our deal....."










"Aaah!! Omaaaa!!!!!...." 

Bomi stands still while screaming out loud.




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yoonlovebomi #1
Chapter 10: please update soon authornim
Chapter 9: omg! update soon writer-nim <3
Karakarakara #3
Chapter 7: I love this story!!
Azureenvictoria #4
Update soon please! I can't wait to read end of this fanfic
eyethelaw #5
Chapter 1: Update soon this story is do interesting fighting :))) I love this pairing to
Chapter 1: What? What? :o is this the krismi story you said inspired by the bodyguards?? but it's so different??? Waaah it's interesting! I think you should continue this story! :D
daeyoung_homi #7
Chapter 1: Update soon . . . this story is interesting ! i love krismi couple too :)