
may it all be fulfilled

so yeah.

basically this is a summary in case there's something you're not sure about:


~yes Wufan ordered a voodoo doll

~the voodoo doll represented Joonmyeon but when Wufan would offer "sacrifices" to it, the effect would be reverse. like, instead of Joonmyeon having to experience the pain since it's technically "his" doll, it would be Wufan because yeah he's the one making sacrifices. his sacrifices is so that his feelings would be converted to Joonmyeon. hence, the presence of the doll.

~and yes, Wufan is in love with Yixing. if you didn't get that then wow.

~Wufan pierced his own tongue so Joonmyeon could talk with Yixing

~the implied pain Wufan complained about his tongue somewhere in the middle was because he used a bigger pin so Joonmyeon would take Yixing out for lunch/dinner

~the cut Wufan incurred when "washing" the knife was intentional. no, it wasn't from washing. it was another sacrifice so that Joonmyeon would hold hands with Yixing.

~yeah Wufan sacrificed his lips too along the way (i think you already know why) but I didn't know how to describe it so i cut it and skipped to the part when Wufan just dies.

~there was no outer marks on his skin or chest because his death was a supernatural death.

~there's gonna be a sequel, i think. gotta confirm this with my friend so yeah.

~yes, it was an intentional open ending.

~the red fonts on the foreword/description is from VIXX's Voodoo Doll and yes the credits goes to the one higlighted. so thank you~ ^^


​in case there's anything i missed, feel free to comment and i'll get back to you as soon as i can

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BieLaBie #1
Chapter 2: Ah~ so the voodoo doll concept came from the VIXX new song~ not bad~uhu! What can i say *^* this totally nice!! I love it!

You should write more~ goid job author-nim :D
leolliepop #2
Chapter 2: i'm just- OH GOSH THIS IS SO GOOD AND SO AWESOME AND SO DIFFERENT FROM ANYTHING I'VE READ BEFORE I'M- GAAAHHHHH ;_; i thought wufan pierced his tongue for the heck of it but nooooo it's for the sake of yixing too sigh. i'm drowning in feels i cannot comment properly >.> but this is very thumbs up!! please write up a sequel.....if you want to ^^ can you write more of fanxing?? i think i'm addicted to this kind of story already hehe OvO anyway, good job! ^.^
*plays disturbia in the background*