tick tock, tick tock

may it all be fulfilled
this is my first time writing again and haha i'm sorry if this . i'm getting rusty.
He was crying again. Wufan hated that. He hated how the warm tears just flowed out of Yixing's eyes and create a dampened puddle on the pillow afterwards. They had been room mates sicne the first year of college and it has been three years of Wufan looking after and comforting Yixing whenever his attempts of trying to capture Joonmyeon's  attention failed.
"Yixing, it's been three years," Wufan sighed, patting Yixing's  blanket-covered back while holding onto a cup of warm white chocolate drink that Yixing adores so much. "Don't you think that Joonmyeon just doesn't like you?"
"Shut up, Wufan," Yixing blurts, stopping his Chinese-filled sobbing which was mostly just a string of 'what am I not doing', 'I tried everything', 'why am I so in love with Joonmyeon' and all things that follow about Yixing's failures in grabbing Joonmyeon.
Wufan shakes his head and just hands Yixing the cup which the latter smiles at half-heartedly.
"Do you really love him that much?" Wufan asked, breaking the silence save for Yixing sipping at his cup.
"Yes," he answers, tears b up his eyes again.
Wufan shrugs his shoulders and ruffles his room mate's hair. He left their shared room and flopped down on the sofa in the living room after grabbing his phone from the coffee table. He began searching a few things on the internet and later on, calling a few newly registered numbers.
The next few weeks for Yixing was the same since he met Joonmyeon. He'd wait outside the other's classroom to greet him and try to spark up a conversation and Joonmyeon would always give cold, short and one-worded replies. Yixing doesn't plan on giving up even after three years of the same routine and reaction. He was too used to that every day sequence that the pang of rejection doesn't hurt as much anymore.
What he wasn't used to was what happened the day after.
"Hi, Yixing," Joonmyeon greeted him even before Yixing could start with the usual 'Hello Joonmyeon. How was class?'
Yixing blinked at Joonmyeon and tried to calm his pounding heart by smiling at him. "H-hello, Joonmyeon."
The angel-like guy in front of Yixing looked at his watch and creased his eyebrows a bit. Yixing can sense Joonmyeon is about to ditch him so he prepares himself and waits.
"Do you want to go grab some lunch?"
Yixing's eyyes widened at that statement and nodded immediately, not caring that he has Literature classes next. 'Wufan will cover for me,' he happily thought as he skipped his way happily to the cafeteria with Joonmyeon.
When Yixing came back home to his and Wufan's shared apartment near the university, he was smiling so wide that his cheeks were starting to hurt.
"Wufan, I'm home," he called out cheerily. He dropped his bag beside his shoes after kicking them off then headed to the kitchen. There, he saw his room mate leaning on the counter near the fridge while eating a half pint of ice cream tub with a spoon. "Any more for me?" He grinned as he approached him.
The taller of the two responded by pointing his spoon  at the refrigerator. He immediately took another scoop and shoved the spoon in his mouth.
Yixing was surprised to see four tubs of ice cream inside. He took one and faced Wufan, "Why are there so much ice cream?"
"Just felt like it," he shrugs.
Just then,  Yixing noticed something. He leaned closer to his friend's face then raised his eyebrow. "Since when did you get a tongue piercing?" He asked seriously.
Wufan created a thin line with his lips around the spoon. He shrugged, "Why do you care?"
"It looks cool," Yixing nods, opening the dessert's cap then ripping of the safety seal. "Hey, Wufan," he starts, grabbing a spoon. "Joonmyeon and I had lunch today," he blushes.
"Good for you," Wufan answers stoicly.
Yixing lost his train of thought when he caught a glimpse of the other's tongue piercing again. "Can you stick out your tongue just once, Wufan?"
He looked at his friend with furrowed eyebrows, "What the , Yixing?"
"No, seriously," Yixing chuckles.
The elder rolls his eyes then does as he is requested. He showed his room mate his tongue piercing which was of black metal with a circular tip. The girth was just like an actual needle and it just amazed Yixing for no particular reason. Besides, he thinks that the reason why Wufan bought all of these ice cream for is so that it would lessen his sore tongue. After a while, Wufan put his tongue back in his mouth.
Silence encased the both of them while they ate their ice creams.
"I wish we'd eat out for lunch more often," Yixing smiles.
Wufan mumbles something after eating a scoop.
"I'm sure he'll ask you," he answers after swallowing.
"I hope so,"  he nods.
The following days were heavenly for Yixing. Joonmyeon was always asking him out for lunch and tonight, he asked him for dinner. Of course, Yixing said yes.
Three hours pass by quick and the both of them was now standing outside the restaurant. "I had a really great time," Yixing nods and smiles brightly at his 'date.'
"Me too," Joonmyeon sniles back. It's so dazzling and unbelievable that Yixing can get to see his smile up close.
He was about to lean close to Joonmyeon's face and get a  taste of his cherry red tainted lips but the latter pulled away when he saw and decoded Yixing's intention.
"Good night, Yixing," Joonmyeon nodded.
"Oh," he sighed quietly then put on a smile. "Good night to you too, Joonmyeon."
Joonmyeon smiled at him again before they went separate ways.
When he got home to their apartment, he huffed at Wufan who asked him how the date went.
"He rejected my kiss, Wufan," Yixing pouted and crossed his arms and landed on the sofa.
"Give it a while," Wufan sighed. The pain on his tongue was stinging but he shook it off anyways.
After a few days, Yixing was asked out for dinner again. Joonmyeong took him by surprise when he held his hand and entwined their fingers. Yixing had a hard time hiding his blush from the other.
When the night had ended, Joonmyeon cupped Yixing's face and pulled him in for a kiss. Yixing drowned in the reality that this is really happening. It's not one of his daydreams anymore. It was the reality he wanted.
When they separated ways, Yixing went to a convenience store to pick up some bandages for his room mate. Poor Wufan had cut himself the day before. He explained that  he was washing the knife he had used when it slipped.
"Hi, Wufan," he cooed as he approached the lying figure. He hummed when he realized the latter was already asleep. "They say that your hearing senses don't get turned off when you sleep so I'm going to tell you what happened tonight," he giggled.
He told the sleeping Wufan everything as if he were awake. At the end, he yawned and stretched his arms up. He placed the newly bought bandages on Wufan's bedside table then smiled over at his friend. "I wish Joonmyeon was in love with me too," he wished out loud before hopping off Wufan's bed and heading to his own. He doesn't know whether it was all in his imagination or just his sleepy ears playing with him but he heard a "may it all be fulfilled" before he went to sleep.
Yixing woke up early the next day and left the apartment while Wufan was still showering.
His day was perfect as usual. Joonmyeon asked him out for lunch and dinner again. He also noticed Joonmyeon would always hold his hand whenever possible.
At the end of the dinner date, Joonmyeon told Yixing that he loved him. The former was too shocked at the sudden confession that only existed in his fantasies before so he just kissed him.
He went back to the apartment with a goofy grin plastered on his face. However, it was all erased when he unlocked and opened the door only to find his room mate sprawled face down on the floor. An asterisk-like symbol was beneath his body and there were four black candles on the alternate spikes of the asterisk.
"Wufan!" Yixing screamed then blew out the candles and tried to shake him awake. He turned Wufan over and there was a big red stain on his white shirt by the chest. From the looks of it, Yixing concluded that it was blood. He lifted up the shirt to see what kind of damage was dealt on his friend's body but there was none. His skin was smooth but pale. He checked for a pulse yet there was no beat. It was all beginning to sink in that Wufan was dead until he noticed that his room mate was holding onto something. He looked at it then took it from the lifeless hand.
It was a voodoo doll. The body was rough and was stitched with thick yarns of black thread from the outside. It had a button and a x mark of black yarn for the eyes. There was a red heart stitched to its chest in contrast to its all over brown body. The said heart was pierced with a thickly girthed pin from the front till it passed through the back. It's pinhead was a skull made of black metal. The voodoo doll also had blood stains scattered on its make do lips and on both its fingerless hands.
Yixing wants answers and it looks like he already found one when he turned the doll over and saw a tag on its left leg that says "from Wufan to Joonmyeon" written messily on fabric.
He was baffled, to say the least. He called an ambulance and the police. He also took the time to call Wufan's parents. He had kept the voodoo doll away from any authority.
A few days later, after the autopsy, the results were shared to him. It says the cause of his death was the sudden appearance of a hole at the front and back of Wufan's heart. The hairs on Yixing's arms stood when he thought of the doll he saw Wufan was holding...


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BieLaBie #1
Chapter 2: Ah~ so the voodoo doll concept came from the VIXX new song~ not bad~uhu! What can i say *^* this totally nice!! I love it!

You should write more~ goid job author-nim :D
leolliepop #2
Chapter 2: i'm just- OH GOSH THIS IS SO GOOD AND SO AWESOME AND SO DIFFERENT FROM ANYTHING I'VE READ BEFORE I'M- GAAAHHHHH ;_; i thought wufan pierced his tongue for the heck of it but nooooo it's for the sake of yixing too sigh. i'm drowning in feels i cannot comment properly >.> but this is very thumbs up!! please write up a sequel.....if you want to ^^ can you write more of fanxing?? i think i'm addicted to this kind of story already hehe OvO anyway, good job! ^.^
*plays disturbia in the background*