First Day Spent Together... Ends Badly

Boyfriend Gets A Girlfriend

**A/N: I would LOVE to thank all my new subscribers.. YAY! I<3 you guys. Anyways, since there's really not much for me to do around here except look for a college), updates on stories might come sooner. and keep guessing who'll she fall for. And I already know... hehehe *laughs like a maniac* Enjoy! Oh, and listen to this...   its my YouTube :)***


I had to get up at 7 am. It was going to be a long morning. I didn't know what to wear to practice, so I decided on loose clothes (third outfit from the left).

And headed downstairs. "Are you excited honey?" My mom asked when I went to the kitchen to find her. "Ecstatic, so excited!" I smiled and said with pure sarcasm. "Well, how are you getting to practice?" She asked, handing me a cup of milk. I downed the cup, "Their sending a car." Just then there was a loud honking outside. "That's probably them. I love you!" I kissed my mom on the cheek.

The car was a black van. Definitely could tell it was for idols. ALl shiny and squeaky clean. The driver even opened the door. And I was met by 12 pairs of eyes and 6 smiles. I climbed into the first seat I came too. By no one else. They all set in the back, I perfered it up here. Not so crowded, and it made me less nervous.

Youngmin's POV

She sat away from us. Did we scare her or something? The back of her head was not the thing I wanted to see. "Hey, come sit back here." Dong Hyun said to her kindly. She turned completely around in the seat to face us, "I'm more comfortable up here. But thanks anyways," And she turned back  around. A little rude, if you ask me.

At the studio, when we were waiting for the chereography teacher to come we all sat on the bench. But she choose to sit on the floor, against the wall. "Does she not like us?" Minwoo asked, everyone wore worried expressions. "She's probably just nervous." I explained. Everyone just needed to lighten up.

The door opened, and we all quickly filed to the center of the room. KungMi was next to Minwoo, and boy did he look happy. Which disappointed me a little. "Today, we will teach KungMi the full dance to 'Boyfriend'." He started off, smiling at her.  But she was just looking elsewhere. "The dance was meant for only six people. Will the whole dance change?" Dong Hyun asked. Good point...

"No, just the amount of space between each person and the timing." He was still smiling. "Uhm," KungMi raised her hand to get his attention. "Yes KungMi?" Everyone was staring at her. She shifted from foot to foot. "Will the song change? Because I can't sing 'I want you to be my girlfriend', I'm not gay." She laughed, and he seemed amused. "Last thing I heard about the song was that it'd stay the same. But at the end, some things will change. And you'll part will kind of be like, responding to them." He tried to clear it up quickly. She just nodded and looked away again. Such a strange girl.

KungMi's POV

The music started. I tried my best, to follow along. I knew the dance, but it was different with other people dancing around you. I had gotten successfully worked into the song. It was going to be a long day....

When it turned 1:30, he said practice was over. So, Dong Hyun and Minwoo went to get food for us. We all sat around a circle on the floor. "So, do we scare you?" Hyunseong asked me. "No. Why?" I asked. "Because you won't sit by us. Even right now, you look unconfortable." He pointed to me. I was slouched, knees to my chest, and not really in the circle. "Oh, I just don't know you that well. So, i'm more comfortable not sitting by you. Sorry," I looked down. I felt my face grow hotter and I knew I was blushing again.

"Okay. Well, lets get to know eachother then." Jeongmin waved me to sit closer, so i obliged. It wasn't so bad sitting by them. I was seated between Younmin and Kwangmin. My heart skipping along to the beat of "You & I" playing as background music. "Before you met us, who were your favorite?" Youngmin asked. Really? "Want me to choose?" I asked, and they all nodded yes. "Originally, I didn't perfer anybody over anybody." They all gave me that 'bull' look. "It's true!" I defended myself. "I think it is unfair to just pick one member." I smiled, and at this the subject was dropped. "20 questions?" Kwangming asked, and I just nodded shyly. Not looking at everybody.

"Oh, your back!" Hyunseong exclaimed, and I looked up to see Minwoo and Dong Hyun come in with bags. They sat in the circle, and put the bags in the middle. "Ladies first," Dong Hyun handed me a small container of rice. Still warm, "Thanks." and I took the chopsticks from him. And we started eating.

"So favorite color?" Minwoo asked, now that he was clued in on the 20 questions thing. "Pink. Next wuestion," I said, putting more rice in my mouth. "Favorite food?" Jeongmin asked next between bites of ramen. "Meatless ramen." I answered truthfully. "Okay, first impression of all of us? One by one," Dong Hyun suggested.

"My first impression of Youngmin and Kwanmin is that they seem to be the nicest. Dong Hyun, I could tell you have leadership qualities. Hyunseong, came off as just flirtatious. Jeongmin is funny. And Miwoo," I glanced around at them all. Most were smiling, but I think Minwoo expected something bad. "And Minwoo, well, he came off as being a jerk!" I said, irritated thinking about him the first time we met.

"Oh, i'm a jerk?" He asked, he seemed shocked. "yes you were. And I'm not sure if you still are," I said defending myself. He stood up, and I did tooo. We stepped away from thegroup. We were both angry, and both agitated at eachother and the current situation. "Look, what's your problem with me?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. "My problem, is that I was youngest. I got all the attention, but now you've taken that away from me!" He accused, looking more mad at me.

"It's not like I asked to be put in Boyfriend. At first, I didn't want to even do it and wanted to quit the company. And now I'm here, and i am not leaving. So, grow the hell up. And stop being such a ing baby about everything!" The others all stood up, when I cussed. "That's enough!" Dong Hyun broke up our argument.

"I'm leaving. See you guys tomorrow. And maybe we can talk then. After all, get use to me being around. Because like or not, we're living together now!" I said to Minwoo, still angry that he was angry at me.

I stormed out of the practice room, and down the hallway a bit. But slouched down to the floor, and buried my head in my hands. He hates me?! I never felt that much dislike come from anyone before. What did I do? What do I do? Quit? How am I suppose to live with a guy, who hates me already?

Kwangmin found me in the hallway, I guess going somewhere else. He sat next to me, silently. "Are you alright?" He asked, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Why does Minwoo hate me?" I asked, looking up at him. His normal smiling face, not smiling. His big eyes, not fully open, but still so beautiful. "I'm sure he doesn't hate you. It's just hard for him to get over being the baby of the group." He smiled at me, amking me smile.

"But, will he ever accept me? I mean, we move in together tomorrow. It's not like over night, he's gonna start liking me." I said, absolutely devastated that someone was a hater. My first hater, and it was my own group member. Great start, to a ty career, i thought. "Well, i'm sure it'll change soon. HAve a goodnight. See you tomorrow." He stood up and helped me up.

And we parted ways. At home, I ahd my mom help me finish packing. Just all my clothes, and stuff into boxes. Pictures of me and our little family. Just me and her actually. And a small box for all my tolietries. "Is that everything?" My mom looked around the room. That now seemed barren. "Yes. I'll pack the sheets and pillows tomorrow morning." I patted the bed. "Goodnight, honeybee" Such a stupid nickname, I know, but it was all hers to call me. "Goodnight mom." And we kissed eachother's cheeks.

I thought today was going to be long, I bet tommorow gonna be even longer.... "Ugh!" I sighed, and plopped into bed. "Damn you Minwoo. You give me headches." And turned to face the wall. My head starting to hurt. I hope it goes away by tomorrow.....

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This is awesome!! And I only read the first chapter. Gotta give you a hand *claps* lol jk but seriously, you're awesome.
kEviNia04 #2
.awww... =( .<br />
.so sad! T_T .
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww MY GOD IT'S SOOO SAD, I was listening to their new song while i was listening to this, so I was crying tears of Joy and Sorrow :'/ + :')= me
jenniferdlite #4
awwwwwwww. this is so sad! :'(((((((
agreed..girls and emotions are so confusing..
o.O what a creepy pizza guy...
Yay, she stopped ignoring them :D<br />
and haters are apologizing XD
WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #8
Sorry for my second comment in like a minute. I am all for her and Kwangmin. I like them together. Kwangie is just a sweetie, you can't resist it. She has to love him. Hehe
WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #9
I never liked that Jaemin guy. He was in the way on her and Kwangmin. Minwoo is a different reason. He was being an overprotective buttface.
waaaaaaat?!?! jaemin was so sweet and then calls her a ??? and she gets mad at them for accidently hurting her?! I'm excited to see where this will gooo!!!!!:) Update soon please!