A Girl?

Boyfriend Gets A Girlfriend

***A/N:This chapter is all in flashback. The time when their manager, who is also KungMi's manager, told them the news. This chapter is also ALL in Kwangmin's POV***


"Boys, we need to talk!" Manager Hyo interrupted our practice. Usually, if he says 'we need to talk' it means two things....

One, we did something wrong, whether it be the dance routine or the vocal classes. Or even mistakes we make on stage. Or..

Two, it is something extremely important that can not wait until AFTER practice...

Either one could either be good or bad. I hoped this was a good one!


We all sat in the middle of the dance room's floor. The music was off and it was just the 7 of us. It seemed almost, too quiet.

"What do we need to talk about?" Dong Hyun asked, sittin next to manager hyung. "I have news. COuld be bad, could be good." I really wished he would just get to the flippin' point soon. "Now, you have me worried." Minwoo calmly said from beside Youngmin.

"I have someone very important for you to meet tomorrow," he started. Really? That was worth stopping practice over? So lame sometimes... "Well, are they famous?" Dong Hyun asked as leader. It was his job, to speak for the rest of us, right? "Not quite." Hyo looked down at his lap, then back at us. "Then who are they?" DOng Hyun asked again. He could be pushy at times...

"She, is new to StarShip Entertainment." He explained. 'A girl? Is she in Sistar? Are you making a new group? Is she going solo?' All the boys, except me and Minwoo, bombarted him with questions. "She is not in Sistar, sadly. She is not a soloist," YOungmin cut him off. "Then, is she not an idol? Just a worker?" He actually had a good point.

"She, is going to be your new group member." His voice sounded uneasy. "What?"  Hyunseong spit out the water that he had just poured into his throat. "You cannot put a girl in Boyfriend!" Minwoo potested. There were several othercomplaints. I, myself, wouldn't mind a girl. But where wouls she stay.

"I can! And I already did!" He explained through the ruckus. "Guys, shut up!" Youngmin yelled, and everyone got quiet. "Care to explain all this?" Dong Hyun turned to face manager Hyo. "Yes. If you'd give me a chance." He sounded irritated at us. Not a good thing...

"She was suppose to be in a new girl trio. But, the project failed. I liked her potential. And then I thought that it would do you good to have a female member. Guys, will like her, and girls will envy her. Therefore, raising your fanbase." He smiled, and was less irate. "Where would she stay?" I finally spoke. "In a temporary loft. But this weekend you will move to a bigger dorm, with her. She will get her own room, and bathroom." He stated. Today was thursday, which meant we would meet her friday. Then by saturday or sunday move in with her? It seemed to make sense...

"No fair!"  Jeongmin protested. "Is she at least our age?" I asked. If she was too much older, his plan would fail. If she was too young, it would fail also. So, it was a lose-lose situation he put us into. "She is 15." Woa, so young. But, is she younger than Minwoo. "AM I still the maknae?" Minwoo asked, he looked truly pathetic and upset.

"No, she is the maknae now. And you will treat her with respect!" Hyo answered, and Minwoo just pouted alone. I have some rules for you though," Manager Hyo stood up, and we followed. He paced in front of us. We had our hands behind our backs, and our eyes solely on him.

"One, you will NOT touch her, other than innocent handshakes, or group hugs. Two, her stuff is not for your taking or touching. Three, you will not set foot in her bathroom, or her bedroom, unless she tells you otherwise. Four, treat her as a fellow member, not just a girl. Five, do not ogle at her or her assets. Six, you will NOT flirt openly with her. It will create bad tension for the fans. Seven, she is not your play thing. And you will NOT do anything to upset her. Eight, just because she is a girl, do NOT expect her to clean up after you. Nine, NO grabbing of body parts. And lastly... ten, NEVER tease nor taunt her." 

His voice was starting to get a little annoying. "Got it?" He asked, glaring at us as a group. "Got it!" We all said in unison. "Good. Meet me here around 10am. Get good sleep and remember my rules!" He left us alone in the room.

"A girl? But we are suppose to be a boy group. She can't be a 'boyfriend', because shes a girl. She'd have to be a 'girlfriend', would we have to change our name?" Minwoo was aimlessly talking, mostly, to himself. "I'm sure it'll be okay." Dong Hyun tried to calm his worries. "I hop she's at least pretty." Youngmin chimed in. Great, just like him to want a pretty girl. But I agree. If she's not pretty, we won't attract fans at all.

"Let's go home. We'll talk more about it in the morning." Dong Hyun said, gesturing to the door. We all grabbed our stuff and left in silence. The carride hime was quiet too.

And I was worried akk night...

What if she doesn't like us? And is a hater?

WIll we still be called 'Boyfriend'?

Is she good looking? And can she keep up with us?

I really hope she is not the stuck-up type. I hated girls like that, and so did everyone else. "Do you think she'll like us? "Youngmin asked me, crawling onto his top bunk. "I really hope so,"  Jeongmin asked before I could answer. ANd all was quiet again.

Please like us! Please like me! I kept saying to no one but myself. And whoever could hear me this late at night.

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This is awesome!! And I only read the first chapter. Gotta give you a hand *claps* lol jk but seriously, you're awesome.
kEviNia04 #2
.awww... =( .<br />
.so sad! T_T .
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww MY GOD IT'S SOOO SAD, I was listening to their new song while i was listening to this, so I was crying tears of Joy and Sorrow :'/ + :')= me
jenniferdlite #4
awwwwwwww. this is so sad! :'(((((((
agreed..girls and emotions are so confusing..
o.O what a creepy pizza guy...
Yay, she stopped ignoring them :D<br />
and haters are apologizing XD
WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #8
Sorry for my second comment in like a minute. I am all for her and Kwangmin. I like them together. Kwangie is just a sweetie, you can't resist it. She has to love him. Hehe
WolfGrowlBuffaloRoll #9
I never liked that Jaemin guy. He was in the way on her and Kwangmin. Minwoo is a different reason. He was being an overprotective buttface.
waaaaaaat?!?! jaemin was so sweet and then calls her a ??? and she gets mad at them for accidently hurting her?! I'm excited to see where this will gooo!!!!!:) Update soon please!