Stay please

My love... My kiss... My heart....

                Hyukjae was hesitating. He was hesitating about giving or not his boarding pass to the worker in front of him. He wanted to look backward but held himself. Did he really want to go? Did he really want to leave everything? His friends, the love of his life, the memories of both of them being together curling lovingly in the bed or in the sofa? He never thought that attempting to erase this whole year of his life spent by Kyuhyun’s side would be that difficult. He was conscious of the grip Kyuhyun had on his heart and it scared him a little.


His heart sank as he remembered the tears Kyuhyun was trying to hold back after their last kiss. Hyukjae traced unconsciously the contour of his lips with his fingertips. Those which were countless times sealed with Kyuhyun’s. At first, the kiss was innocent but Kyuhyun couldn’t take it anymore so he Hyukjae’s bottom lips, asking him to open his mouth, what the later gladly accepted. Their tongues touched each other and interwinded in a slow and harmonious dance.


Hyukjae blushed when he realized that a lot of persons must have probable saw them proclaming their love to the world. Who could blame them to be in love with each other? No one but themselves. Although, it was commun to see a couple Huggins or kissing in the boarding hall of the airport just before the fatidical time of separation. But, currently, it was a temporary separation. It was rare to see a couple with so much fervor and passion if it wasn’t forever.


« Sir… sir! » The man in front of Hyukjae called him emphatically. Hyukjae looked at him confusiously, not knowing what was happening at this time around him.


« What’s the problem mister? » Hyukjae asked politely. « Your boarding pass please. » The worker asked as politely as him.


Hyukjae looked at the piece of paper in his hands then at the the worker, once again at the pass before looking for the first time behind him. A wave of regret came over him. His heart was telling him to come back to Kyuhyun but his mind was telling him to not.


Secretely, he hoped that Kyuhyun would run after him and take him in his protective arms while begging him to not go away from him. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the case. His chest hurted. Did Kyuhyun has already forget him? No… He knew very well that Kyuhyun would follow what they had decided, or, what Hyukjae had decided. Hyukjae couldn’t help it but felt a little disppointed. Of course, he didn’t let Kyuhyun the right to protest and instead asked him to fulfill his decision. He find himself being selfish and ungrateful towards the one he loved with all his heart. He partly regreted the decision he had taken. But he had to leave, it was his duty, as a son.


« Hyuk… » This time, it was his sister, Sora, who called him. She put her hand on her young brother’s shoulder, rubbing it lightly, like if she was showing him her support and that she understood his opposite feelings and thoughts. She took the boarding pass from Hyukjae’s hands and gave it to the controller who was getting impatient like the other passangers before driving him a little far away.


Sora was looking for Hyukjae’s eyes, she wanted their gazes to meet, to show him that she understood his hesitation and that if he wanted to go back to Kyuhyun, she would forgive him. Even if she wanted for him to stay with their mother and herself to get over their father’s disease, but she also wanted his happiness, and if it’s meant to be with Kyuhyun, she would accept it whitout complaining.


Their father was the reason of Hyukjae’s internal conflict. The later was severely ill, at least, an year before. When the illness of their father went worser, a doctor working in one of the hospital near their city home strongly advised them to go to Seoul, there, was the largest concentration of doctors specialized in their father’s sickness. He is reached of an advanced pneumothorax and if they didn’t treat it… he would die. The family didn’t wait to move to Seoul. During the year which had passed, their father went better thanks to the treatements and the medecines he had taken. Unfortunately, he was in remission for some years more… His body and above all, his lungs will keep sequelles of the disease.


This day was the day where the family should travel for one or more years all over the world in order to ‘enjoy life’ before come back to their home, in their dear little town.


Sora was sure that if it wasn’t to enjoy the last years of their father by his side, Hyukjae would stay by Kyuhyun’s side. She wouldn’t hold it against him if he suddenly decided to not go with them, their mother and even their father surely too.


« Hyukjae, it’s time… you can still withdraw yourself with you want to. » Sora said softly, a small but tender smile on her lips. Hyukjae weakly smiled back. « I… I don’t know what to do Sora… my heart is shouting at me to stay, but at the same time, I don’t want to leave dad… You also heard what the pneumologies had said, he is safe but only for some years, and even if dad seems to accept it easily, I’m not ready to! » Hyukjae’s voice was shaking.


Sora quickly took her brother in his embrace as she saw his eyes wattering.  Hyukjae widened his eyes in surprise but didn‘t wait a second to hug her back and burying his face in her neck. « Please don’t say things like this Hyuk… Our father is strong, of course he will have a long life. So, please I beg you, make the good choice for you. I don’t want to see you heartbroken. All I want his you happiness… » Sora whispered against Hyukjae’s ears, tightening her grip on him.


Hyukjae pulled himself away to look at his sister’s eyes. He tried to put an expressionless look on his in face in order to hide his insecurity and to show to his sister that he was conscious of his doing and all the sacrifices he was ready to do to be with his father. But, unfortunately for him, it didn’t dupe her.


Sora put her hands on both of his cheeks and rubbed it with her thumbs.


« Hyukjae, I- » « The plane going to Paris is about to fly off, we’re asking to our passangers to rejoin as soon as possible the boarding area. »


Sora looked up sadly at her brother. It was maybe his last cahnce to be with Kyuhyun! Even if he tried to convince her and surely himself that he will be able to move on, they already knew it would be impossible.


She opened but before she was able to say something, Hyukjae made her shut by putting one of his fingers on her lips. « Let’s go noona! » Hyukjae exclaimed trying to sound happy but failed miserably. « Hyukjae! » Sora yelled, grabbing her brother by the wrist.


Hyukjae looked down, not wanting to let his sistersee him crying. « I already made my decision noona, I won’t come back on it. Just… let’s climb in this plane and never come back here… » Hyukjae muttered and to support his talking, he took of his phone from his jackets pocket, removed the SIM card, and destroyer it in front of Sora who could only look at him in shock.


« Are you insane?! Why did you do that? You will never be able to contact him anymore unless you know his number by heart! » Sora couldn’t believe what she had just saw. It was.. Impossible! How could he broke the last tie Kyuhyun and him had? Unbelievable!


« I never tried to learn his number because I already know it would end like this… » Hyukjae’s voice was weak. « But you decided to be with him during all this year! If it was for furting him and even you at the end, you should better not have tried and started to built something with him! » Sora spated out, she couldn’t control her anger against her brother. He had given to Kyuhyun fakes hopes and he, after all, agreed to be his boyfriend.


Hyukjae was pitiful, even himself thought he was. « I know I did wrong and I’m really sorry about that. But there is nothing I can do now… » Hyukjae said almost in a whisper. « Of course there is! You just need to come back to him! I will tell mom and dad, they will understand don’t worry. It’s not late! » Sora smiled softly to her brother. She was still trying to convince him to not leave Kyuhyun.


« No noona, I won’t… So please don’t make it harder for me than it actually is… » Sora’s face palmed. She released her grip on Hyukjae who didn’t move at all and was still looking at the floor, his shoulders down life if all the troubles of the world were on him. His eyes were privated of their natural warmth, Sora couldn’t recognize her brother in the man in front of her. One month ago, it was hard to separate Hyukjae from Kyuhyun because they were always stuck together and now, he could do it easily all of a sudden?


Sora shook her head in denial. « This is really… » She started walking and stopped when she was just next to her brother. « Sorry for saying such a thing but, I think it’s better for him to not be with you after all. Kyuhyun dosent deserve someone as selfish as you. In order for you to not suffer, you’re ready to make someone else suffer… You’re not the brother I used to know… » Her words came out from like knives stabbing Hyukjae’s heart.


She kept walking, passing by Hyukjae who burst into tears as soon as she wasn’t in his field of vision. « I’m sorry Kyuhyun, I really do… » He whispered.


It was the end. The end of a wonderful daydream.


In the plane no words were exchanged between the brother and the sister. Stifling silence and tension surrounded them.


While Sora reading a book to calm herself down, Hyukaje was looking at the sky and the landscape under him by the window, carressing in an almost lovingly way his tummy.


‘I’m sorry baby… You might never know your father and he migt never know about your existence, but I promise I will always love you and protect you with my life if I had to.’ Hyukjae thought with a tender smile appearing on his lips as only one tear run down his cheek.


Hyukjae is carrying Kyuhyun's baby! >////< *dance of joy*

I'm sorry if you waited for this to be updated earlier. I'm unforgivable... >_<

I don't know but I suddenly wanted to write, and my mind kept on telling me to focus on this story~

Maybe you don't like it so I'm sorry. But if you like it, please comment and suscribe and... maybe vote? :3 (Suscribing and commenting is good!)

And thanks to Emma13 who told me about writing Hyukjae's POV. <3

Hope you liked it! ^o^

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Chapter 2: The what???
U really selfish hyuk
257471 #2
Chapter 2: so hyuk is pregnant, but why he left? he didn't say anything to kyu, why???
can't wait to read the next chapter
afiercesong #3
This is so nice ((:
Chapter 2: noooooooooooooo life so cruel towards kyuhyuk huhu...hyuk is sacrificing his love for his family but fortunately the baby will be his precious one....kyu be strong coz u are a daddy right now huhu...thank kyu for the update ^^
Chapter 2: what!?! Hyukkie.. Pregnant? Oh gosh.. Why why why... Hyukkie please dont hurt urself n stop hurting kyu... Think bout ur unborn child...
Chapter 2: It was very hard on me... *Sobs...sobs*
My Kyuhyuk feeling....
heyitstheduff #7
Chapter 2: Uou're seriously a meanie!>< it must be really hard for both of them and now hyuk is pregnant?!! Meanie!><
Chapter 2: New reader~ ^_^
ionlytoldthemoon #9
Chapter 2: This is so heartbreaking, how can someone ever choose between their family and the love of their life. I think sora was too harsh on hyuk, and instead making him feel better she made feel horrible. I don't think Hyuk could live with himself if he chose Kyu over his sick father. Leaving kyuhyun is difficult for him and it left him broken. I do consider it selfish that he didn't tell kyuhyun about their baby though, because as the father he deserves to know about his/her existence. This is amazing; I want more. I just can't bear the thought of their love ending like this. Thank you for sharing this with us. :]