Chapter 1

The Magic Riddle [2013]

It is very cold, the strong wind mixed with the strong rain pouring down to earth. The carriage full of chickens and ducks were pulled by a tall but skinny horse. A beautiful girl dressed in rags with a worn out jeans. Her eyes full of worry after seeing the horse struggling his way up to the hill. "Phillip, you can do it, we must get home quickly." The girl encouraged the horse seems to boost it's courage to went back from his feet againts the sticky muds as they moved slowly went through the storming rain.

  The sound of thunder strikes sliced the the dark clouds away as the carriage leads to the bridge to across. The thunder again makes a loud boom which makes the horse neighs in fright and the whole carriage and the girl were all tumble down as she were about to fall from the crack of the wooden bridge. She hangs on the broken plank. Fear fill with her eyes as she look down, she screams for help "Help! Help! Somebody help me, please!!" 

 Farway from the bridge there is a barn from the country side. Inside there is a handsome young man, tall and dark haired and skin as fair as snow. He brushed his horse, his very own trustworthy side kick, Flash. He hear the girl screams from afar. "Looks like someone is in trouble, Flash." He put down the brush, getting Flash read as he jumped to him and dash outside the barn, went straight to the voice of the frightening maiden. Back at the bridge, the girl keeps on pushing herself upwards but the piece of the broken bridge she was holding keeps on shaking. "Oh no, what shall I do? I can't get up from here. If I do, I will fall." the girl exclaim in fear. The thunder strikes and the sound of the lightining crackles. the girl suddenly loosen her grip. Her left hand fell to her side. "Oh no, what shall I do?"  The thunder keeps clapping one by one and on fear she almost loose her grip. She screams, and suddenly a warmth hold her hand just in time. "Gotcha" she looked up and saw a man, the man from the barn. He hear her voice and gallops his way to her. He pulled her out as she was half-faint. "Are you allright,miss? You're not hurt, are you?" The man look anxious looking at her. Slowly she opened her eyes and see the man saved her. "Oh, thank you,sir." She then looked at her carriage and her horse. Oh goodness me, the horse. It runs away to the deep forest "Oh no, Philip, what shall I do, he runs away!!!" the man put her away from the hole as he jumped to Flash. "Don't worry, miss, I'll get your horse. In a mean tiime please stay here." the girl nodded her head as she step back. As soon as the man kicked hard but gently at Flash. The black horse runs after the frightened horse. "Oh, do becareful." the girl whisperes.

  As the man and his faithful horse continue to run after Philip. The rain keeps falling harder and harder by the minute. If it keeps up, they'll never find the horse  and the girl wll be disappointed. "C'mon, Flash, this specs of rain can't keep us from him. We have to chase him and calm him down." Flash snorts as he keeps running until he is in the same speed as the frightened Phillip. "Closer boy, closer!" the man pull the sash to Philip's direction which Flash follows as they are closer to the horse. The man jumped on him  but the horse keeps shooked him off but it doesn't stop the man from climb up to him as he arleady into the position he calms down the horse while pulling up his sash "Woah woah there,boy." The man successfully calm Phillip down. "Good boy." He patted the horse. "C'mon, let's bring you back to your owner." 

  Back at the bridge. The girl rearranges the cages filled with the chickens. Glad to see that they are not hurt. "You poor things, are you alright." The chickens cluck happily to see her and show her that their fine "Thank goodness." She put the cage down gently and something flew  from her sight "Oh, where you going ?" She chase the shadow and caught it. "It's alright, little one. You're safe." The shadow, which is turn out to be a duckling. Hurting her leg. "Owh, you poor little thing, you hurt your leg." the girl took her handkechief and wrapped gently to the duckling. Which the duckling sadly quack.. "Do not worry. It will heal in no time flat."  the man then came with her horse along with the carriage "Phillip, are you alright? You are scared, aren't you, I'm so sorry, Phillip." The horse neighs at her and put his big head on her shoulder. "Poor you. There there." "Miss, aren't you cold, here is my coat." The man offer her his coat for her. The girl smiles "Thank you, sir. But I can't leave anything out here. I'll get into a terrible trouble if I can't go home with them." The man smiles, "Don't worry, miss, I'll take good care of them. Just tell me where you live, I'll send them over." "I lived in Keep's Mannor, just acrossed the bridge."

Keep's Monnor? Isn't that the Widow's House?

  Slowly the rain stops as the girl went to the front of the very old house with just made by a wood. She sighs as she walk straight to the door. The bell rang. "Oh, no." she mouthed "WHAAAT IS THE MEANING OF THIIISSS???" The girl turn around and saw someone by the window. An short woman who has wrinkles at her forehead. Her chest goes way done to her stomach The so ugly woman looks displeased looking at her. "WHERE IS MY HORSE, REINA?!" The girl lowering her head while holding the duckling to her arm. "MY CART?! MY CHICKENS?! MY POTATOES, WHERE ARE THEY, WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" The old woman screech her voice like a siren from an police car. So painful to the ears. "Ma'am, I-uhm- I had an--" "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" She hold up her head with uncertainties to the old woman "I had an accident,ma'am." The old woman's face drew wrinkles and her face is in deep red with anger. "ACCIDENT, YOU SAY?! WELL, I'LL ACCIDENT YOU--" The old woman fell from the window and slowly went up "Get in the kitchen,NOW!!"  The girl slowly walk away from her and went to the front door. "That little brat, 'I had an accident' she says, HUH! Lies, I'm gonna--" The woman then saw the horse and the cart with the chickens and the potatoes. And the one who bring them is the man that saved the girl before. "Oh, Yamato-kun, what a wonderful surprised, It's good to see you back again, my dear." The man smiled "Thank you,ma'am."

   In the kitchen, the girl named Reina were greeted by her cat, Figaro as the cat pounce at her. The cat her tears away as Reina smiles "Oh, Figaro, did you miss me? Where is Pluto?" The big golden retriever greeted her as well as he dance around her and give her a kiss "Yes, yes, I missed you too. Pluto." But their reunion cuts short until the old woman slam the door open with a dreadful looking face. Pluto growls at the old lady and so does Figaro hissing at her. "Now listen here, you little brat. There be an important visitor tomorrow, ya hear?" Reina nods but Pluto and Figaro not seem to be happy. The old woman smirks at her "There is a handsome fellow just told me that he's madly in love with my darling  Remi." said the old woman in tears. Reina is surprised, someone actually fell in love with that fat, spoilt brat girl. If it were Emi, that's fine but Remi, someone must have to check their eyes. "And do you know what he said to me?" Reina sigh "Let me guess--" "He wants to marry her, Oh a dream come true for my darling, oh could you imagine that." said the daydreaming old woman but she's back with her stern face at Reina "That's why this house must be sparkle by TONIGHT." Reina in shock, the whole house, tonight? "But ma'am, I already clean them--" The woman raised her brow at her "Is that an excuse, missy?" Reina then lower her head in shame. Who are you kiddng, that's her stepmother, ever since her father died, all she does is doing a heavy labor and chores and thanks to her, she grew up miserably. " Yes,ma'am." And the woman also keep reminding her to scrub the kitchen wall-to-wall, do the laundry, broom the horses, weed the gardens, cut the grass, milk the cow, mop the floor, wash the windows, etc,etc she also trashing some thing on her sight like  pushing a glass mug and splash it to Figaro and kicked the cabbage to Pluto. "Remember, if you don't do thid BY TONIGHT, I'll know what I am going to do with you,lassie!" she then slam the door. Reina sighs as she start picking the bucket full of soap and water as she starts to clean the wall. Tears flowing in her eyes. Why does she hated her so much. She didn't do anything to her.  Why must she hated her. Pluto wimpers as he put his head to her leg and rub her gently. She turn to Pluto as she put her bucket down and hugged her trusted friend. Figaro also rub his head to her back to calm her down, purring. They also wonder why the Widom hate her. It's still a mystery.

  "Heh, server her right, I love looking at her miserable face of her, Owh, I am so mean." The old woman chuckles as she made her way to her bedroom. " Now, to start finding that will." The Will? What will is the Widow talks about? "I knew it when her dear father told me about it. It contains all of the fortune and also this house and the lands. I want to find them but no, her daddy said that will belongs to Reina, Oh Bah!" she then searched and searched "One of these days, I will find that Will and tear into pieces. That way, Everything here remains mine." She maniacly laughs to the air. The Will she spoken of is Reina's grandfather's Will.It contains everything  regarding the land. The Widow has been eyeing it for a long time. But the old man sternly claim that 'only Reina will find it' but the old day won't give up that easily, she'll find the will before Reina does because for certain that her grandfather only inherit Reina to his land his late son and his former wife lived. She puroposely made Reina do all the work while she keep searching for the Will.

  Back at the kitchen after she is done the half of her chores, she was cutting the cabbage. It's already 11:50 p.m and all of them are sleeping except her. Pluto was wide awake as well because he is concern about Reina. He poke her hand with his nose and grab her worn out shirt just to put her to sleep. Reina smiles as she puts down her knife as she followed Pluto. Figaro followed them as well as they sleep by the fire to keep them warm. "Thank you, Pluto, Figaro. You guys are my only friend. The giant retriever kissed her good night and pull Figaro to sleep with them. It's now 12 and they are fast asleep peacefully. But suddenly something has caught Figaro's attention as he leaps to see who it is. Someone is already open the door and reveal a man, with a face of a child, bright brunette and tall. He looked around the house with his deer like eyes and see Reina sleeps with Pluto and Figaro who is awoke from his sleep. The man came to her  as he brushed her head gently. "You poor thing." The man kissed her forehead and find Figaro, wagging his tail seem to be happy to see him. "Nice to meet you too Figaro." He looked around the kitchen, some of it Reina didn't finish them. He quickly pick up the broom and starts sweeping, and do the rest of the chores for her. "For 14 years I've been searching for you and you were already this miserable. If only someone is really helping you. Good thing Figaro and Pluto always keep you company though." And the kitchen is cleaned, good as new. "Now, what's left." Figaro jumped to the spot where Reina cuts the cabbages. "There?" he pointed as he went to the little cat. He picks out the knife and cuts the cabbages "Like this?" he showed it to Figaro. Figaro mews in delight as the man smiles. Figaro then move to Reina and get ready to sleep. He keeps cutting the cabbages without a sweat. He didn't even show fatigue  when he reaches his 100th cabbage.

  "Okay, here comes the last one." Hepick up the last cabbage and almost cut it until he hears the door opens. He didn't turn around and just keep siting still. He can hear someone's breathing and the footsteps were getting louder and louder. Figaro who just having a nap screeching in anger as the man turns around as he raised his hand put that person freezes. "You, are you--" The man take a closer look at the stranger, The stranger, who has a beautiful blue eyes, has a frickles to her cheek and two pigtails hang down and a very tall lady were froze just as soon as the man raised his hand "Emi? Emi, is that you?" The tall girl raised her eyebrow "You know me?" The man chuckels "Of course I know you, I use to look after you remember?" Then the girl is surprised by the man's remark. She suddenly remembers.



A/N; Sorry it tooks so long though. Haha. Chapter One completed. I hope it's worth it. Now you know the identity of the Guardian.

Look foward to the next chapter!! 



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