
The Magic Riddle [2013]

Once upon a time, in a land far into the forest, a forest that is beautiful. Small animals, birds and reptiles lived together in harmony. Deep in the forest lies a cottage, lived by an old couple. One is the carpenter, and one is a white witch and they lived happily in the forest. Sometimes, their only son with his wife often visit the lovely couple and stay there for every 4 months in a year.

  On a one fateful night, the old carpenter was out to gather some firewood. He saw a light, a light shine bright like a sun. The carpenter was curious about the light as he went further and further to the forest. There he met a beautiful young man, lying injured on the grass. The young man whimpers in pain. The carpenter took pity on the young man and ask his son to help him out and carried him out of the forest.

  The grandmother treat the man's wound but to their surprised, it heals all by itself. The carpenter tells his wife to wait for him to wake up.  After 4 days, the mysterious man awoke from his sleep. The carpenter and his wife were very glad he is alright. Then the mysterious man ask them "Why did you saved me?" The carpenter smiles to him and pat him to the head. "Well, sonny, because you look like you needed help." The young man smiles to the carpenter. The mysterious man told the old couple everything about him. He is a Guardian, the ones who protect the forest and it's life from harm for eternity. In other words, he is an Immortal. The carpenter understands him "But I suggest you rest more." The young man looked at the carpenter with a shock "But, sir, I can't stay here long, I have to go back to my friends." The old man smiles "Although your wounds are healed but your mental is not healed yet, how about you rest more?"

 As the young man agree, he stayed with the old couple for days, but days become months and months become a year and all over again. The young man forgot his duty as a Guardian and stayed with the old couple like he lives with them for a long time. But as soon as the young man came to realised that once he forgot he is a Guardian, he'll became a human being. So without letting the carpenter find out, he decided to made a pact to him. He told the old man, he will protect him and his family from harm and he will do so to their son, to her daughter and to the next generation. The old man accepted the pledge with an open heart.

 So the mysterious man disappears and days after days, week after week, year after year. The carpenter still anticipating the young man's return. Until on a day that the carpenter is sick. The young man visited him and the carpenter welcomed him with a smile. "You came." The young man smiles back to the carpenter but with tears in his eyes. "It's been years and I always think about you. I always knew you will come here." Although the young man smiles but his eyes teary. "I don't want you to leave. Stay here." The young man cried as he hold the carpenter as if the old man is his father. "Sonny, you know that was human does. They born and died. So will I. But sonny, not all life are plain. That what memories are."

"Memories?" The old carpenter nodded. "Sonny, when I'm gone, can you look after my granddaughter for me? I don't trust my son's new wife though."


"I beg you, just once. Will you look after her, she'll be lonely without her father by her side. And my wife is nowhere to be seen." The young man hesitated at first but he remembered the times the carpenter saved him, loved him and cherish him like his son. And he also remember the pact he made with him.


 After the old carpenter died, the young man continue to find the old man's precious granddaughter. It's been 14 years, but he doesn't mind all the dirt and scratch and although he were told to return to the forest, he keeps coming back and search for her and he did. It was on a rainy day, he saw her.

A/N: Here's Prologue for you guys!!! I'm sorry it's short [again] and boring also. I'll keep up with this story but that doesn't mean I will not stop update the three stories yet. Please look forward to the new chapter,kay?

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red riding hood