
The One I Want

It had been 3 weeks since Seohyun had met Changmin and his pal, Kyuhyun. Throughout these weeks, they's meet up sometimes and talk, with Changmin flirting.

Kyuhyun would always roll his eyes when Changmin laid a pick-up line so smooth.

What was weird was that Kyuhyun kept giving her these secret glances and genuine smiles. And when he told jokes or when she did, they'd both laugh, leaving Changmin to do a laugh that meant it was funny, but not that funny.

But Seohyun still liked Changmin, and found herself liking him even more, dismissing the nice feeling when Kyuhyun was around as well.

What she didn't know was that, behind her back, he was also flirting with Yoona. Kyuhyun didn't even know either. Although, even if he did, he might've not told her. He saw that she liked Changmin. So he would've actually tried to convince Changmin to not do it.

But no one had been prepared for when Changmin asked Yoona out. He had told to Kyuhyun, excited.

"Kyuhyun, guess what?" Changmin had asked when they were eating ramen at their dorm. "I asked Yoona out."

Kyuhyun almost choked. "What? Who is that?"

"Oh, a girl I met about three weeks ago."

"You sure you don't mean Seohyun?"

Changmin shook his head. "Nah, I just flirted with her because she was cute when she blushed. But I like Yoona more."

Kyuhyun resisted the feeling of strangling his friend. He spoke through his teeth. "So what—now, you're going to flirt with other girls behind Yoona's back? What's wrong with you?"

"I thought you'd be happy for me," Changmin said.

"Happy?! Living like that is happy? Don't you ever want to be with the one girl that you'll be with for the rest of your life? Because your future won't be a happy one if you keep doing this!"

"Man, the time for me to pick my wife is far away! For now, while I'm young, I'll just be like this."

"While you're young, you should stop doing this before it becomes a habit you can't take away!"

"Kyuhyun, what's your problem?"

"Changmin, Seohyun liked you!"

"Yeah, a lot of girls like me."

Kyuhyun couldn't stop himself from grabbing Changmin's collar and raising his fist. "I swear, I'm going to..." He sighed and let go. "No, I'm not." He glared at Changmin and grabbed a jacket. "I'm going outside. I have to go meet up with my dad." He opened the door. "You can finish the rest of my food." And with that, he was out.

But he didn't go to see his dad. He walked to the park, thinking. He actually liked Seohyun. He didn't know if it was a crush thing, or just as a friend. She was really cool, really funny, really smart, and really beautiful. She didn't deserve this. And he knew Changmin did not deserve her anyway.

He was really close to losing it and going back to his old self. Just one punch, and he was back to the "Uses violence to get his way" Kyuhyun.

Back in high school, he was a "big tough guy" with Changmin and some other guys. He intimidated small nerds and flirted with all the pretty girls. He didn't really care about grades.

But then he fell in love with a smart girl and tried to woo her by becoming smart. And he did get smarter, he got better grades. His father had never been so proud.

He confessed to the girl and they started dating. But he found out that she liked bad boys too. So he was still smart, and he loved to have fun. At this time, Changmin was convinced it was best not to use violence and he also had fun. Kyuhyun and Changmin got closer then.

But Kyuhyun's father made him engaged to this other girl that was a daughter of another big company. He is still engaged to her.

He told his girlfriend that he'd try to fix this problem, but she gave up on him when it seemed hopeless.

When she dumped him, he quit having fun, and he focused on studies to forget about relationships.

Although... he had second thoughts when he met Seohyun. But he shook that thought off. He still wanted to focus on his studies. Besides, she liked Changmin more.

Kyuhyun sighed as he sat on a bench. The night was cold and he could see his own breath. The smell of the grass filled his nose as he stared down. Then he saw a pair of feet approach. He looked up.


"Seohyun..." He tilted his head.

"How are you, Kyuhyun sunbae?" she asked with a smile. She bowed just a little and sat next to him.

"Um..." he mumbled, "I'm pretty good."

"You seemed deep in thought," she told him. "And lonely. So I came over here. I was a bit lonely too. What were you thinking about?"

He sighed. "Well, I was thinking about Changmin and his stupid choices."

"Oh," she nodded.

He looked at her. "What are you doing just walking to the park alone, especially since you're a girl?"

She giggled a bit. "Well, I came here to think. This place isn't dangerous, sunbae."

"I know," he chuckled. "I just wanted to know what you're doing. So you're thinking too? About what?"

She slightly smiled and sighed. "I didn't really know this and I don't know why... but Changmin asked out my friend, Yoona."

"You already know?" he asked. "And Yoona's your friend?"

"Yeah," she answered, "she told me. How did you know?"

"Changmin told me."

"And that's why you're thinking about his stupid choices?"

He nodded and looked down at the ground. He took his glasses off. "Well... he's been like that ever since high school. He's stupid. I don't know how he got in the university." He laughed. "Except I do know. My dad gave him a chance and let him take a test, and I helped him."

"Isn't that cheating?" she giggled.

He leaned closer. "Seeing your friend while flirting with you is also cheating."

She laughed. "That's true."

They stayed silent for a little while, until he looked at her. "You really like him, don't you?"

Her cheeks turned bright red. "I guess."

He nodded. "I see." He put his glasses back on. "I'll help you."

"What?" She tilted her head.

"I'll help you win his heart. I mean, I am his best friend. I know him. I know what he likes in girls."

She smiled. "You don't have to."

"I insist." He grinned. "I think you're cool and it's best if cool people are happy."

She chuckled. "Are you happy, then?"

"I'm cool?" he asked. "Well, then, yes, I'm happy."

"Well, thank you."

"It's somewhat my job to be helpful."

"Really? I haven't eaten dinner yet, have you?"

"Half a bowl of ramen, but not much."

"Well, since we both haven't eaten much of a dinner, let's go eat. And because you're helpful, you're going to pay." She giggled while standing up, pulling him up with her. "I mean, you are the son of a big company. You should have no worries on paying for dinner. For two."

He chuckled and nodded. "Alright. Let's go."



Kyuhyun and Seohyun sat down at a table at the park. After buying food, they decided to eat at the park, where it was peaceful and beautiful under the stars.

He opened the boxes and gave her chopsticks.

"Wow, I'm really hungry," she laughed as she took the box with her order inside.

He chuckled. "Calm down, tiger." He broke his chopsticks apart and nodded. "Food looks good, smells good, it's warm, and it's a cold night. Let's eat."

She nodded and they both started eating.

They seemed to be having a good time. They ate, they talked, they joked. It was nice. Until it was ruined by a certain someone.


Kyuhyun and Seohyun turned to see who it was, and he sighed. It was his fiancee.

"Victoria," he mumbled. "What is it?"

She tilted her head. "Who is this?"

"Why don't you answer my question first?" Kyuhyun asked her coldly.

"Just answer mine," she said with the same tone in her voice.

"Answer mine and I'll answer yours," he told her. "I was the one who asked a question first, anyways."

Seohyun could only stare at the two as tension rose between them. She couldn't even say anything. But Victoria glared at her, making Seohyun stare down at her food.

"I'm just going for a little stroll in the park," Victoria finally said, looking back at Kyuhyun. "Now answer my question."

Kyuhyun looked at Seohyun, then back at Victoria. "She's just a friend." Then he stood up. "And I wouldn't want a friend's meal to be ruined by someone else." He started packing up all the food in the boxes. He looked at her again. "Especially you." He held a few boxes and looked at Seohyun. "Come on, we're going to eat somewhere else."

Seohyun nodded and grabbed the rest of the boxes. She turned to Victoria and slightly bowed before following Kyuhyun, who was already walking away.



"What's up with people pissing me off today?" Kyuhyun mumbled, breaking their long silence they sat with in his red car. He looked at Seohyun. "I mean, not you, but others."

Seohyun glanced at him, then looked back at her food. She just ate some of the rice in silence.

"You going to say something?" he asked.

She looked at him. "Well... my mom always taught me to not be impolite and get in other's business."

He nodded. "You have a question. Who was she? Is that it?"

She looked back at her food again. "Yeah."

"She's," he told her, "My fiancee. It's an arranged marriage thing." He sighed and looked out the window. "But I didn't want it."

"Oh, I see..." She said, understanding, after watching all those dramas with Yoona. "Your dad wants you to marry her because she's a daughter of a big company."

He looked at her, obviously surprised. "How did you know?"

She looked at him, almost laughing. "W-well... I just..." She looked up. "Yoona unnie makes me watch dramas." Then back at him.

The look on his face was amusement. "Dramas." He chuckled. "Dramas? My life has become a drama, now that you just said that." He laughed even more. "But that just means that a girl will come and I will break all the rules and forget about the company just for her." He wiped a tear from his eye. "Happy ending for me, then." But then he looked at her with a smile. "Your life has also somewhat become a drama."

"Mine?" she asked, pointing at herself.

He nodded. "Oh yes." He grinned at her. "Because now you are my friend, you're a part of my life. And when the main guy has friends, there is always a side-romance story. It has to do with you, Yoona, and Changmin. I mean, think about it. You like someone, but he goes for your best friend? Drama~!" He drank some water from his water bottle. "But that means that you'll also end up with someone in the end."

She nodded with a giggle. "Oh." She looked at him. "So you know how dramas go?"

"Yeah. I mean, just because I'm a guy doesn't mean I'm not amused by their emotions and their endless crying." He chuckled. "But I'm more of a historical drama person."

She smiled. "Me too." She looked down at her food, then back at him. He was closing his box of food. "You know, sunbae, you're really cool to get to know."

He grinned at her. "Then what are you doing calling me sunbae? Call me oppa, then." He playfully shoved her shoulder. "You called Changmin 'oppa' in just four days. That's not fair, considering how close I've gotten with you."

She chuckled. "You're probably going to get to know me more if you're going to help me win Changmin's heart, oppa."

He smiled and put the boxes away. "Yeah, I guess so. I'll take you to your place tonight."

She nodded. "Thanks."

And with that, he started the engine and drove away.

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Cuatas4ever #1
Chapter 2: I sure do hope you continue the story :) its great :D
Guixuxian0206 #2
Chapter 2: Wow.. Very intersting story when are you going to update us bout this story.. Please..
cry-25 #3
Chapter 2: update sooon ok .....btw <3 your story......:-)
suehyun #4
Chapter 2: this story is so great^^ update soon please
Chapter 2: Ahhhh its so super duper amazingly cute ^_^ Loving your stiry even more! Please update soon! Oh and if you want i could probably help you advertise to many SeoKyu fans out there ^_* if nore subscribers would modivate you more :)
eugenenni #6
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun engaged victory. But Seohyun and kyuhyun are perfect.
Update soon please~~
Chapter 1: Ohhh. I'm liking this fanfic very much!! Update soon please and thank you for the story ^^
Chapter 1: Thanks for the great story....update soon...i feel bless bcoz of seokyu musical...