
The One I Want


Kyuhyun turned to see who had called him. He saw his best friend, Changmin, walking over to him with a grin on his face. He sighed, suddenly knowing what Changmin had to say. Changmin had that grin before. And that was whenever he talked about a girl, or more likely women.

"What is it?" he asked. "Don't tell me. It's about a girl. Or more."

Changmin chuckled. "You know me so well. Dude, I saw two girls walking, they were pretty, nice y legs, and, man, you and me, we should go check 'em out."

Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. "I'm not like that, Changmin." He pressed his glasses against the bridge of his nose. "I've got to study, and besides, I look like a nerd. And I bet they're first years too."

"Yeah, man, they are first years," Changmin laughed. "You know, they looked so innocent. I bet they're still pure. Come on, Kyuhyun."

"Enough of these kind of things, Changmin," Kyuhyun said, sternly. "That's just disgusting! Go get another friend to do it!"

"No, man!" Changmin said. "All the other guys are TAKEN! And you're my only single friend! Come on!"

"Changmin, if I have enough time, I'll go," Kyuhyun sighed. "But my schedule is packed. After school, I study, do homework, and then off to my dad's company, where my dad will show me how he does his job and all."

"All that to impress your father," Changmin scoffed. But he smiled suddenly. "Well, some other time, when you're not busy, I'll make you come with me."

"Sure, whatever..."




Seohyun turned to see who called her and smiled. "Unnie."

Yoona walked over to her. "Seohyun, I made my decision. I'm trying out for the cheerleading team."

"What?" Seohyun tilted her head. "That's good, but... why? I thought they were full."

Yoona nodded. "Yeah, but remember how one member got into an injury due to some cat fight or something? Well, she got suspended, and she decided to move schools, and here I am, choosing to try out."

Seohyun raised an eyebrow. "Wow. How did she get in a fight?"

"Oh, someone bumped into her," Yoona mumbled. "Such a jerk-face."

"Well, then, that escalated quickly," Seohyun laughed at her little joke. Yoona gave that kind of laugh that meant "You're kind of funny, but kind of not."

"Anyways," Yoona continued, "I want you to come with me, so that if they insult me, you'll be my shoulder to cry on, and if they say I was good, you'll be my 'biggest fan'."

Seohyun chuckled. "Sure, sure. I'll go with you.



"Aish, that Shim Changmin is supposed to be here," Kyuhyun muttered, sitting on one of the benches at the football field. "Why does he even ask me to come and support him when he practices football, when he's not even going to show? I might as well just go."

He stood up and started walking down the benches, but when he turned around the corner of the benches, he bumped into someone. Books fell from her hand.

The girl exclaimed a sorry, and he did too. He bent down to help the girl and picked up her things for her, giving them when he was done.

"Th-thanks," she said, and started to walk up the stairs of the benches.

He nodded and was about to leave when Changmin just appeared.

"Changmin!" he yelled. "Why the heck were you late? If you want me to watch you practice, then you should—"

Changmin snickered. "Wow, can't believe I got you out here. I'm not practicing today." He grinned. "The cheerleaders are."

Kyuhyun's eyes widened. "The cheerleaders?!" Changmin nodded and he clutched his fist. "I told you I had to study, but I wanted to be a good friend and support you, and this is what you do to me, you evil, lying jerk." 

Changmin only nodded and Kyuhyun started laughing.

"That's why you're my best friend," Kyuhyun said. "Alright, I'll watch the cheerleaders with you. But I'm not going to flirt. You might, but not me."

They both walked up the stairs of the benches and sat down. Changmin tapped Kyuhyun's shoulder. "Kyuhyun, see that girl over there?" He pointed at the girl Kyuhyun had helped earlier. "She's one of the girls I was talking about earlier."

Kyuhyun tilted his head. He had only seen the top of her head because she kept bowing her head, and now, he can only see her back. "Yeah, I see her."

"Dude, you need to get a girlfriend," Changmin smiled. "Watch and learn how to do this, boy-o."

"Wait, wait, no, Changmin," Kyuhyun whispered, but Changmin was already up and walking to the girl. He rolled his eyes and slapped his forehead with his palm.

Changmin sat next to the girl, and she looked at him. "Hi there, name's Shim Changmin. What's your name?"

"Um... Seo Joohyun," the girl answered, awkwardly. "But some people call me Seohyun."

"What a lovely name," he said. "I can say I've never met a girl with such a beauty as yours."

Seohyun blushed. "Th-thank you."

He glanced back at Kyuhyun and gave a wink with a thumbs up. Kyuhyun only sighed and shook his head.

"What is a girl like you doing here all alone?" Changmin asked as he turned back to her.

"My friend is trying out for cheerleading," she said. "She wanted me to come and support her."

He nodded. "I see. Isn't it because a member had a fight?"

"Yeah," she said, nodding. "Just because someone bumped into her. I say that escalated quickly."

He chuckled. "Wow, you're funny." He turned back to Kyuhyun and turned to her again. "I'm going to go right now. Will I be seeing you around? I really hope I do. I want to see that beautiful face again."

Once again, her cheeks turned red. "Yeah, you might see me around."

"Good," he smiled. "Bye for now." He stood up and walked to the side of the benches where the stairs were. "Kyuhyun! Let's go!"

Kyuhyun instantly stood up and followed Changmin off the benches and back in the building.

"Kyuhyun, did you learn anything?" Changmin asked with a wink.

Kyuhyun nodded. "Yeah,  I learned how to be an idiot that doesn't focus on school and only on s."

"You got it!" Changmin laughed and Kyuhyun sighed.

"You really are hopeless."



"They said they'd consider me!" Yoona squealed as they walked down the hall. "I don't even care if I get in or not, they liked me at least a bit."

Seohyun nodded, a "Yeah" coming out from her lips. She was thinking about that guy that had flirted with her. The more she thought about him, the more attracted she felt to him.

"Yah, Seohyun-ah, what's going on?" Yoona mumbled while waving her hand in front of Seohyun's face.

Seohyun shook her head. "It's nothing. I have to go. Bye, unnie." And with that, Seohyun walked away, leaving her unnie calling after her.

"Aish, what does she have to do that's so important?" Yoona muttered while walking the other direction.

While Seohyun walked the other direction, she saw that guy from earlier. He was walking with the same friend he was with when he was flirting with her. She remembered the guy's name was Changmin and heard him call his friend Kyuhyun.

She just walked in the direction of her home, and they were right behind her. She realized she was actually walking at the direction of the boy's dorms. She hid behind a tree and wanted to wait for them to leave to their dorm. She hoped they hadn't seen her. And she hoped theyd leave. But they sat under the tree she was hiding behind without even knowing she was there.

"Kyuhyun, I'm serious, though," Changmin sighed. "That girl was really beautiful."

Seohyun couldn't tell if he was talking about her. So she leaned against the tree, and listened.

"You say that about almost every girl you meet," Kyuhyun mumbled. "Why can't you just say, 'I'm serious, Kyuhyun. That book was really interesting'."

Changmin laughed. "I'd never say that!" He stopped laughing. "But I'm serious. Do you think I should ask her out?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Because... well, you saw her. She's pretty and all. I want your opinion."

"Do whatever you want. I really don't care." Kyuhyun sighed. "I have to go. See you when I get back to the dorm."

The sound of leaves rustling informed Seohyun that he was standing up and was going to go. She panicked. What if he sees her? She immediately got out her ipod with her earphones, plugged them in her ears, sat down, and pretended she'd been there, listening to music the whole time.

Kyuhyun stood up and from the corner of his eye, he did see her. He turned to her, and she was sitting against the tree, her earphones plugged in her ears and her eyes shut. He tilted his head, recognizing the way her hair looked.

He smiled and looked at Changmin. "Hey, buddy, look who it is."

Changmin looked at Kyuhyun confusingly and looked behind the tree. Then he grinned. "I see."

Seohyun opened her eyes and saw the two boys smiling down at her. She jumped and took out the ear phones. "Um, hi..."

"Hello, indeed," Changmin said with a smile. "I'm so glad I got to see you again, beautiful."

She smiled, her cheeks flushed. "It's nice to see you again, too."

"Well, as I said, I have to go, Changmin," Kyuhyun said, clearing his throat. He nodded at Seohyun. "Name's Cho Kyuhyun. I think I might see you around more because of my friend here." He took off his glasses and wiped them with his shirt. "I'll learn your name some other time, though. Got to go."

She nodded as he put his glasses back on. He walked in the direction of the dorms.

"Ah, that Cho Kyuhyun," Changmin chuckled. "He's always off to his father's company. It's best if you become his friend. His father's company is huge and they're a sponsor for this university. They help the school a lot, financially. They basically own the school."

Seohyun nodded with a small laugh.

"Watch," he told her. "Kyuhyun's going to come out of the door, all dressed up. I saw his wardrobe. He's going to wear a blue shirt with a green tie, and a black blazer with black pants on." He laughed. "But enough about him." He sat next to her. "You know, you are very pretty. But not a lot of pretty girls are smart enough to get into this school. How'd you get here?"

Her cheeks turned a little red again. "W-well, I got a scholarship."

"Wah~" he grinned. "Pretty and smart."

She giggled. "Thank you."

Just a few minutes later, when they had a good conversation, with Changmin flirting here and there, Kyuhyun walked past them, wearing exactly what Changmin said he would.

"He looks really intelligent and serious about his father's job," Seohyun commented as they watched Kyuhyun get in his shiny red car. "What would you expect from the son of the chairman of a big company?"

Changmin chuckled. "Yeah." The red car drove away. "He wasn't always like that..."

A hint of sadness was in his voice. She tilted her head and looked at him.

Changmin laughed it off. "Anyway, I need to do some homework." He smiled. "Can I please see you tomorrow?"

Seohyun nodded. He smiled and nodded at her. "Cool. Well, see you! Can't wait to see your beautiful face again." He walked away.

She smiled and walked the other direction. She could still see Kyuhyun's car, but only as a tiny red dot.

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Cuatas4ever #1
Chapter 2: I sure do hope you continue the story :) its great :D
Guixuxian0206 #2
Chapter 2: Wow.. Very intersting story when are you going to update us bout this story.. Please..
cry-25 #3
Chapter 2: update sooon ok .....btw <3 your story......:-)
suehyun #4
Chapter 2: this story is so great^^ update soon please
Chapter 2: Ahhhh its so super duper amazingly cute ^_^ Loving your stiry even more! Please update soon! Oh and if you want i could probably help you advertise to many SeoKyu fans out there ^_* if nore subscribers would modivate you more :)
eugenenni #6
Chapter 2: Kyuhyun engaged victory. But Seohyun and kyuhyun are perfect.
Update soon please~~
Chapter 1: Ohhh. I'm liking this fanfic very much!! Update soon please and thank you for the story ^^
Chapter 1: Thanks for the great story....update soon...i feel bless bcoz of seokyu musical...