
Home: Cozy Series
In every room, the pleasant smell of freshly-picked heirloom pear spreads and it compliments the vintage and modern decor and furniture located everywhere. It's also perfect with Monday coffees although Sehun's a bit groggy from sleep with hands still chilled from rinsing under the sink.

The skies that were once blue are always a shade of golden, brown to grey and dark navy. Making way back home from university sets their minds to "sleepy mood," and it's just comforting when you open the door with lavender and vanilla welcoming you, under your nose.

They don't really have a favourite candle scent. Their DIY, wooden cabinet by the laundry stores over 150 or more candles ranging from fresh scents like mint and eucalyptus. They opt for sage and cedar in late January and japanese cherry blossoms in February. Those that are too sweet are not really their taste though....nor is ultra spicy and overwhelming. Subtle to moderate scents are greatly appreciated in their household of two.

Once certain candles are out, Luhan likes to restock them with as many as eight at a time. He's really into oak-moss and vetiver although he never forgets to add in some new scents like Bergamot for ultra chilly days and lemon mint leaf for upcoming Spring. Today, he wonders if he should get the harvest coffee or the sun-ripened raspberry. Thankfully, there's enough cash to pay for them all and he doesn't need to worry. Back at home, Sehun's doing the monthly count of how many candles are left and there's an extra addition of wallflowers. He's waiting patiently for Luhan to get home and the lit three-wick flame flickers constantly at the approach of the door swung open.

"Sehun, help me stock them up."

Candles are put away in their rightful places respectively and Sehun and Luhan give a quick high five before lighting their newest one. It's called sandalwood citrus and it  contains the right balance of sweetness, freshness, and the woody base note. They think they've just  come up to a wonderful agreement, that this may just be the next best candle for days of relaxing baths together.


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I like the way you write :)