Chapter One

Tough Feelings
Sorae stared at her reflection in the mirror, a black uniform instead of the usual blue one.
She sighed and tied her hair up into a loose ponytail. 
“Hey dear,” Sorae’s mum greeted when she sat down at the dining table. “Are you ready for a new school year?” 
“Hmm, yeah.” She gave a half-hearted smile while eating her breakfast. 
Sorae’s mum hugged her. “Sorry for making you transfer school, you know your appa’s business is always expanding.” 
“Its okay, really.”
“Are you sure?” Sorae’s mum eyed her worriedly.
“Yeah, its not like I have any close friends in my old high school.” Sorae finished the last of her breakfast and stood up.
“Umma its time I get going.” She said, slinging her bag over her shoulders.
“Arraso,” Sorae’s mum kissed her cheeks. “Have a great day in school!”
Sorae hummed a random tune as she decided to drop by the coffee shop near her new house and new school. A cup of coffee is exactly what she need to last through the day.
“Ahjumma, one black coffee please. Take away.” Sorae smiled at the old lady behind the counter.
After getting her coffee, she turned around to leave and took a sip before knocking into a guy.
Sorae dropped her coffee due to the impact, the hot coffee missing her and the guy by an inch.
“What the heck.” The guy hissed.
Sorae muttered an apology, bending down trying to clear the mess she made. 
“Did your eyes grew on your lil’ or something? You almost soiled my shirt!” He continued cursing even though the coffee clearly did not touch him.
Not able to hold it in anymore, Sorae dropped the damp tissues on the ground and stood up.
“Look,” Sorae stated, glaring at the guy through his sunglasses. “I apologised already, and the coffee didn’t even ing touch you, so what do you want?” 
The guy has brownish-red hair, wearing a simple white tee with jeans. He took off his sunglasses and returned the glare with his own big round eyes. If he wasn’t so rude, Sorae would have swooned over him already but no. There were two other guys standing behind him, one with a bored look but the other with a surprised and shocked one.
Sorae caught a glimpse of one of the guys behind the red head and was shocked herself, but kept her composure and fixated her glare at the rude guy in front of her.
If looks could kill, this guy would have sliced Sorae into several pieces already. But she wasn’t bad herself, even the other customers in the coffee shop could sense the tense atmosphere. 
After what seemed like hours of just glaring, the red headed guy broke off the eye contact first, allowing Sorae to smirk at her little victory. 
He glanced at the logo of her uniform. “See you later.” He snorted, pushing Sorae roughly to the side before walking to the now worried old lady behind the counter. 
The two other guys behind him tagged along, one of whom Sorae desperately tried to avoid eye contact with. 
After managing her way out of the shop, she continued her way to school. “Why the hell would I see you later.” She hissed under her breath. But soon one particular person clouded her thoughts. 
Sorae bit the insides of her cheeks. What the , Cho Kyuhyun. 


“Hyung,” Siwon said, amused. “Its not like you to lose a glaring competition.”

“Well I must admit that that girl is really something,” Heechul said from inside the cubicle. Both Siwon and Kyuhyun could feel an evil smirk on his face.
“Hyung, let her off.” Kyuhyun washed his hands distractedly.
No man, no. I bet she’s a new student. No one dared to come up against the great Kim Heechul.” Heechul opened the cubicle door and strutted out in a black uniform. He arranged his hair and admired himself in the mirror, another smirk creeping up his face.
“Things are gonna get really interesting.”

Sorae continued walking absentmindedly to the school gate, a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around her.
“AH!” She yelped in surprise.
Boo! Scared ya didn’t I.” The english is too familiar to not not recognise.
Henry Lau!” Sorae turned around and returned the hug to her canadian friend. “If you scare me like that one more time I’ll make sure your ends up in the bin.” 
Are you sure ‘coz your actions said otherwise.” Henry chuckled, but immediately stopped when Sorae squinted her eyes menacingly at him. “Okay okay chill dude. I’ve missed you.” 
Aw I’ve missed my little mochi too.” Sorae grinned.
Henry, whom she met in Canada, is the son of her father’s business partner. Sorae’s family lived there for a few years with Mr Lau’s family so it would be easier for both fathers to discuss about their work. That was how Henry and Sorae knew each other and started to hang out frequently.
But a few years ago, their business became a huge success and decided that their main office should be in Korea. The Lau family thus moved to Seoul and Henry started his first year of high school at Kwanghee High. At that time, Sorae was studying in another high school but recently her father’s business expanded again and they had to move houses so that it would be more convenient. Sorae thus transferred to Kwanghee High for her last year in high school. 
Henry and Sorae began walking around the high school.
Okay so how’s life.” Henry asked in english.
“Do you want to switch to korean.” Sorae stated, noticing that they have been receiving weird stares from others.
“Arraso, I’m good at both languages anyway.” Henry grinned cheekily. 
“Yah I’m the one who taught you korean!”
“Likewise I’m the one who taught you english!”
Both of them continued bickering until they reached their lockers.
“Yah -” 
Sorae started but stopped when she saw the three guys from earlier walking past them, now wearing the same black uniform. The red head gave her a knowing smirk and walked to his lockers, the other two guys tagging along right behind him. Kyuhyun was boring his eyes into her and Sorae desperately tried to look away. The other one still had the same bored expression. 
Are you drooling over them or something?” Henry whispered. 
“What? No!” Sorae yelled, immediately turning red in embarrassment when the others around her gave her judgmental stares. She noticed the red head smirking at her through his mirror while arranging his hair. 
“Come on we need to talk.” Sorae dragged Henry to the cafeteria. 
“Who the hell are they?” Sorae hissed.
“You mean Heechul, Siwon and -”
“Kyuhyun. Yes who are they?” Sorae interrupted. 
Henry seemed surprised as to how she knew Kyuhyun but decided to ask later. “Uhm they are students here? They’re part of the popular SJ clique.”
“SJ clique?”
“Yes, the Super Junior clique.” Henry explained. “They are all the hottest and cutest guys here who hang out frequently together. Usually in smaller groups but they come together for outings and stuff.” 
Henry nodded.
“Aw so why isn’t my mochi part of the clique then.” Sorae teased, but immediately regretted.
Henry’s face fell. “Another guy, Zhoumi, and I were part of the clique, but joined later than the others. Their fans all disagreed and threatened us. It was until Leeteuk, the supposedly leader of the clique, told them that we were just close friends with them, not part of the clique then they stopped. We still hang out but well, not so frequently.” 
Sorae was flabbergasted. “They actually have fans?”
“Dude, like I said they are the hottest and cutest guys here.” 
“Their fans must have been blind or something then.” 
Henry frowned. “Did something happen between you and them?”
Sorae related the whole coffee incident to him.
Wow,” Henry was surprised. “Heechul hyung actually lost a glaring competition? To you some more?” 
“What do you mean by some more?” Sorae glared at him. 
Henry chuckled. “Just joking. But really, hyung never lost a glaring competition. People who know well enough never dared to challenged him anyway.”
Sorae shrugged. “Whatever.”
“Oh and bad news is,” Henry sighed. “I think he’s going to make your life a living hell. He’s capable of that, really. He can be really nice but if you offended him then, nope.” 
“He can be nice.” Sorae scoffed. “Oh and one more thing, if they’re students here then why were they in casual clothings just now?”
Henry shrugged. “They don’t like wearing their uniforms outside I think.” 
Sorae rolled her eyeballs.
“How did you know Kyuhyun hyung by the way?”
“Oh that -” 
The bell suddenly rang, signalling the start of classes. 
Sorae sighed. “I’ll tell you next time.”
“Okay.” Henry stood up. “You know where your classes are right?”
“Uhm.” Sorae furrowed her eyebrows. “No. Hehe.”
Henry rolled his eyeballs. “Knew you aren’t that smart.”
Sorae squinted her eyes at him as Henry read her timetable. 
“3-01? Its -” Henry suddenly stopped. “.”
“Nothing haha.” Henry laughed awkwardly. “Class 3-01 is at the end of the hallway there.” He pointed to the block opposite the cafe. 
“Okay…” Sorae looked at him weirdly. “Where’s your class?”
“3-03! Just two classrooms away from you. Now don’t miss me too much.”
Sorae fake coughed and walked off. “Aren’t you coming?”
“You go ahead first. I still need to get something in my locker.” 
“Okay, see you later.”
“Bye! And goodluck! You’ll need that.” 
Sorae thought about Henry’s words. Goodluck? What for? 
She shrugged it off and continued walking. 
“Hell this place is huge.” Sorae muttered as she reached the end of the hallway. The sign on the classroom door read ‘3-01 Mr Lee’. She entered.
“Miss Kim is it?” The man sitting behind the teacher’s desk whom Sorae assumed is Mr Lee looked at her through his glasses. “You’re late.”
“Mianhe.” Sorae bowed politely.
She looked around the class.  They were all either reading their books or paying attention. Hardworking much bro?
She diverted her attention to the back of the class. A very familiar guy was leaning back in his chair looking out of the window. The red hair…
“What the heck.” Sorae cursed under her breath. “Isn’t that -”
“Alright Kim Sorae, you can take a seat beside Kim Heechul at the back.”
“- Hee ing chul.” She finished. Sorae groaned inwardly. 
Heechul turned his head to the front upon hearing his name. His eyes widened before a smirk appeared. 
“Hi there lil’ princess.” He continued smirking. 
“Can i slap that smirk off.” Sorae hissed and threw her bag on the chair. She sat down angrily. 
“Woah chill man.” Heechul slumped back in his seat and put his hands behind his head. “You’re really lucky ya know. 90% of the girls in this school wants to take your place but don’t even have the chance to.”
“Guess I’m the other 10% then.” Sorae snorted.
“Oh I’m not done talking yet.” Heechul leaned towards her and whispered huskily. “The other 10% are my girlfriends who moaned my name. Oh guess you’re one of them? Like you admitted it yourself.” 
Sorae blushed furiously and glared at the other direction, an amused Kim Heechul laughing away.
“Mr Kim could you please tone down your volume?” Mr Lee glared at him from the front of the classroom. He was briefing about the new school year when Heechul interrupted him.
Heechul stifled his laughter. 
Sorae tried paying attention to Mr Lee, ignoring Heechul who’s now humming a random song and looking out of the window again. 
She bit the insides of her cheeks. Henry ing Lau you’re going to get it.
The bell rang after two hours of briefing, signalling break time. Sorae grabbed her phone and wallet and rushed out of the classroom, not giving Heechul a chance to disturb her. She immediately made her way to class 3-03. 
Just then, Henry walked out of the classroom with two guys beside him. One of them looked like a monkey with blonde hair and the other had a baby face. They were chatting happily. Sorae must admit, they actually looked pretty cute, but she had no time to swoon over them. 
“Henry Lau!” Sorae yelled. She watched Henry tense up upon seeing her. 
H-hey Rae.” Henry stuttered in english and laughed awkwardly.
Sorae glared hard at him. “Why didn’t you ing tell me he’s in my class huh?” 
Henry gulped. “Well, you’re gonna find out in the end anyway so yeah heh.” 
Sorae closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. The two guys beside Henry looked at the both of them, confused.
“Uhm are you going to kill him right here for some unknown reason ‘coz I don’t understand a single thing you guys are saying.” The one with a monkey face stated awkwardly.
“Oh I forgot to introduce you guys!” Henry clasped his hands, obviously trying to prevent a pissed Sorae.
Sorae breathed out slowly and smiled. “Hi, I’m Kim Sorae, just transferred here.” 
“Yo what’s up I’m Lee Hyukjae, they call me Eunhyuk.” The blonde monkey smiled his gummy smile. 
“You look like a monkey.” Sorae said bluntly, earning a gasp from Henry and the baby faced.
The guy known as Eunhyuk raised his eyebrows. “I get that alot. Just another one of my nicknames. People say I look like an anchovy too.”
“A hot anchovy.” Sorae smirked. 
Eunhyuk flashed his gummy smile again. “You’re cool, I like you.”
Sorae chuckled and turned to the other guy. “I’m still Kim Sorae, and you are?”
The baby faced guy grinned. “Kim Ryeowook. You can just call me wookie if you like.”
The four of them continued chatting when Sorae caught sight of Kyuhyun walking out of the classroom. They had a short eye contact before Sorae looked away. 
“L-let’s talk in the canteen. I’m hungry.” Sorae said, pulling the guys with her.
Sorae then dragged Henry back away from Eunhyuk and Ryeowook. She slung an arm around him. 
“You’re still going to get it later, by the way.” Sorae said, catching up to Hyuk and Wook, leaving a stunned Henry behind.

hi guys! 

i merged all 3 chapters into one coz i feel that my chapter is too short :/ 

will update soon i promise! 

- yingfeii ((-:


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Chapter 1: Continueeeeeeeee jebal authornim