Sunbae Help and Unexpected Betrayal

Together, Back In Your Arms


“I have infiltrated the enemy’s lair. It was an abandoned warehouse a few miles from here. I have hidden in the back compartment of the van and slipped the red gem on the man’s pocket after stealing it. According to my calculations, it should have fallen and one of the protectors should have shown it to you.” Taemin raised his hands and then, he left the room.

“Excellent. Now I need you guys to get a van with the cameras. Make sure to take the guardians with you. They are still inhuman and can use their powers to save the missing guardians.”

“Director Lee Soo Man” Kyungsoo called out with courage. He nodded at the guardian.

“I saw Kim Jong In. I am positive that he is alive but only his beast is out. He has not fully regenerated. And if I’m not mistaken, he is like a ghost at the moment because he is slowly dying. We must help him and rescue Luhan now." Kyungsoo managed to say those words without his feelings showing, but the nervous shiver of his hands told the members otherwise.

“Guardians, are you ready for this mission?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Very well. Jessica, guide them to the van and be on your way.” Jessica nodded. She gestured for everyone to leave. In the room, there was only Lee Soo Man, Taeyeon and herself.

“I can’t believe they got their first mission just before they even debuted.”

“Well, we all have our shining moments.” Taeyeon said as she patted Jessica on the shoulder.

“Get going girls, you’re needed.”

“We’ll be going. See you later, director!”

“We’ll be back with the others before you can say ‘idols’!” The two left the room. Lee Soo Man smiled.

“Sometimes, I wonder why I created this company again. But at times like this, I remember the guardians. This is to help them.”

***Parking Lot***

On his way to the car, Kyungsoo noticed Kai’s form. He wondered if the others could see him now.

“What are you looking at?” Joonmyun called out. Guess not… Kyungsoo thought.

“I’m just gonna walk around till you get that started.” Kyungsoo left as soon as their leader nodded. He made his way towards Kai.

“Do you remember me?” His face fell as he saw the other shook his head.

“Do you know what you are?” Yes.

“Are you Kim Jong In?” Yes.

“I missed you…” Kyungsoo’s vision was clouded as more tears threatened to fall.

Don’t worry. I’m fine. I won’t forget your soul. I know it, although I do not know what you’re name is. You are my other half, and I won’t do anything to hurt you. I will make sure you are safe. He wrote in Kyungsoo’s palm.

“Ok, I trust you. Now, help Luhan. Take care of him until we get there.” With that, Kai pecked Kyungsoo and disappeared into thin air.

Kyungsoo got back with the group and entered the van. He saw many computers. In one of them, he saw Luhan.

“It’s Luhan-hyung! Why do you have cameras around this warehouse?”

“We’ve been monitoring them but nothing is good enough to make the arrest and end the company.” Sooyoung answered as she furiously pressed certain keys on the keyboard. On the side, Yuri opens the small television and a famous comedy comes out.

“We’ll buy the tanks so throw in the airplanes!”

“I can’t! The airplanes cost more than the tanks!”

“Then we’ll buy the planes and you throw in the tanks–” It was turned off.

“Hey, I was watching that.”

“You watched it last night before going to bed. A few hours without it will do you well.” Yoona argued.

“But I want to watch it–” Yuri trailed off as Yoona handed her some latte. Taeyeon looked at Xiumin and nodded. He looks as if he has a question but he couldn’t ask it since those two are having another of their moments.

“Who are they?” Xiumin asked.

“From what we know so far, that guy in the main room is Hong Lee. He is the owner of the company but it went pretty bad. Now, he has been investing in a lot of materials and we know that the money he uses is not his.”

“Isn’t that illegal? Why not arrest him?”

“Because, we don’t know what he uses it on. We need to find out if he is holding one of you guys captive. We need to expose him if he does so that he won’t be able to get out of jail soon and destroy his research. He suspects you guys are aliens so we might need to make a few changes. Although…I wonder, what do you guys think of debuting as aliens from another planet?”

“That’s not really the question–” Kris was suddenly cut off.

“There! Luhan is in Camera 4!” Sunny shouted.

“Let’s go guys! Careful though, it’s a bumpy ride!” With that, Hyoyeon started the engine and drove out of the parking lot with great speed.

***PMEnt Warehouse***

“Let go of me!” Luhan shouted as he was dragged away. He knew better than to ignore the feeling he had this morning. How he wishes that boy was with him right now… What? Did he really just think of that arrogant boy who called him princess?! No, he was not thinking about his gorgeous eyes, cute lisp, and handsome face along with that adorable eye smile… Luhan mentally slapped himself as he should be more worried about getting out alive than day dreaming about the younger boy. He sighed. Luhan noticed that he was in a warehouse and it was really… dirty and dusty. It was way too disorganized for his liking. If Xiumin was here, he would’ve flipped into a cleaning spree and Chen would probably be the only one closest to waking him out of it.

As he continued walking he saw a huge door. They stood in front of it and punched some numbers. Luhan committed those numbers to memory and repeated it to himself as the doors opened. Upon entering, Luhan felt searing pain as what seemed to be a headache made its way to his head. He cringed, not even fighting as the two men who had been holding him continued dragging him. Within a few seconds, Luhan opened his eyes, revealing red eyes. The room was filled with the twelve chambers. The beast knew this place. He lay on his death bed as he and his lover promised to meet when they wake up again. He waited for many years only to return to this dreaded place again. Luhan was infuriated. Using his newfound strength, he shook the men’s hold on him and growled.

Sehun heard Luhan’s growl as he neared the entrance of the warehouse. His eyes turned blue in an instant and he was just about to break in when he sees a van. It was moving uncontrollably towards the curve when it stopped perfectly parallel to the sidewalk.

“I told you we’ll get here on time!” A groan came as a reply. Being able to see clear with his enhanced senses, Sehun sweat dropped. He blinked his eyes rapidly, just in case his paranoia with Luhan is causing him to see ghosts. After all, the people in the van were pale and frozen stiff.

“I didn’t think it was possible to pass that many red lights without breaking the law…” One of the girls stepped out and was hugging the ground. She was followed by another member.

“Eonnis, get off the ground. Don’t you know how dirty it is?” The maknae of the girl group looked to the side.

“Wow, manager-hyung was right. She is good at parallel parking…”

“I am. I don’t see why you guys don’t want me driving…”

“You don’t see?! Hyoyeon!!” She just held up her arms. Just then, Joonmyun got out of the car, slightly sluggish but was supported by the healing unicorn. The rest of the members had shaky legs as they got out of the van.

“Ah, there you are Sehun-ah!” Joonmyun called. However, upon seeing his eyes, he addressed him in a different tone.

“Did you see him yet?”

“No, but I heard his call. I must get to him now.” Sehun and the rest of the guardians nodded to each other.

“Wait up, which of you are the leaders?” Kris and Joonmyun raised their hands.

“Tiffany, where are the ear pieces?” Jessica asked.


“I want you guys to make sure you wear this. This way, we’ll stay in contact. We’ll have everything in video. Now, go!” With that the guardians left and broke the metal door.


The beast’s red eyes roamed the area cautiously. As he continued walking, he saw one of the chambers. It was activated. Peering inside, he saw one of the young guardians. Just as he was about to take his friend out of it, he felt a knock to his head. All he remembered seeing was the floor and an empty chamber. 

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Mads31904 #1
Chapter 8: Omg So good plz Update!
this is so asdassdfsdfdsg,,what a story daebak!~
MinSungYoung #3
Chapter 8: A very interesting story!!! A fusion with Mama and Wolf! I love it!! And it's great that you put SuJu, SNSD, and Shinee! I say you should think about about making a school story? Thanks!
Chapter 8: loved it!!! :D I really liked the kaisoo moments and the hunhan too <3
Chapter 4: I love the sequel so far! though one little pointer that actually has nothing to do with your writing or the story xD how come f(x) isn't at SM????? T^T I'm a big fan of them and it's already such a shame they don't get enough attention :(

Okaaayy…on with the actual story comment; I really like SuLay's relationship. I feel sorry for Sehun though for not being remembered by Luhan yet. I'm gonna read the rest now :P
linhairi22 #6
Chapter 1: Hello, i'm Vietnames
I really like your story, so can i translate it to Vietnames, please~~~
I will give credit to you after i translate it. Thank you.
Chapter 8: one of the best sequel ^__^ ahhaha XDD thanks for this story author-nim :DD Lovelots. <3
Chapter 7: Oh gosh !! How i miss this very amazing story ^_^ Love you author!!Thank you for the wonderful UD ^^
Chapter 6: ARGH!!!!!! Cliffhanger!!!!! *flips the table* i like your story.... please update... i really want to know what happen next...
HWAITING!!!!! ^.^