
My little flower
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Hanmi played with the strap of her back pack as she waited for the person she waiting for to come.She had come here by 2 hours journey train and she hoped the result won’t be disappointing.She looked to her left,two seats away from her,a woman was sobbing as she was talking to the man in front of her.They were sitting just opposite to each other,but they had to talk using a phone attached to the each counter.A glass wall was separating them,so they couldn’t hold onto each other no matter how much they wanted too.Behind the man she was talking to,a muscular built police was waiting calmly for the seconds to tick off.It was as if he’s a livetaker,hiding behind those compose façade,he was eager to separate both of them.

Hanmi breathed out patiently as she tore her gaze off from the pair to the man that she had been waiting for.He had soft,kind features.His eyes shone with innocence.The scar on his left cheek proved the torture he had been enduring and his cleanliness appearance;neat,short haircut showed that even though he was framed,he still held hope he would be released.

‘Mr.Han-sshi,’Hanmi said through the phone.

While holding the other phone,he eyed Hanmi warily, ‘That’s me.’

‘Let me get straight to the point,Mr.Han-sshi.I am here because of Song Goong Yoon.’

And there goes the infamous wide eyes every time Hanmi mentioned He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named in front of the victims.

‘I’m not his representative or what-so-ever you think of,’Hanmi quickly added.

He scanned Hanmi up and down,as if thinking whether Hanmi’s a friend or a foe, ‘Who are you?’he asked suspiciously.

‘I’m a victim too,’Hanmi answered without a hint of hesitation, ‘A victim of Song Goon Yoon.’

Mr.Han leaned forward in interest, ‘What did he do?’

‘He framed my parents and killed them.’

Mr.Han closed his eyes momentarily and shook his head, ‘I’m sorry.’

‘So can you please help me Mr.Han?I need to know what he did to you.If I have sufficient proof,I can make Song Goong Yoon crawl into the prison!’Hanmi voice subconsciously turned into a loud whisper, ‘And you,Mr.Han,you can get freedom and spend your life with Mrs.Han and Chaewon!’

‘You know them?My family?’Mr.Han uttered the word with full of adoration.

Hanmi nodded, ‘Can you please give me your cooperation.’

‘Are you in this alone?’Mr.Han tilted his head.

Again,Hanmi nodded.

‘You’re not going to win him all by yourself,young girl.You’ll get yourself killed even before you realize he’s aware of your actions.’

‘But there’s only me.I know no one else,’Hanmi furrowed her eyebrows.

Mr.Han suddenly chuckled as Hanmi furrowed harder at the preposterous action.

‘Strangely,you reminded me a lot of him.’

‘Him?’Hanmi repeated like a lost child.

‘I thought he’s the one visiting me,since he always did.But I was a bit surprised when I saw you,’he said.

‘Who’s him?’Hanmi asked.

‘Someone,’he replied, ‘Maybe you’ll get to see him after this.He usually visited me around  this hour.I’ll tell him about you.Maybe he can help,’he said confidently.

‘Are you sure?’Hanmi eyed him intensely when the police suddenly announced her time is up.

‘Yes,come again and I’ll tell you more,’he managed to say before the police began to pull him up.

Hanmi stood and bowed.When she straightened up,he was already accompanied by the police to go back to the prison.



Him..Mrs.Han once said about him too.Are they the same person?she thought and tugged on her hair harshly, Aish!Why is it so complicated?

It was already 1.36 p.m and she was still waiting for the mysterious “him” to come. She had to know who was that person.Maybe  “he” could help her to solve all these cases,but unfortunately, “he” was nowhere to be seen.And she was the only soul standing in front of the building when suddenly she caught a glimpse of a familiar silhouette walking towards the building.

Her eyes widened as she quickly hid herself behind a tall tree,hoping not to be seen.

Of all people,why is he here?Are

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Fireflies123 #1
Chapter 58: This is definitely on my favorites list. Thank you so much. This read was so intense and exciting. The ending is also so sweet. Thank you again.
Chapter 59: Thank you so much for this amazing story.. I enjoyed reading it.. I was sad for Baek but still happy with the ending.. But would love to see some bonus you know.. Like her bonding time with other members like Kris Chen Tao Kai and others.. It will be good.. Also her dating life with Luhan..
Chapter 59: Thank you for this awesome story! Gave you the upvote. (:
nanahayuri #4
Chapter 59: Best story ever author-nim TT_TT
HellenWu #5
Chapter 59: finally I finished reading this story. I see that a lot of readers shipping baekhyun with Hanmi. but I really love Lu-Mi couple. >3 nice story.
HellenWu #6
Chapter 42: Luhan is unbelievable. his sentences tho
HellenWu #7
Now I announced that I'm going to read this story lol XD
*smuggy faceu on*
OkSooyeon #8
Chapter 59: Wow... This story is really nice. The part where the rest of the boys started gaping at y Hanmi was so funny. Thank you for the wonderful story author-nim!
Chapter 59: Finally i've finished reading your story. So she is end up with him. Actually i can't choose between Baek and Luhan, both of them have a way to show their affection. I like it how you make the character esp Sehun....gosh he is really something. I like it when he is speachless coz Hamni trying to do

Anyway i always fall in love with your story, the one with Teentop main character ^^
jivisha28 #10
Chapter 59: keep falling for these one its soo awsome