3:New Home!!

I'm not yours, Had never been yours and will be never be yours....

After 6mins. you are now in your destination the mansion then you three got out of the limo.Your Eyes sparkling like a star Because of the White and Clean Mansion then,you gonna touch the door knob to go inside but then.. Someone opened it you looked suprised then.. a light come towards to you and you close your eyes.When the light disappeared,You see 10 Maids and 10 waiters and 10 chefs with 3 drivers You freeze in 10 sec. and turned around and look at your auntie,Hugging her tightly

You:Chinca Komawo Auntie!!

Auntie:Haha! You're Welcome :)

Mom:------,You have to sleep now it's almost 10:30 pm



You:Oh,ok Annyeong-hi Kaseyo! *waves and go inside the So-called Mansion*

Mom:Bye~ *Waves back*

Auntie:Bye! *Waves Back*

Mom:Sis,Thank You very much for This

Auntie:Welcome :)

You go inside the mansion

and twirl so that you see everything and you feel headache and stop twirling then,a maid comes to you a say hello,you say hello too.

You:Umm,Question,Where's my Room.?

Maid:Follow me.


You Followed her and The maid stop and you stop too.

You:Are yo-

Maid:We're Here.

The Maid Open the door and you shocked O.O

Maid:Sorry if your Room has a little space an-

You:I Love it...

Maid:Y-You really Love it.?

You: Yeah..

Maid: Ok,so.. Sleep Well and you have school tom. ;)

You: O-WHAT?!?!

Maid:Don't be too noisy and shock Ms.-----.

You:Opps,Sorry hehe....

Maid:Tom. Wake Up early,i will Tour you in this Mansion

You:Arasseo,Komawo :)


The Maid got out in your room and you still amazed at your room then you go at your bed and look at your watch,It's 10:30 pm.and you sighed.Mins. later,you fell asleep.


Yoo!!! How the New update.?? I'm Sorry if I didn't update months ago TT-TT

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Thanks Unnie! =))
HAHA! Yeah it is! XDDD I Can't think some title of this story so... i copy the title from my classmate's notebook cover XDD and Thank you! =)))