1:Korea Here I Come!

I'm not yours, Had never been yours and will be never be yours....

-At Home (Japan)-

Mom:------! Faster! It's almost 3:00 pm! the departure is 4:00 pm!

You: OK OK MOM! *runs Downstairs while handling 3 bags* Let's go! *goes inside the car*

Mom:*gets in the car and turn the engine and drive*

You:This gonna be a LONG ride

Mom:Yeah it is

-At Osaka Airport-

Mom:------,say goodbye to your friends.

You: *nods* ok *looks at your friends* Sayonara(Goodbye) Friends! I'm gonna miss you all!

Friends: Bye! Text or Call us ok.?

You:ok! *looked at your mom* Let's go ommonim

Mom:Arasseo *walks at the airplane*

You:Korea,Here i Come! *walks at the airplane*

The plane starts to go up and you see many birds flying in the sky then you feel sleepy then a minute later you fell asleep.

You feel that the plane starts to go down then.you see that you are now in Korea.You feel Excited and nervous at the same time

Then you stand up and walked to the exit door and you shocked because of the Beautiful yellow sun and blue sky.Then someone patted your shoulder and you turn around it's your mom

Mom: Are you ready.?

You: I Really am :)

-At Seoul Airport-

You: uhhhh Mom.? What are you doing.???

Mom:Searching for Someone

You: who?

Mom:your Auntie

You:auntie... who.? don't tell me it's Auntie Jaeyeon

Mom:Jaeyeon *smiled*

You:I Knew it! ohhhh

Mom: OMO! Jaeyeon! *waves at her*

Auntie: Little Sis! *waves back*

You: Auntie Jaeyeon!

Auntie: ------??? OMO! You Look sooooo Thin! haha! mian ------.

You: It's Alright Auntie Jaeyeon. ummm Mom i can go to the Coffee Shop.?

Mom: sure, just be careful arasseo.?

You: Ne, Annyeong-Hi Kyeseyo ommonim,Auntie Jaeyeon :) *walks at the Coffee Shop*

Auntie: She's now not the real ------ i know.

Mom: I know right, she change a lot :)


Next Chapter SOON~ and Sorry for my wrong Grammar! hehe -Nicole <3











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Thanks Unnie! =))
HAHA! Yeah it is! XDDD I Can't think some title of this story so... i copy the title from my classmate's notebook cover XDD and Thank you! =)))