Two. Valentines


February 14, 2010

It was Valentines’ Day and spring arrived exceptionally early this year, indicated by the beautiful pink cherry blossoms blooming along the walk to S.M Academy, the new performance college Seomi and Hana were attending as freshman.

‘So, do you have anyone in mind to spend your day with?’ Seomi turned to Hana excitedly, ‘It’s Valentines!!’ She exclaimed as she swung her hands upwards and tried twirling one round but unexpectedly tripping one foot over the other.

Hana laughed before extending a hand to balance Seomi, ‘ Be careful, will you?’

Seomi laughed too at her clumsiness before loping an arm around Hana’s, ‘You’ve got my back, why should I worry?’

Hana smiled. It had been 6 years since she met Seomi and they had been inseparable ever since. Both had stood up for the other when other’s picked on them, both had been there for the other through heartbreaks and tears, both had cursed and sworn at those jerks who left them. They had been through ups and downs and Hana had always had Seomi’s back while Seomi was Hana’s rock.

As scary as it was to enter a new phase of their life as college students, Hana was certain it would be great as long as Seomi was there.

A cherry blossom petal flew down and landed on Seomi’s hair. ‘Wait!’ Hana pulled Seomi to a stop and gently removed the petal, placing it on her palm.

‘Spring is here’ Hana said, her voice barely a whisper.

‘Indeed’ Seomi replied and smiled at Hana, ‘another spring together! Let’s picnic someday’.

Hana placed the delicate petal in her folder, entrapping the first breathe of spring, ‘Sure, but you pack the food this time! I’ve done it thrice already.’

Seomi pouted but accepted her task. Linking her arms with Hana’s, they walked together towards their new college.


Hana peeked around the corner at Kai, S.M Academy’s Kingka. He is a year 2 senior and had been Hana’s crush since she saw him dancing alone one month ago. Hana was forced to stay behind for her theatre project and by the time she had finished her research, it was near the school gate’s closing time. In a hurry, Hana had taken a short cut route crossing the dance faculty and chanced upon Kai dancing.

She could still remember his fluid moves that day. The dance room was dark except for the spotlight on Kai, he was facing the mirror, away from Hana so he didn’t notice her. However, even if he were facing her, he wouldn’t have noticed because he was encircled within the music as he danced. The music, his dance moves and him were one. Hana watched, entrenched by him and when the music finally stopped, half an hour had gone by. She had to climb the gate out that night.

Kai was standing with his clique, Chanyeol and Suho and there were tons of girls surrounding them, fighting with one another to hand them their chocolates. Hana watched as the 3 guys provided fan service as they smiled and winked at the girls while staking their hands full of chocolates. She turned around, leaning her back against the wall for support while her sweaty hands tightly gripped her own box of handmade chocolates.

‘Gosh, how am I going to hand this box of chocolates to Kai when there’s so many girls surrounding him?’ Hana thought to herself. She shut her eyes and took deep breaths. Finally, she calmed down her rapidly beating heart, silently counting to three, she opened her eyes and turned…

‘Oomph!’ Stacks of chocolate went flying in front of Hana as she bumped into Kai.

‘Omg, sorry sorry!’ Hana’s face went red as she apologized and hurriedly picked up the scattered chocolate boxes. This wasn’t how she expected her confession to be.

‘It’s ok.’ Kai’s soothing voice sounded.

Hana looked up to see Kai’s smile and her heart melted.

Kai picked up the rest of the boxes, his hand lightly resting on the last one lying at Hana’s feet.

‘Is this yours?’ He asked.

Hana looked down and nodded her head, ‘yes…ah no… yes’ She was nodding and shaking her head back and forth, ‘I mean… it’s for you.’ Her face was tomato red by now and she wished a hole could swallow her whole.

Kai chuckled, ‘Ahhh I see. Thank you…?’

Hana looked up, ‘Hana!’ She exclaimed a little too loudly, before realizing it and lowering her volume, ‘I am a year 1 freshman’.

Kai smiled at her, ‘Thank you for your chocolate, I will eat them.’ He his heels and Chanyeol and Suho both followed behind.

Once they were out of earshot, Chanyeol couldn’t help but exclaim, ‘Kai, why did you accept that girl’s chocolate? She’s so fat and ugly. Aurgh…’

Kai surveilled his surroundings; making sure no one was around before he chucked most of the chocolates in a waste bin, leaving only Hana’s box in his hands.

‘Are you really going to eat that?’ Suho questioned in disbelief.

Kai smirked, ‘It’s not who she is, but who she is friends with.’ and he tore open the box, popping a chocolate in. ‘Anybody want?’


‘He accepted my chocolate and smiled at me!!’ Hana couldn’t contain herself as she jumped up and down on Seomi’s bed.

'Who?’ Seomi replied in disinterest.

‘Kai!!!!! AHHHHHHHHH! His smile….’ Hana swooned as she placed her hands over her heart, ‘ I melted.’ She plopped down on Seomi’s bed.

‘Careful! Hana, when will you learn? You’re gonna break my bed.’

‘Sorry.’ Hana replied halfheartedly, her thoughts still on Kai, ‘Do you think he likes me too? I mean, if he doesn’t feel something for me, why will he accept my chocolates? It may be too early to tell, but he could have taken a liking to me, I mean…’

‘Stop. Just stop.’ Seomi chided, ‘you’re fast-forwarding way too much. He accepted tons of other girl’s chocolates as well.’

‘At least he knows I exist, he knows my name now.’ Hana defended herself.

Seomi pouted, ‘ When I asked who do you have in mind on spending Valentines’ with, I was referring to me,’ she jabbed a finger at her chest,’ and not some Kai’.

Hana couldn’t help but laugh at Seomi’s cute jealousy, ‘Aren’t I spending Valentines’ with you now? Aww…’ She leaped up and grabbed Seomi in a bear hug; it was way too easy since Seomi was so thin and petite.

‘Stop, stop! You’re suffocating me!’ Seomi choked as Hana released her, she glared at Hana, ‘I am going to make you regret!’ as Seomi grabbed a pillow and began hitting Hana.

Hana laughed as she tickled Seomi in defense.

Today was a day worth recording.



14 February 2010

Dear Diary,

Omg, today I confessed! Or sort of. I handed Kai my box of chocolate and he now knows my name! Swoon My heart melted like chocolate when he smiled. I can visualize seeing that smile as he softly whispers my name ‘Hana’ before placing a soft kiss on my lips….

Ahhhhh!! I can’t deal with my emotions right now; it’s all over the place. My feels!!!

Do you think I’m in love? In the past, it seems to be only puppy love and I wasn’t 100% sure I was in love, or at least I didn’t melt when my exes smiled. But today, my heart was practically in my mouth and I swear I couldn’t breathe when Kai looked at me in the eyes.

Do you think he likes me too? I left my email and number in a small slip inside the chocolate box. He said he would eat the chocolates, meaning he will definitely find the note. Do you think he will contact me? I hope he does, I really do.

Ahhhh! My feels.


Hana giggled as she closed her diary. She switched off her lights before climbing into bed and snuggling down her duvet. ‘Sweet dreams, Hana’ She thought to herself.

Hana was sound asleep when her handphone vibrated.

From: 010 xxxx yyyy


Hey, I’ve eaten your chocolates and they were delicious. Thank you.

Are you free for lunch tomorrow? I’ll be waiting. :)




A/N: Disclaimer! I'm not trying to bash Kai or Chanyeol or Suho (in fact i love them <3), but Kai is gonna be the *cough* villian *cough* here.

And this story is going to go back and forth, so the date will be listed at the beginning of each chapter to avoid confusion! 

Cheers for double update! :)

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