Chapter 1


Moira woke up, due to the sun falling on her face through her half open curtains. She groans before she gets up, scratches her head and walks downstairs to the kitchen. She passed the living room and saw that Ymir was cleaning the mess she and her mother made last night. Everything that Moira was able to pick up had flown across the room, and most things were broken into pieces. She couldn’t stand the way her mother has spoken to her.

Even though Moira knew that the moment would come that she has to go on her one week journey to get her own Nix, she was bewildered at the way her mother approached the topic.


Moira had already made her point clear to her mother when she was 16, taking a Nix by your side to serve you… Is not necessary.  Better said, Moira doesn’t need one, she doesn’t want one. She can’t understand how the Asters all have a Nix as their slave and they still keep on pretending that there is equality, freedom and peace. It’s just not right in her eyes. She hates all the Asters who keep on pretending. But secretly she also hates the Nixs for not standing up for themselves. How can they let themselves be treated as slaves?

How can they agree to the fact that there could be a time when they suddenly are taken away from their family to live a lonely life as some sort of slave. She just doesn’t understand. And seeing how everyone else around her does somehow agree with the fact that it is normal. She can only come to the conclusion, that whatever the government is brainwashing everyone with, it didn’t work on her.


Moira reached the kitchen and saw freshly baked pancakes waiting to be devoured by her. She quickly sits down at the table and starts eating while her mind is traveling off again to the discussion she had with her mother yesterday.  


“Moira Noctua! I don’t care about your opinion, next week you will have to go and find your Nix! You’ll either go on your free will or will be dragged away by the government I don’t care, but you’re reputation will be ruined if you choose for the latter!” her mother Rhea yelled at her. “But moooooom, you know how much I’m against this!” Moira screamed, unable to contain her anger, she started throwing with a vase that was standing next to her. “You think I can do anything about this rule?!” Rhea screamed back while swiftly dodging the vase and throwing back a clock. Not much later everything that was able to break was shattered across the living room.


Moira returned back to reality when Ymir came into the kitchen and took a place on the table across her. “Goodmoring Moira” he smiled at her. “Hi, Ymir” she returned a smile, but hers was a rather sad smile. “I am happy about how you see things Moira, but we both know that you cannot avoid this journey”, Moira took a bite from her pancake as Ymir continued, “Your Nix, will certainly have good life though if he or she is to stay by your side for eternity”. Moira glared at him “But that Nix, would definitely be happier if he or she is able to stay with their own family” she answered. Ymir looked at her questioning “Do you think the way family is treated here is the same way as Nix’s treat their family?” “What do you mean with that?” she raised an eyebrow. Ymir stared at her pancake “We are a different race, Moira. Not only our bodies and feelings are different” he replied and then left again to return to his duties.


Moira was a bit shocked, she hadn’t really thought about that fact. And now, she started wondering, what are Nix’s really like? Of course, she had seen Nix’s before, after all, every Aster has their own Nix. But, there aren’t any open documents about their race. And it is very unlikely that someone else’s Nix would talk about their life to you. And to add to that, that everyone grew up with these false ideas that ‘Nix’s are lower than us and have no feelings’ they don’t care to ask their own Nix about them.


Moira has built up a relationship with Ymir, but the things she can ask him are only limited, since he is not her own Nix. And her mother always ask about her behavior, and since Nix’s always speak the truth… Ymir would have definitely told her mother about her curiosity about the Nix race and then. Moira would pretty much be in big trouble.


Moira finished her pancake and has finally decided how she will deal with this her own way. Since her Nix will be her Nix she would be able to finally find out what this Nix race really is all about. Besides that she would treat her Nix equally, give him freedom and hope for a peaceful life. This doesn’t mean that she agrees to the fact that it is normal to have a Nix for eternity. She will not give up that thought. Never ever, would she think that the way Nixs are being treated is right.


Hello everyoneeeee, I wrote this kind of fast before going to bed, so I might edit it a bit tomorrow :p

Thanks for reading! <3

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