Chapter 53

TVXQ & JYJ as Running Man Guest

            The five lords reach the abandoned building. The building seems new, it doesn’t seem like the building was abandoned. They enter the building and suddenly, the lights are switch on. They are surrounded by ten people. They are holding a bat, pipes and so many more weapons. But no guns.

            “Wow, I never thought that you’ll found us this soon,” a man comes out from a room at the second floor. He claps his hands a few times. “It hasn’t been 24 hours.”

            “And I never thought that you didn’t arm your men with guns. Very old school,” Mr Takashi mocks the man.

            “It suits you, old, but brave,” the man smirk.

            “What do you want Yamato?” Mr Takashi asks again.

            “Nothing. I just follow an instruction given to us. He pays us so much that we won’t even asks a question,” the man name Yamato spread his arm.

            “Oh, do you mind to share his name?” Mr Takashi asks again.

            “Mr Lee. That’s all we know,” Mr Yamato leans forward to the rail and smile. “And he also offers to resurrect my company in exchange of ruining you TV5XQ project.”

            “Oh, really? How nice,” Mr Takashi mocks again. “But don’t you think ten people are too few to suppress us?”

            “Haha. You’re not as strong as before old man. You shouldn’t let me go before,” Yamato is laughing out loud.

            “I can see that. You should learn how to laugh evilly. Its nasty,” Mr Takashi rolled his eyes.

            “Here, a souvenir,” Yamato throw a jacket to the Ichijouji with an annoying smirk on his face. “He is really a fighter. It took us long to tame him.”

            They look at the jacket that is lying on the ground in front of them. Ken picks it up and examines it. He is sure that it is Changmin’s jacket, the one he wears when he was last seen. Ken can see some blood on the jacket.

            “I have a question,” Ken asks slowly while his eyes still plastering on the bloody jacket. Yamato turns his head to him and smiles.

            “Yes my dear. What is it?” Yamato asks with a smirk on his face. He looks like he already wins the fight.

            “Did this Mr Lee know your face? Have you met him face to face?” Ken asks.

            “Yes, of course. We even sign an agreement together. Why?” Yamato asks again.

            “Good,” Ken eyes change. The other four Ichijouji are looking at Ken with understanding eyes.

            “We need to back off,” Asuka said while taking a step backward. “Before he killed us too. He can’t differentiate between friend and foe at this time.” All the other Ichijouji agrees and back off a little.

            “Oh, before that. Do you know the one that you kidnapped is TVXQ members? You shouldn’t kidnap him. You should take JYJ instead. If you take TVXQ, you’ll cause a terrible loss to that Mr Lee,” Kei explain. “Changmin is a contract holder with Mr Lee’s company you know.”

            “Do I look like I care?” Yamato smirks.

            “No, you don’t,” Kei nods in agreement. “Where is he?”

            “Somewhere in here,” Yamato get up from the rail and walks down. “Let’s stop the chit chatting. I’m so tired and I need some sleep. Your friend really makes my hand full.”

            “I’ll let you sleep,” Ken said while putting on Changmin’s jacket. “Eternity.”

            The ten men who are surrounding them are attacking. Ken beat all ten men by himself in a blinks of eyes. Yamato startled with what happen and runs towards the second floor. Ken goes after him and drags him down. He fights with Yamato and stab him on the throat. He kills Yamato without holding back a little. He is dragging the limp body and throws him in front of his father.

            “What should we do with this Ken?” Mr Takashi points to the limp body in front of him. His dad didn’t seem surprise since he knew what Ken capable of.

            “Cut him into pieces. Mail each pieces to SME. On top of it, write ‘Special For Lee Soo Man’. Leave a note on top of the box. ‘TRY AND MESS WITH US AGAIN. NEXT TIME, IT WILL BE YOURS INSIDE THIS BOX’,” Ken said and walk upstairs. “Changmin, please be ok,” Ken said to himself.


            He looks at every room for Changmin. He finally found Changmin in the last room at level two. Changmin is tied to a chair and his eyes were tied with a black cloth. Ken walks towards Changmin and call his name.

            “Changmin,” Ken whisper his name slowly.

            “Ken, is that you?” Changmin head moves weakly. Ken takes of the cloth from Changmin’s eyes. He saw Changmin has a lot of bruises and dries blood on his face. Seems like he fight with his kidnappers.

            “Hye,” Ken said after Changmin blinks his eyes a few times to adjust to lights. Ken opens the ropes on Changmin’s hand and body.

            “Hye,” Changmin tries to smile. “I never thought that I have the chance to see you again.”

            “Stop talking. Let’s bring you to the hospital,” Ken pull Changmin left hand and put it on his shoulder. He grabs Changmin waist in the process to support Changmin’s body.

            “Ne Ken. I have something to tell you,” Changmin tries to talk again.

            “Save it for later,” Ken drags the man to the doors when he heard a faint voice from him before he passed out.


            “I LOVE YOU.”

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Lilinne #1
Chapter 59: That fic is so good! Absolutely incredible. I teared up a few times...
meemow123 #2
Chapter 59: And I asked for a sequel 18 times in my last comment. Does that count? *puppy dog eyes* *innocent* *aegyo*
meemow123 #3
Chapter 59: Sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel sequel PLEEASEEE!!!!!! *on my knees* *begging* SEQUEL I am begging you ... I am so sad to see this finished, I would really REALLY be happy and love it if there was a sequel ...? *pleading puppy eyes*
Min? O.M.G my DBSK feels ... *spazzing* I'm dead ...
meemow123 #4
Chapter 54: AWWW KEN IS JUST SO ADORABLE CLUELESS *squealing* oh dear, haha ... Changmin has a hard time. Lol, Ken is such a ... dense person for such a cool smart guy xD
meemow123 #5
Chapter 39: ... Oh, Minnie ... *sad* but that is so sweet, how the Min+Ken couple unconsciously care so much for each other. And that bromance between Ken and Kei? That is just ... *spazzing* adorable. So sweeeeet xD
meemow123 #6
Daydreaming about YunJae's child? Waahh that would be adorable *squeals* SLEEP with Yunho LOOOL xD silly Min
Chapter 60: Am the only one who finds Ken the most interesting (cough, adorably blank, cough) here?
LOL ... It was sweet to see (well ... read ...) him so angry when Changmin got kidnapped. Love ... So cute, hihihihi. <33333333
Chapter 60: In the sequel, Minnie+Ken and Yoosu pleeaseee? Because they didn't come up much in this ... And my Changmin has been lonely most of the fic so ... *naughty smirk*
*spazzes* omg, my DBSK feels are rocketing. No ot5 reunion? Ah ... But at least they come together, kinda!! And omg Yunjae ... *dies*
Yunho is a naughty ert. No wonder Minnie is like that too ... Hehehe, father and son, LOL. And I was DYING of laughter when Ken had searched up how to be in a relationship ... AH I was like, LMAO ON THE FLOOR *kekekeke*
So ... It was Soo Man who was plotting against them? O-o ugh ... I want to kill him now...
Sequel? PLEEASEEE??? *aegyo* I really need a sequel (no rush tho :))) I want to know what is gonna happen ... Happy ending YES.
Thank you for writing this!!!
DBSK, ot5 forever!! Even if they are split (why no real Yoosu? Hihihi)
I. LOVE. This. So. Much!!!!!!
Omg this story is so awsome~ i didnt even notice that i been staying in the same exact position for 6 hours in my room reading this story. The storyline is smooth and give fluffyyyy feeling all the time. Im really impressed with your authorniim. Good work~