Lost in the woods

Xiuhan fluff bingo

For the CUDDLING/HYPOTHERMIA slot of the bingo


Minseok pulled his hat down, making sure to tighten the flaps over his tiny ears before wrapping a thick scarf around his neck, making sure to hide as much of his face as possible. Taking a look in the mirror, he sighed before taking the bunch of keys on the dresser and opened the door to the rapidly freezing temperatures.

He had gotten the call just a few moments before. Someone was lost in the forest, a young man, a foreigner who had strayed from the tourist group snow walking on the nature trail. It was getting dark already and Minseok knew the temperature was going to drop lower overnight. He had tried to call the man on the number his superior had provided but the service was cut off due to the bad weather. Knowing only where the group had been before the man got lost, he took his skis and a sled with warm wools before heading towards that direction.

Minseok sighed, looking around the trail; he had gotten the group leader on phone while moving toward the north. The man had most likely wandered off when they stopped to eat and have a break near the outdoor toilet. Cursing himself, Minseok pulled his scarf tighter around him and pushed through the harsh wind. He needed to find the man soon or they’d both be freezing to death.


Luhan smiled as he walked further into the forest, taking photos about everything and anything. It was his first time seeing this much snow. It was so pretty! Thinking he still had more time, he wandered in deeper, finding a small lake, still open due a current. Crouching down he snapped more photos, admiring the nature and the way his breath huffed in the air when he exhaled.

The man got lost in his thoughts, forgetting the passing time as he stayed there, watching the water slowly moving, the small blocks of ice floating on the top. Getting up he made to walk back along the trail he came but the wind had covered his steps! Luhan panicked, looking around frantically as he ran forward, trying to see anything familiar that would spark his memory and show him the right path.

Taking his camera, he looked through the photos he had taken, but now everything seemed the same. Snow draping the tree branches low, everything white and green and brown. Luhan bit down on his lip, willing himself to stay calm as he reached for his phone, cursing when he saw that the battery had run out in the freezing cold.

Reasoning that there was no way the others in his group would have left him there, he took a few deep calming breaths and continued forward. Moving towards what he thought was the path where he had come from, the man shouted for help, hoping for anyone to hear him as he moved forward.

The way wasn’t what he thought it was. Luhan turned, walking more as the panic settled down. It was getting dark, it was freezing, the wind was picking up and he was lost, in a forest in a foreign country. This is how he was going to die.

Luhan had grown up in a city that barely got snow during winters. He had never even been one to enjoy trekking in nature but the winter trail had looked so promising and going with a tourist group was a safe way, or so he thought.

Luhan willed back the tears, realizing quickly that the wet streaks on his face only made him colder as they threatened to freeze on his cheeks. Biting back a panicked sob, he changed direction again. Looking around he found no lights- the trail they had been walking along had lights but they were now all gone, hidden in the shadows of snow and wind blasting the loose powder snow around.

He let out a sob and fell on the ground, crawling towards a fallen tree stump. Reaching it, he braced his back against the roots and curled up in a ball. It would shelter him a little bit from the wind but for how long, he didn’t know.


Minseok yelled the man’s name, Luhan. That’s what the tour guide had told him. The man would be wearing a red jacket and a beanie with black pants. He had blond hair and was over 5’9 and spoke Chinese and little bit of English and Korean.

Minseok reached the clearing where the group had taken a rest. He left the sled there, taking a blanket and a torch with him as he moved into the forest. Calling for Luhan’s name he walked around, hoping to find the man. It was already couple hours since the man had gotten lost. 

Cursing lowly as he tripped on the freshly fallen snow, the guard moved around slowly. Looking around carefully, he soon reached the small lake. Minseok had been the national park’s keeper and guard for a couple of years now. The daily tourist group always took the same route and it wasn’t the first time some unfortunate traveler had left the group to look around and found this lake.

Minseok smiled for a moment behind his scarf, there were still foot prints left nearby it. Yes! He can find the man before it’s too late. “Luhan! LUHAN!” He yelled again, starting to follow the foot prints as he lit the way with the torch.

“Come on, where are you. Come on boy…” Minseok muttered, looking around and yelled again. By some fortunate chance his flashlight caught some red a distance away. The man called Luhan’s name again but got no reaction. Minseok took longer steps, hoping that he had found what he was searching for.

Minseok’s eyes widened for a second as he saw the man slumped on the snow. “Luhan?” He said, shaking the man a little before taking a glove off to try to find his pulse. He let out a relieved breath as he found one, (although it was slightly weak) and hastily wrapped the blanket around him. “Luhan, Luhan. Wake up. You need to wake up,” Minseok said, shaking the man again.

He took the warm packets he had with him and slipped them inside Luhan’s jacket. He moved the man up, calling for help. “I found him but he’s unconscious. – No, there’s no time. It’s too dark. I’ll take him back to the – wait! He’s waking up. I’ll take him to the guard house and call help if needed. Okay, I know I will,” Minseok said, looking at the man. “I need to get him inside now, I’ll call again from the cabin,” he said, quickly finishing the call.

“Luhan?” he asked, looking at the man who had just opened his eyes. “Can you get up? There’s warm juice and I’ll take you inside but I need you to hold onto me.”

Luhan blinked slowly, shivering, but made no move to do anything else. Kneeling in front of him, Minseok reached back to take Luhan’s arms, draping them over his shoulders. “Lean,” he said, hoping the other would somehow understand.

Taking a firm hold on Luhan’s thighs, he hoisted the other up, swaying for a moment before walking towards the trail. He talked all the way to the clearing, trying to keep the other awake. Crouching down again, he placed the man gently on the sled, wrapping more blankets around him. “This is warm juice,” he explained, holding a thermos to Luhan’s lips, which were threatening to turn an alarming shade of blue. Making sure that the other understood what he wanted, Minseok tipped the can a little to let the man have a sip. 

It wouldn’t take too long from here to his cabin but he wanted to make sure Luhan wouldn’t fall unconscious again. “Ok?” he asked, feeding him more of the drink.

Luhan nodded a little. “Okay, I’m going to lay you down on the sled now and pull you to my house,” Minseok said slowly. “Lay. My house,” he said in English, pointing along the track. “Ok? Lay down,” he said, pushing Luhan down on the sled before arranging the blankets around him again.

Minseok strapped the sled around his middle before fastening the skis. He looked back at the other once more before slowly skiing forward towards the cabin. “Just last a bit more. We’re almost there,” he said, keeping his eyes forward as the wind blew the snow around them rather violently.

Once they made it to their destination, Minseok put the skis against the wall of his cabin before opening the door. Lifting Luhan up with the blankets, he moved the man inside. Luhan’s eyes closed again and Minseok shook him gently, enough to get the man’s eyelids to flutter. “Luhan, a bit more. Little more,” he said, rushing back outside to put the sled up the wall as well and moving to take the remaining things inside.

Now inside the cabin, he could take Luhan’s clothes off and warm him well. Reaching for the jacket, Luhan’s hands suddenly shot up to his own and the man’s eyes became big. Minseok got startled by the sudden move but soon understood why the other man stopped him. “Clothes off,” he said slowly, pointing at himself to do the same. “Cold. Need to take off,” he said, hoping that the man would understand him.

Luhan worried his lip, looking at the man. “Off,” Minseok said, tugging the string of Luhan’s jacket again. “Boxers OK. Others off,” he said, getting frustrated with himself for not knowing more of the language. “I’ll light the fire and you take clothes off,” the guard said, moving away to the fireplace to start the already dead fire back up.

“It will be warm soon but you need to take off your clothes,” Minseok said, looking at the fireplace. “It makes you feel better. I won’t look…” he said, glancing back for a moment. “Luhan, please,” he said, pointing at him to take off the clothes again.

“I can’t help…wait,” Minseok said, getting up to find a book. He flipped through it quickly before finding the right page and brought it to the man.

Luhan looked at it, happy to see Chinese characters. He read the part where the other was pointing at before looking at him with big eyes.

Minseok sighed, nodding little. “Please, for your health. You need to,” he said, poking at the words on the page again that explained how to cure hypothermia.

Luhan glanced at the book again before nodding a little and let Minseok help him take off the clothes. Minseok moved him closer to the fireplace, sitting him on the floor far enough for it to warm but not to be too hot. “Sit here,” he instructed, wrapping a blanket around the man before walking to the kitchen.

Luhan didn’t move when Minseok came back with a tall mug. “Can you drink this?” he asked, offering the mug. “It’s soup, you need water and sugars to warm up,” he explained, urging the other to drink it. “I’m so glad I found you in time,” he said, moving to sit next to the man once he had taken the steaming broth. “It is going to be record cold this night,” Minseok sighed, glancing at the other.

Luhan stared at him, cautiously taking a sip from the drink when urged for nth time. He finished the soup, shying away when Minseok moved closer. “What?” he asked, swallowing when his voice came out rough.

“Are you still cold? I should warm you with my body,” the guard explained, rubbing his neck bashfully. He had never had a problem like this before, why was this Chinese boy was giving him all these feelings? Was it only because he had never actually done this before? It must have been for that and not because the other was pretty handsome... right?

Luhan’s eyes got even wider (if that was even possible) and he moved his head fast. “I’m okay, I’m okay, no need. I’m warm,” he said quickly in Chinese, hoping that the other would understand. When it looked like the man didn’t get him, he motioned towards himself and put his thumb up, adding the words “I’m OK. No problem,” in English.  

Minseok nodded at that, getting up again to find a thermometer. It seemed the other was already feeling better and getting warmer, there wouldn’t be any reason to call the emergency services now. “We need to measure your temperature,” he said, offering the thermometer to Luhan, opening his mouth in example.

Luhan nodded, opening his mouth to let him measure it. He fell quiet, watching the flames. “Thank you” he whispered in Korean, tongue enveloping the little mercury stick.

Minseok looked at him once he had muttered those words, checking the temperature. “No problem. Thank you for getting better already,” he said, smiling to the man as he showed him the thermometer. “You’re body heat is still low but it is rising slowly. We’ll measure again later and if it is over 35 Celsius, I’ll let you sleep.” Luhan nodded again, seemingly getting the gist of what the man was saying.

“Minseok, Kim Minseok,” the guard said after a moment of silence. “Nice to meet you,” he smiled softly, taking in the man’s features for the first time. He really was a beauty but he was also foreigner and here just for a tour. Minseok had to mentally remind himself of that.

“Luhan,” Luhan said quietly, shivering under the blankets as he pulled them around him even tighter.

Minseok nodded. “I need to warm you up,” he said, noticing the shivers. “Please,” he added for extra measure before pulling the blankets away from Luhan’s body. “It’s ok,” he said quietly, pacifying the man who had flinched slightly. “I’m going to hug you from behind, ok? We’ll get you warm soon enough.”

Luhan nodded, biting on his lip as he shivered again when the blankets were fully removed. He felt Minseok moving behind him before the man wrapped arms with the blanket around his body. Minseok’s chest felt warm against his cold back.

“Are you here for travel?” Minseok asked quietly, hoping to talk to the man more. So far, the majority of their interaction had been conducted through awkward body language.

Luhan nodded, trying to concentrate on the flames rather than Minseok’s warm body behind him. “I study in Seoul,” he said. “Korean language.”

“Ah…good” Minseok smiled, pulling their bodies flush under the blanket. “Can you understand me? I’m trying to speak slowly for you.”

“Not all,” Luhan admitted, hugging his legs close. “Started this fall,” he said, jumping a little when Minseok placed his head down on his shoulder. It felt too good to be this close but he blamed the near death experience for all these sudden feelings.

“You’ll learn fast,” Minseok said, hoping to encourage the other. Suddenly he remembered the only phrase he knew in Chinese and said it few times, each being heavily accented but somehow Luhan understood him and chuckled before couching.

“Where… how you.. learn that?” He asked slowly, tongue getting tied over the foreign syllables.

“Ah, almost everyone in Korea knows it. They said it is common to ask if you have eaten when meeting someone. It’s not?” He asked, shifting his legs to spread them around Luhan’s.

“Lie,” Luhan said in English. “Not first time?” He continued, before trying to find the words in Korean.

Minseok laughed, nodding. “I understand. Now, let’s measure again,” he said, handing him the thermometer. “It’s been half an hour, if it’s over 35, you can lay down on the couch. It’s warm here in front of the fire.” Luhan nodded and dutifully measured his temperature, handing the thermometer back to the guard after.

“Oh, it’s okay now,” Minseok said, looking at the degrees shown on the meter. “I’m sure you’re tired. You can sleep now and I’ll take you to the hospital for a check-up tomorrow morning,” he said, moving away with a smile.

Luhan bit back a sigh, the sudden breeze making him shiver again before he wrapped the blanket. It felt much colder now without the other man warming him up. He let Minseok help him up from the floor to the nearby couch. Thanking him softly again, he closed his eyes. Relieved that he was safe and warm, he fell into a deep slumber quite quickly.

Minseok made few calls, putting logs on the fire before just sitting down on the floor to look at the Chinese man. He noticed how the man’s long lashes fell on his now rosy cheeks as he slept. His body still shivering slightly but he looked healthy. Minseok pushed back the urge to kiss him, sighing as he got up and into his own bedroom. He left the door ajar as he got into the bed.


Minseok woke up early, it was still dark outside when he walked to the living room. The fire had died over night but it was warmer here than in his own room. Luhan was still sleeping, and so Minseok took a moment to look at him to make sure he was breathing well and nothing seemed wrong. He arranged the blankets around the man before going to make them breakfast.

To be honest, Minseok had never had a winter guest. He wasn’t even sure what to offer but he knew that the other had to eat something before leaving the cabin. Humming to himself, the guard prepared warm porridge and tea.

“Luhan, wake up. I made breakfast and after this I’ll take you to the hospital,” Minseok said, crouching in front of the sofa, petting the other man’s hair gently in an effort to rouse him.

Luhan blinked, startling awake at the voice. He looked around in half panic as he didn’t recognize where he was before the memories settled in. “Oh… ok,” he muttered, looking a bit embarrassed at his outburst.

Minseok just smiled to him, getting up. “I don’t know if you like porridge but it’s all that I have. And you need to eat something,” he said before stopping himself with a strange noise. “Ah! Let’s measure first,” he said, offering the familiar thermometer to the other.

Luhan smiled back to him, accepting it gratefully. He walked to the kitchen with it in his mouth, giving the meter to the guard as he sat down. “I’m ok,” he said, looking at the food.

Minseok nodded, “Yeah, you are,” he smiled, noticing that the other’s body temperature was back to normal. “How are you? Anything hurt?” He asked, happy to see the porridge tempting the other to eat, small spoonfuls at a time.

“Everything hurts,” Luhan said, looking at Minseok with big eyes.

“It’s normal,” the guard said, “Your muscles worked hard to warm your body. It’ll be better tomorrow” He said, mimicking the shivering to explain the pain.

The rest of the breakfast went about quietly, the two exchanging the few words that they could understand. Minseok let Luhan take a warm shower before taking him back out to the hospital (not before making sure he was dressed in multiple layers). “I can take you to the parking lot with a snow mobile. The ambulance should be there waiting for you by then,” he said, giving warmer gloves to the other.

Luhan nodded, suddenly reaching out for the other to stop him from going outside. “I’m sorry but can you give me your number?” he asked in fast Chinese, looking at the other expectantly.

“I don’t understand,” Minseok said, blinking repeatedly at the other, as if that would help to clear his confusion. “What did you say?”

Luhan stared the pretty boy in front of him before digging in his pockets for his phone, showing it to the other.

“Ah, my number?” Minseok asked with a grin. “Okay, if you let me know when you get back to Seoul.”

Luhan nodded, blushing when his phone didn’t turn on. “Oh, right. We forgot to charge it,” Minseok said, looking at the black screen for a moment before going further inside. Scribbling on a post it, he handed the number with his name to the Chinese. “You better let me know, ok?” He said, making sure Luhan had it safe as he stuck it to the other’s phone.

Luhan smiled, carefully putting both things in his pocket. “Go now?”  He asked, pointing at the door.

The guard nodded, sighing little. “Very cold. Hold on tightly,” he said , glancing at the other before going out to get the snow mobile from beneath the awning. “Let’s go!” He said, patting the space behind himself on the vehicle.

Luhan nodded, moving behind him and hesitantly hugged the other when he didn’t find any handles to hold onto. Minseok smiled to himself, starting the vehicle and drove towards the parking lot.

“Remember to let me know after the hospital and when you get back to Seoul,” he said, looking at the other.

Luhan nodded, hugging Minseok a little tightly. “Thank you for saving my life,” he said in a small voice, not sure if the other would understand.

Minseok patted Luhan’s back, keeping him close before pulling away with a smile. “Next time, don’t get lost. Let me know!” He said, nodding towards the ambulance. “Go now and get better.”

Luhan nodded, reluctantly moving towards the car with a last wave to the guard.

Minseok waved back, talking to the doctor for a moment before leaving back to his cabin to continue his daily work.


Later that day, almost at midnight his phone beeped, displaying a new message. ‘it’s Luhan. I’m in Seoul. Thank you! See you!’ it said in Korean. Minseok smiled at the misspelled words, typing a reply back. ‘Study hard. See you!’

Minseok decided he’ll spend the next holiday he has in Seoul, with a certain Chinese man.



And idek where this came at 1am. 

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Chapter 3: I liked this so much!!!!!!
LeeAegi #2
Chapter 3: This is so cute oh god i'm giggling alone I still dont get how the oldest hyungs can make the cute, cute cutest couple >,<
smileymoon #3
Chapter 3: It's so fluffy i'm gonna die!!DAEBAK
Chapter 3: it was funny seeing how they tried to communicate with each other. loved the story :)
Chapter 3: this is cute ;__; i wanna know what happens
with the xiuhan later on //my heart is
in fluff overmode OTL
xiububbles #6
Chapter 3: this is so precious omg
MehRainbow #7
Haha What you have so far is infinitely cute, and I anxiously await what you'll come up next for the rest of this bingo card. ^^
Chapter 2: DAMN I LOVE THIS ONE !!!!<3
Chapter 1: is this done or will there be a next chapter?