
The Best Friend Zone 2








I really am in big trouble. I am seriously in a dilemma because I am really in love with my best friend. WHY NOW OF ALL DAYS!?!? WHY NOW WHEN SHE CLEARLY HAS EYES ON SOMEONE ELSE?!?! WHY NOW!?!!


“KIM JONGDAE!!!” I heard a yell and it was followed by a briefcase on my head.


“OW!! HYUNG!!” I yelled at my cousin but he sighed


“I said I’ll be away for a while… I have a teacher’s convention to go to.” He said


“oh. How long?” I asked and he took out his phone.


“3 days max. I’ll be driving by this afternoon to pick up my stuff…” he said and I gave a nod. He was about to leave the house but I just had to ask something


“hyung…” I called




“uhm, about Honeybee…” I said


“you finally realize it huh?” he asked and I sighed before nodding


“hyung what do I do?? I can’t be in love with her, she’s my best friend!! and I have a girlfriend for crying out loud!!” I flailed


“it’s possible to love two persons at a time…” he said.


Really?? Is that legit?? But I only have one heart…. Unless I’m an alien…


“but… I don’t know about you, but this is my opinion. You can listen to me or not.” He said and I looked at him seriously.


“if you’re in love with two persons at a time, I suggest you chose the second one, cause you won’t fall in love with the second person if you really loved the first.” He said and I was put to a halt…


So… if I really loved Yura in the first place, I wouldn’t have fallen in love with Hani?? does this mean…. I don’t love Yura anymore??


“I’m not saying you don’t love your girlfriend anymore so don’t get me wrong, I’m just saying that maybe, the feeling isn’t the same as it was before.” He said and walked over to me and patted my shoulder


“EVERYTHING happens for a reason Jongdae. Maybe the reason you’re feeling this way is because reality is trying to show you something.” He gave me a smile before bidding me goodbye.






Yeah right… like what is the reason why this is happening?? I am in love with my best friend but I have a girlfriend… what are you trying to say reality??


Why don’t I have someone here to talk about my feelings?? I mean… Junmyeon hyung is at work and I am sitting here at my bed, staring at the ceiling wondering about what I’m feeling…


Hey… that rhymed…


UGH!!! I NEED HELP :-------) someone should hire a psychologist or something…


I need someone who’ll understand me, someone who can give an advice that I know I can follow, someone I trust, someone like--------




But… I can’t tell her I’m in love with her!! At least not yet…. Because I am still unsure…




Maybe I should make something up?? Like it’s Junmyeon hyung feeling that way and not me?? yeah… something like that….


OKAY!!! I know what to do!!! Now… where’s my phone??


calling: Honeybee ^^


please pick up… and she should pick up not Kai cause I swear I’ll throw my phone to the wall…






“honeybee?” I asked. DUH!!! It’s a girl voice of course it’s her!!! Then again it could be Luhan but why am I talking with myself???


oh hey ChenChen. What’s up?


 she asked and I could sense her smile…


“are you busy?” I asked and there was a moment of silence


Not really. Why?


“’uhm… Junmyeon hyung is away for three days… so I was wondering… can you come over? I mean… if you’re not busy and all…. I mean I just think it would be fun like old times and all that and I just wondered if you’re free-------”


HAHAHAHAHA!! Alright alright ChenChen breathe… calm down…


Hani said and I felt heat on my cheeks.. WHY WAS I RAMBLING??? WHY DO I FEEL SO NERVOUS DAMN IT!!! It’s exactly how I have felt before with Yura but this feels worse!!!!


Okay. I’m not doing anything anyway. I’ll be there soon.


She said and I couldn’t help but smile…. I feel like my cheekbones would hurt because I am smiling so much. DAMN IT MOON HANI WHY ARE YOU MAKING ME FEEL THIS WAY!?


“R-REALLY?” I asked


Yes really… why?


“N-nothing… it’s just that… I didn’t think you’d agree.” I admitted and then there was a moment of silence…




Why? Besides, I kinda owe you a hangout remember?


She asked and that’s when I remembered our cancelled “date”


“oh-----OH!!! YEAH!!! YOU OWE ME A DATE!!!“ I suddenly yelled and enter the awkward atmosphere once again….


DAMN IT JONGDAE YOU’RE SO STUPID!!! I should give myself an award AND dig a hole.


I wouldn’t call it a date you idiot… I’ll be getting ready now okay? I’ll see you in a few…


She said and I felt relief wash over me… thank goodness it wasn’t THAT awkward… well… it was really awkward for me that is...


“o-okay.. see you.” I said and hung up…








“YES!!! Woo!!! FINALLY!!!” I shouted and jumped around the bed…. My heart was skipping beats and I felt roller coasters on my stomach… I AM SO HAPPY.


Wait I need to take a bath. Then buy food. Then bring out movies  or rent new ones.


Yes I should get ready now…


I need to get ready now…


Good bye.




It’s 12 noon. I am fresh from the shower, I got the food ready and I am now just waiting for Hani to arrive. She texted earlier and said she was near already and I got super excited….


I got the whole day planned for us….






Wait!! Calm down Jongdae what the hell is wrong with you!? I sound and feel like Luhan or something  I am so jumpy!!!


“COMING!!” I yelled and I ran to the door, tripping over the mat but regaining my composure to open the door…


I opened the door and I smiled to see Hani standing there with her bag… YES!!! It’s an overnight you guys!!!


“hey…” she gave me a smile and in a flash…. I hugged her….


It feels so right, my heart and body feels very warm and a smile was glued on my face…


“y-yah… are you okay?” she asked


“yeah… I just… wanted to hug you…” I said and hugged her tighter. I could feel her heartbeat, it was as fast as mine and it made me smile even more when I felt her hug me back.


“let’s go inside.” I said and gave her a smile which she returned. I then noticed some keys on her hand.


“you drive??” I asked


“yep. Finally convinced Jinki to let me buy a car.” She said and turned around, I saw a cute green mini cooper parked at my gate.


“wow. It’s cute.” I said


“of course. A cute person like me should be driving something cute as well…” she joked and I laughed before messing with her hair.


“aish. You’ve been hanging around with Kai too much. I really should take you away.” I blurted out and then there was silence….


CAN YOU GUYS COUNT ALL THE AWKWARD MOMENTS I HAVE MADE??? This is the 3rd and I have feeling it won’t be the last…


“I---I mean… uhm…. Yeah… cause he’s sometimes so arrogant and all that… but he’s funny…” I added the last part in a flash


“y-yeah well he’s like that… but you’ll learn to love him as time flies by…” she laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh too, not because of what she said… but because of her laughter in general…


“so.. what should we do today?” she asked as we stepped inside the living room…


“well I wanted to watch movies at first but then I changed my mind.” I grinned and she eyed me.


“what are you planning Jongdae???” she asked and I just answered with a happy and cheerful smile.




We took my car and drove to------ a petting zoo!!


I know it’s cliché and kind of childish but the smile on her face said otherwise.


“OH MY GOODNESS LOOK!!” she yelled and pointed to a panda. We walked over to the den and the zookeeper let us hold a baby one.


“IT’S SO CUTE!!! Does it have a name? is it a boy?” Hani asked and I smiled at her cuteness and innocence.


“this panda is from China and is named ZiTao.” The zookeeper said


“quick! Jongdae take a picture!!” Hani handed me her Polaroid and posed cutely.


“cheese!” she said and I clicked the photo, it printed for a few seconds then I took it out before drying it. I stared at the photo… Hani looks so beautiful…


“hey come here ChenChen let’s take a photo with baby ZiTao…” she called me over and I snapped back to reality… I handed the zookeeper the camera and walked right next to Hani… and before taking the photo… I placed my hand on her shoulder, I felt her tense but ignored it..


“smile!” the zookeeper said and clicked the button. He took out the photo after it printed and gave it to us.


“it’s nice to see young couples take an interest in animals. Enjoy the rest of the day!” he said as he took the baby panda away…


But wait… did he just… say we were a couple!?!?


I turned to Hani and her cheeks were red, her eyes remained on the photo and I snatched it from her making her look at me with a glare, though she looks really adorable.


“I’ll be keeping this.” I smiled and she pouted. AIGOO!!! SHE’S SO CUTE!!!!


We continued to go around the zoo… and we saw a giraffe.


“AHAHAHAHA!! OH MY GOD THIS REMINDS ME OF CHANYEOL!!! QUICK TAKE MY PICTURE!!!” Hani said and ran over to the side. I smiled and took a photo, what made it funny was the giraffe bent down it’s neck to Hani level and Hani screamed cause she got startled HAHAHAHA!!!


“oh look! A lion!” she then said and ran.




“awwwwwww… it’s a baby cub. Though it looks stoic… Sehun?? Sehun are you here??” Hani joked around, pretending there was an apparition or something and I laughed…


Hani carried the baby cub with assistance and I secretly took a photo of her. As soon as it printed and dried I hid it in my pocket…




“EWWWWW!! GET IT AWAY FROM ME OH MY GOD!!! JONGDAE I SWEAR!!!!” she yelled and I laughed before walking closer to her


“KIM JONGDAE!!!!” she yelled and avoided me.


“oh come on Honeybee… it won’t bite you….” I joked and walked closer


“STOP!!! DON’T!!! GET IT AWAY!!” she yelled and looked like she was about to cry.


“HAHA! Alright alright relax…” I said and handed the big lizard to the zookeeper. Hani hated lizards and cockroaches… but she’s all for the snakes and spiders and other exotic stuff… my best friend is so weird---- HEY WHERE’D SHE GO???


I looked around and saw her walking away to a different direction. I ran up to her and patted her shoulder. She flinched and when she turned around she was holding back tears.




“Y-yah Honeybee… I’m----I’m sorry… I didn’t mean it….” I said and held her face. I saw her lips quiver and my eyes went wide in panic.


“Y-YAH!! DON’T CRY!! I’M SORRY!!! I’M SORRY!!” I said and hugged her… all of a sudden… time stopped…


It was like only her and I in the place… everything stopped, I could feel my heartbeat once again and it was going rampant… I hugged Hani closer and I could hear her sob.


“y-you’re so mean….” I heard her say and I pulled back to stare at her crying face. We’re in 4th year high school but she still looks like a kid.


“I-I’m sorry…” I mumbled and dried her tears… I don’t like seeing Hani cry… it breaks my heart…


But now that I look back… she’s probably cried a lot of times because of me…  Why can’t I just make my best friend happy??




I bought some ice cream for the both of us. We were now at the bird cages and there was some sort of bird show…


“step right up ladies and gentlemen and feed the falcon!!” the zookeeper said. FALCON?? Isn’t that the bird that attacks with razor sharp claws and can match up to an eagle’s strength??


“cool!” Hani said and in a flash she was right next to the zookeeper. WHAT THE???


“brave little miss! This Falcon is named Striker. Do you think you can handle him?” the zookeeper asked




“puh-lease I’ve held an eagle before.” Hani grinned and took the grain from the other zookeeper and held it slowly towards the falcon…. Please don’t bite her… or I swear I’ll cook you.


“WOAH!! AMAZING!! Striker has never been nice to a human at first glance!!” the zookeeper said as the falcon ate quietly.


“you’re one of a kind miss… your boyfriend must be proud.” The zookeeper said and turned to me.







*raises glass* here's to all the ChenxHani shippers out there. YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND!!! 

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atia1412 #1
Omg, how can I just found this fic!! I am crying, screaming, mostly feel excited. At certain chapter (back in TBFZ 1 too) I feel like wanna pull my hair, screaming 'why are these two like this, it hurts me!!!!' You wrote it well, I love your stories so much. Is it really ended already? I kinda want both of them, Chen n Hani to end up be together, goshhhhhh. Anyway, your stories, they are great!
Namyaa #2
Chapter 33: So How did IT end? Clueless here :/
Chapter 13: And now it's Kyungsoo ! My bias !!! Omg ...
Chapter 6: Oh my God ! It's Kai we're talking hereee !!! *pullshair*
Chapter 1: yooohooo came here straight away from the first book ^^v heheh but god glad this book already completed fuhh. and yyeahh beter chen's pov
Chapter 32: Tell you the truth, I actually cried while reading the part where Chen sing. Sobbing like an idiot =.= Lucky I'm alone if not people will think I'm crazy XD
Chapter 17: Awhmaigawd!!!!!!!!! BRING SOMEONE SPECIAL!!! My feels for that manga!! Why you do this to me!!!!! xD
Chapter 33: Ok what happened to kyungsoo?? Like really!!! I totally ship them