
The Best Friend Zone 2




I didn’t go to Yura. I went to the rooftop, it was the only place I could escape to… though I wonder… why am I escaping?? What am I running from?? Or maybe… WHO AM I RUNNING FROM??


Is it Kai?? Is it Baekhyun? Is it Luhan? Is it Hani?? or is it Kyungsoo??


Why would I run away from Kyungsoo though? I just met him, he’s Hani’s little prince. And as Kai had said… I was the evil dragon. The evil dragon that the little prince has to defeat to get to the princess…


Was I that terrible to Hani?? why is everyone against me? I know I did wrong but you don’t have to rub it in my face. I know I hurt my best friend and I am sorry about that. I know my wrongs and I wanted to make it right. I thought I already made it right??


But why does it feel like I am not satisfied??


I felt my phone vibrate and it was Hani. she was calling… I started to feel nervous… why am I feeling nervous??? It’s just Hani….




Hello. Yah! Where did you go??


“S-Sorry. I went looking for Yura.”


Liar. Yura is here and you’re obviously not with her.


“r-really? I couldn’t find her anywhere… I’d be there in a flash.” I replied


Okay then. Hm? Later? Sure…


I heard her say and I wondered


“are you still in the cafeteria?“ I asked


Nope. Yura is. I’m with Kyungsoo and Kai. Oh and… uhm.. well… ChenChen… can we uhm.. cancel today? I know it’s last minute and I’m sorry but…. With Kyungsoo here I just…. I need to you know… attend to him… YAH JONGIN!!!


Basically, we’re gonna hang out so you can hang out some other time. Yes that’s what she meant-----OW!!! KYUNGSOO!!!!


Sorry about that. But yeah… sorry if it’s short notice ChenChen. I’ll make it up to you okay?? I’ll see you tomorrow.


End of the line…. ONE WORD: OUCH.


Is this what it feels like when I ditched Hani all those times because of Yura?? It hurts… I didn’t know it hurt that much… she would always smile and say it was okay… I wanted to answer earlier that it was okay but the truth is it wasn’t…


Did she feel like this as well?? What have I done to my best friend?? I hurt her so much…. How was she able to bear that pain?? She was able to hide it for a year or two… she’s so strong… meanwhile… here I am… I’ve only felt this now and I already feel like breaking.




Suddenly the school intercom started and I was startled since I was near a speaker.




School Festival?? We didn’t have those before though… why have it now?? Is it the school anniversary or something??


Just then my phone vibrated


From: P. Chanyeol

Hey man! Where are you!? Meeting at the gym in ten! Coach says it’s urgent. Hurry up!!


I read Chanyeol’s message and I immediately ran down the stairs and headed towards the gym. I wonder what’s up??




“alright shrimps. Tomorrow is the school festival because it’s the 30th anniversary of this school----” coach said… oh so that’s what it was… I didn’t know about that.


“-----so we’ll be having lots of activities and stuff like that here. But too bad for you. Tomorrow is our battle with East High Growling Tigers at around 9 AM. So no activities around 9 got it??” he said and we all answered with a yes.


“GOOD. Let’s go train!! Stallions at the ready…” coach said and everyone started to scramble around.


“KAI YOU’RE LATE!!” Chanyeol yelled at Kai, I turned to him and then looked around. Hani isn’t with him??


“SORRY!!! BUT I’M HERE NOW SO LET’S HAVE A RUN!!!” Kai cheered and grabbed an abandoned ball.


Where is Hani though? Is she with Kyungsoo?? What are they doing? Is Hani gonna join some of the activities? Which? I want to see her play-----


“HEY JONGDAE!! GET YOUR HEAD IN THE GAME!!!” I heard coach yell and I snapped back to reality before catching a ball my teammate passed to me.


“SORRY!!” I yelled and started to play but I couldn’t play well since I have Hani stuck in my head.




The next day came and I am still wondering where Hani is. Yesterday, I didn’t find her at all. I wanted to text her but I didn’t. I didn’t know why but it felt difficult to text her.


It was 9AM and it was the start of the game.


“CHEN!! There you are!” Chanyeol waved me over and I pecked Yura on the cheek before running over to the team.


“alright guys! The faster we finish this game the sooner we can enjoy the festival so let’s go!!! STALLIONS!!! FIGHTING!!!” Chanyeol said. Stallions is our school animal symbol by the way.


“GO SUNNY BOY!!!” I heard a familiar shout and my head whipped to the direction Kai was waving at. I felt relief wash over me when I saw Hani. She looks… blooming. Like she’s some sort of newly opened flower…


“GO CHANYEOL!!! GO KAI!!!GO CHEN!!!” I heard someone yell and I turned to see Luhan and Baekhyun holding a banner. Sehun was by the side, watching over Luhan, making sure he won’t fall off the bleachers.


“KAI IF YOU LOSE I’M NOT BUYING YOU FOOD!!!” Hani yelled and laughed. She looks so… beautiful.


“YAH!!! NOT FAIR!!!” Kai whined but Chanyeol laughed at him. I turned back to Hani only to frown… Kyungsoo was there and Hani smiled at him lovingly, I don’t know why but it breaks my heart.




The match is now tied and it was the 4th quarter already, there was three minutes left on the clock and we were in a pinch. Chanyeol sprained his ankle and he has to sit back and watch the game.


“are you sure you’ll be fine by not going to the nurse’s?” Hani asked worriedly, we were on time out and our team bleacher was right next to where they were sitting.


“I’m good, besides, I want to be here to hug my teammates once we win.” Chanyeol grinned


“YOU TWO BETTER BE IN YOUR GAME!!!” Hani then pointed at Kai and Me and I couldn’t help but smile.


“yes boss.” Kai saluted and I gave a nod. Just then, the hand pointing at us was wrapped by another small hand. I averted my gaze and saw Kyungsoo smiling at Hani.


“it’s 10:30 Hani…” Kyungsoo said


“really?? That fast???” Hani asked and Kyungsoo nodded. What’s with 10:30??


“what??? Already???? But!!! Can’t you be late???” Kai asked


“if we’re late we’ll get disqualified.” Kyungsoo said and Kai sighed. Did they join some sort of activity beforehand?


“all the cheers for you sunny boy!! Win this and I’ll buy you food…” Hani smiled as she interlaced her fingers with Kyungsoo’s….


Something like a big boat hit me… Hani’s holding hands with some other guy…. She used to do that with me… okay most of the time it was me who made the move first but this time it was her who made the first move… I saw Kyungsoo’s ears go red but he smiled afterwards.


It hurts.


“yeah yeah… we’ll win this!!” Kai said


“you better win that too okay??” Luhan asked, do they all know about Hani and Kyungsoo’s game?? Why didn’t I know?? Maybe because I left but still…


“we will!! goodluck!!” Hani said and patted Kai’s head with her free hand and ran off.


“they look cute huh?” I heard Baekhyun say


“yep. They’re like a young couple, literally, but they’re cute.“ Chanyeol answered


“I second the motion.” Kai said


When Hani was in love with me she was the one feeling hurt because I was with someone else…. Now she’s the one with someone else… they’re not together but I still feel hurt….


Wait a second…


Does this mean I am in love with Hani??


“HEY CHEN!!! COME ON!!! TIME OUT IS OVER!!!” Kai yelled at me and I snapped back to reality. WHAT DID I JUST THINK ABOUT!?!







DAN DAN DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!! I think this is the revelation EVERYONE was waiting for.... ^_^v oh and about the anticipated date... I just crushed all of your dreams by cancelling it cause I am a bad and evil author >:D

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atia1412 #1
Omg, how can I just found this fic!! I am crying, screaming, mostly feel excited. At certain chapter (back in TBFZ 1 too) I feel like wanna pull my hair, screaming 'why are these two like this, it hurts me!!!!' You wrote it well, I love your stories so much. Is it really ended already? I kinda want both of them, Chen n Hani to end up be together, goshhhhhh. Anyway, your stories, they are great!
Namyaa #2
Chapter 33: So How did IT end? Clueless here :/
Chapter 13: And now it's Kyungsoo ! My bias !!! Omg ...
Chapter 6: Oh my God ! It's Kai we're talking hereee !!! *pullshair*
Chapter 1: yooohooo came here straight away from the first book ^^v heheh but god glad this book already completed fuhh. and yyeahh beter chen's pov
Chapter 32: Tell you the truth, I actually cried while reading the part where Chen sing. Sobbing like an idiot =.= Lucky I'm alone if not people will think I'm crazy XD
Chapter 17: Awhmaigawd!!!!!!!!! BRING SOMEONE SPECIAL!!! My feels for that manga!! Why you do this to me!!!!! xD
Chapter 33: Ok what happened to kyungsoo?? Like really!!! I totally ship them