Apple farm & the owner

Ms.Pure & Mr.Lies

Myungsoo Pov

I riding horse proundly after win agent them. I'm away the winner. 

But the horse sudden don't on control, It claims and claims than it run in to the forest.

I hear another horse run follow me but not soon it less and less. I don't know how far this horse is run of. I still on it and try to control it.

Hmm ... suddenly it stop make me fall from horse. 

"Ha jingjas, this horse is so much" I siad while staid up

"You're mine, not i'm your. Why you don't listen to your Master" I blam to horse and kick his leg but it look like the horse what I said he look so main and that he claim and use his leg kick me away when I'm release, I was fly and drop  near a dense brush. 

"ouy crazy horse, you wait when back home i'll kill you and took your meat to make sausage and your bone to make fertilizer and..."I keep blaming to that horse than again 

"hehe he....."Sound from horse

I was a bit afraid that his will kick me again. I stand up ready to run but the view infront of me stop me


It was a beautiful view of the appel farm, the red apple on the tree and drop on land. It was different from what behind me, It was a deep forest that dark and cold.

I passes over the wood-hedge go in apple farm. I pick a apple , clean it with my clothe and bit it.

"hmm , it tast good" i said and pick another apple and throw it pass outside the hedge to where that crazy horse stand.

"This is the gift for you"

"oh,if anyone saw me they mush through i'm crazy"I hit my head and look at those horse again him Iit so fast and claim happyly with "hehe he.." look like to ask for more

Even the horse also know that this apple Iis taste good too

"I'll give you more apple but promise to wait me here, I need you to back home"I said to those horse again and it like he know what i talk than make sign by shake his head. I pick some more apple and throw for him than walk inner to the farm.

"Did it season of pick apple, all apple tree is full of bear fruit"

"If i can own this appa farm how much money I can get from all this apple. Hush hush ..."

just through Also make me laugh out lound.

"I'll go to find who the owner"I'm through

but sound of the foot step is catch my ear than I hind my self behind an apple tree and saw a girl 

To Be Continue. ..

Another short Update

thank for all reder

Again I need to say English not my first language, so please kindly correct me.


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Chapter 4: Update soon … ^.^
Chapter 3: Hi, please kindly update soon *-*
Chapter 3: yay!!
update soon...~
cericeria #4
Chapter 2: wht a short chap :(( waiting for myungyeon moment kkk. pls make it longer authornim.. fighting! ^^~
Chapter 2: update soon authorim..:)
cureybaby #6
Chapter 1: Update soon ><
niiyeon #7
Chapter 1: Yeyy myung !!
mizzkpop96 #8
Chapter 1: tq 4 update
Chapter 1: Hi all reader, thank so much for all vote and after that the resource is 40/100% Myungsoo will be land role guy.
Chapter 1 will update tomorrow
Keeradya #10
Chapter 1: Chanyeol!!!!:)