And so it begins...

163 hours.
Year 1960, 10 minutes before
“So do you think he likes me?” she takes the cup in her hand.
Placing it against her ear, she waits. As if someone would be speaking to her through the cup. Her smile fades away. She sighs once again before holding the cup close to her, alone. Seohyun’s stomach grumbles. She places the cup down on the floor. She stands up and checks the cupboard.
“Oh!” she cries happily. She finds bread wrapped in a zip lock bag. “Must be my lucky day!”
Her eyes travel to the calendar stating the day and dates. Her lips curl slowly as she counts the day left. Eating her bread, she sits back down onto the floor and in front of the cup.
“So,” Seohyun begins and after a few mouth her bread is gone. “What do you think?”
She smiles and asks again. “I know!” she points at it. “This is not a fairytale.” She smiles bitterly.
Suddenly, something bright shines. She squint her eyes then looks away quickly.
She hears a loud thud follow by someone groaning in pain. “Ya-OUCH.” She frowns, turn and look. A guy appears before her. His hair is weird, his dressing is weird. Then, he turns and stares at her. He frowns too. Shock or maybe too shock, Seohyun couldn’t move or say a word. The guy turns his head and look around the surrounding area, his frown getting deeper.
Year 1960, current time 19:30 pm
Then, she shouts. “AHHHHHHH!” Grabbing the cup in front of her, she scrambles away from him quickly to the corner of her room.
“WHO ARE YOU?!” they both cries in unison.  None of them make a move.
“What are you doing here in my room?” Seohyun begins she clutches the cup closely to her chest and question him. “Your room?” He looks around in this small empty room, a small closet, cupboard, an old-looking study table and a blanket spread open lay on the floor.
“What is this place?” he stands up and spots a calendar. His eyes travel to the date quickly. December 1960?! His eye bulge out and jaw drops.
“YAH!” he shouts. Seohyun jumps a little startle. “What is the date today?!”
“DATE. DATE.” He speaks frantically. His hands clutching his mobile phone, he sees it and tries to call but there isn’t any signal. No networks identify. Seohyun notices the phone clutch in his hands and wonder.
“What’s that?” she asks innocently. And a thought cross her mind. “Are you going to kill me?” she backs away and shut her eyes immediately.
“What? No.” he replies with a straight face. What’s with this girl? She acts as if she never sees before a mobile phone? AND WHY THE HELL IS HE TALKING TO HER?
“Then, are you a robber?” 
“A ?”
“YAH!” he yells again, annoy by her questions. “What’s the date today?”
She looks at him tentatively. “19 December?” she sighs. Why is this guy so strange? And why is she even replying him?
He drops to the floor. His identification card in his pocket slips out. Seohyun catch a glimpse of it. “Lu… Han?” her eyes widen when she sees his birthday date on the card. She rubs her eyes and tries to look again but it is the same. She looks at the calendar which states 19 December 1960 and then back to his identification card, his birthday date which states 20 April 1990.  
“AHHHHH!” she screams this time, making Lu Han startle. She points at him. “ARE YOU AN ALIEN?”
He raises an eyebrow. “No.”  
“W-Why, why,” her fingers shaking, her mind in a whirl, she stares at him from head to toe, WHO IS HE?! Right before Lu Han has a chance to speak, someone voice cuts him off. “SEOHYUN!” someone yells outside the room. Taken aback, Seohyun jumps a little and hurry to the door. Then, she remembers Lu Han and quickly pushes him out of the door.
“Oh my god, you need to leave!”
“SEOHYUN! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!” footsteps could be heard walking up the stairs. Seohyun gasps. Quickly she pushes him to the corner of the room just right beside the door and stands in front of the door.
“Stay here, don’t make a sound-.” Before she could even finish her sentence, the door swung open. “YAH!”
Fortunately, the door covers Lu Han figure and someone barges in. Lu Han can’t really see anything since he is standing sideway and his head is tilt to the left facing the wall. Many thoughts run through his mind while he keeps quiet. Where did he drop from? Wasn’t he with his friends a few moment ago and someone was calling him? THE CALL! And isn’t today 19 December 2013? Why the girl said that it is the year 1960? DID HE TRAVEL BACK IN TIME? He sighs then chuckles silently to himself. That only happens in movie.
“…Must be talking to that stupid cup of yours again!” someone yells and interrupt his thought.
He tilts his head to the right this time trying to catch a glimpse but he sees Seohyun being push to the ground. “ARE YOU TRYING TO BE RUDE TO ME?” the voice yells again. A male’s back figure appears before his eyes.
“No, I’m sorry.” Seohyun replies, voice shaking, head low not daring to look up at all. Lu Han scowls. What’s with him?
“YOU BETTER GET MY DINNER READY IN THIRTY MINUTES!” and then, the guy left slamming close the door behind him. Lu Han sighs then walks over to Seohyun who is still down on the floor in silence then sighs again. Running his hands through his hair he shut his eyes. Is this a dream? What’s with this ty dream about a girl from the year 1960 and this abusive guy? .   
He opens his eyes to see her staring back at him weirdly. “Why are you still here?” he raise an eyebrow.
“I thought you sneak out and left when ahjussi was talking to me.” He looks at her ridiculously then rolls his eyes. She called that talking? Without a word, he turns straight to the wall and bangs it, hard. He falls back and groans in pain. Seohyun quickly run towards him.  
“You okay?”
Nope. He’s not dreaming. He pinches himself again to make sure and winces this time. “What are you doing?!” Seohyun panics not knowing what to do as if she sees a mad person in front of her.
“WHAT IS THIS PLACE?!” he cries out loud suddenly. Seohyun quickly try to stop him from shouting but she slips and tumbles on him. Because of the sudden weight, Lu Han manage to catch her but the both of them falls down onto the floor together. And unexpectedly, their lips meet too.


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seohyunna #1
Chapter 3: So nice^^. Like a fairy story. Pls keep the update
Chapter 3: "luhan" existed in the past too, hmm..who is "her"? Could it be seohyun too? Thanks for the update :)
Chapter 2: It's nice ü
Update soon please? :)
Chapter 1: :o Luhan traveled to the past.
OMG. Who is that guy???
>__< Hope that guy won't hurt them.
This seems interesting. Looking forward to this. ^^