Good Night

Good night.

‘No matter how hard the day was, it was okay.

Really, it was okay. Even if my classmates would hurt me and insult me during the whole day,
 it was okay.

It’s okay, even if my own parents hurt me. Because I trust him.

His words will come true, just like how he sang it to me. After tonight, tomorrow will be better.’




♫ Was the day so hard that you couldn’t take it?
Perhaps someone said some hurtful things
It may hurt but you will forget it 


Minseok arched his back in pain, when it hit the cold, tiled floor of the school’s corridor. He let a tear out in pain when his fellow classmates started to kick him everywhere; his stomach, his head, his legs. It hurt. It hurt a lot. But he tried to hold back.

He never understood why they always did this. His classmates would come earlier to school, gathering together, only to bully their nerdy classmate before their classes started. They laughed evilly as they yelled out the same words they always did. But Minseok was hurt too much before, to even hear the mocking words.

Once his classmates left, he wiped his tears away, remembering the song.


♫ Was the day so hard that you couldn’t take it?
Perhaps someone said some hurtful things
It may hurt but you will forget it


“Kim Minseok?” The teacher looked around the classroom to look for the student. When he didn’t see the boy on his seat, he breathed deeply in and sighed. Minseok’s classmates giggled mischievous, knowing Minseok was crying at a corner right now.

“Teacher, actually, I saw Minseok this morning!”

“Yeah, me too! He must be skipping classes again.”

The teacher looked pissed and cursed the boy in his head. He hated students who skipped classes.

Just then, the door of the classroom opened, revealing a gloomy Minseok. He looked down, on the hope that the teacher wouldn’t see the bruises on his face.

“Kim Minseok! You’re late again?! This will be the last time, or else you will get in big problems! How dare you look down on your classmates?! Just because you get the highest grades, you think you can come in whenever you want?! Hurry up to your seat!”

Minseok tried to hold back the tears as he nodded and went to his seat. It may hurt now, but he knew he will forget it. He smiled to himself.

♫ The world is more complicated than you can imagine
And it probably scare you since you’re gentle and nice
It’s okay, I will stand by your side

Minseok fumbled with his fingers as he sat in the chair in front of the teacher his desk, as he heard his parents entering the teacher’s room. He heard them greeting his teacher, before they sat down on the chairs next to him.

Minseok already guessed before, when his teacher called out for him and said he had to stay after classes, that he had probably called his parents. And he was right. He had no idea why, he did nothing wrong. Yet he would get punished once again for his classmates their bullying.

“We’re very sorry to call you, Mr. and Mrs. Kim.” The teacher started as he bowed his head slightly.

“The reason for my call is because of your son, Minseok… Your son always causes trouble and distracts the other kids. He looks down on the other kids, just because he has better grades than the other’s.”

Lies. They were all lies. Why were they doing this to him? He couldn’t understand. He just couldn’t. Everyone was so cruel. How could they not see how he was bullied and hurt so much in the class? How?

”On top of that, he comes late in the lessons often, yet he is always on time at school. We had a lot of complaints from the students. We hope you will talk to your son and help us make a better mood in the class.”

Just a little longer until tonight. I can do it.

“We’re really, really sorry, teacher Park. We will try to prevent it.” His mother glared at him.


 You are never a weak person – the world will know too
I will protect you and support you
Please have strength, with my love
. ♫ 

“ARE YOU STUPID?!” Minseok bit his lip, trying hard to suppress the pain of the slap he had just received from his mother. It was the fourth one in row. He couldn’t move. He just stayed kneeled in front of his mother as she kept saying hurtful things, while his father was sitting on the couch, a cigarette in his hand, not sparing even a glance at his son.

“Stop it dear…” The man just said calmly.

“YOU FILTHY SON! YOU ARE JUST A GOOD-FOR-NOTHING!” Minseok flinched when another slap hit his cheek. The pain was unbearable. He didn’t know how to breathe probably for a second, as everything around him started to spin.


Minseok closed his eyes tightly, waiting for the pain to become worse with another slap. But it never came. He opened his slowly in fear, shocked to see his father holding his mother’s wrist tightly.

“I told you to stop!” He yelled at her. He turned his head so that he was staring at Minseok now, who was trembling this whole time. He saw his father sigh as he gestured him to leave to the kitchen. “Go make dinner… ” Minseok nodded, but before he left his father added, “For two.”

No dinner for me, I guess.

“DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME?!”  Minseok leaned against the counter of the kitchen, holding his hands tightly on his ears. He didn’t want to hear this. This never happened before.

His father was yelling outside, still in the living room, at his mother. He could hear her cries and sobs, begging him to stop. Minseok didn’t know what to do and what his dad was doing right now. His father was always the quiet type and never bothered to hold his mother back whenever she would beat him.

So it was weird for Minseok right now. He felt anxious and scared. He was filled with fear. Would his father be sick of him too? Would he throw him out together with his mother?

He gasped in fear when the kitchen door was suddenly thrown open, revealing his tear-filled mother. She walked up to him. Minseok tried to walk backwards, but he forgot he was leaning against the counter before.

As he tried to escape his mother’s rage, he accidently put his hand on the stove that was on, burning his hand badly. But his mother didn’t care when she heard him cry out in pain and instead of helping, she grabbed him by his neck with both hands, trying to choke him.


Minseok couldn’t do anything. He felt his lungs tightening in pain, begging for the air his mother wouldn’t give him. For a second he thought he was going to die. But he couldn’t. What if he would come by tonight and he wouldn’t be there.

He tried to fight back for the first time in his life, but without any luck. With one burned hand and another weak one, it was impossible.

He suddenly felt the hands around his neck disappear and he ended up falling on the floor, without any energy left in his body, grasping for air.

He looked up to see his father throwing his mother aside, giving her a good blow on her head.


Did he… Did he just stood up for me? He suddenly felt something leaning on his shoulder, but when he looked up, he saw nothing. Luhan?

Even though he thinks I don’t know, I do. That sweet angel, my sweet angel.’

Minseok tried to drag his weak body up the stairs, wanting to be in his bed as soon as possible. His father had told him to go to his room and sleep, he told him to rest and they would talk tomorrow. His father wanted to help him upstairs, but he couldn’t, since he had to take his mother away.

But to Minseok, it was already enough that it seemed his father actually cared a bit about him. He was fine by going upstairs on his own, no matter how many bruises he had. The day was indeed hard, but he had to make it to his room for everything to feel better.

He opened his door, and fell on the ground right after he closed it. He felt dizzy, really dizzy. He was about to fall, but someone hugged him before he could fall on the floor. He opened his eyes just slightly, only to be faced with an angelic, shiny face. A smile appeared on his face.

Everything was fine now.

The creature carried the weak boy to his bed and lay him down really careful. He covered the boy with a blanket and made space for himself to lay down. He saw some tears falling down the cute boy his face. He wiped them away softly, trying hard not to wake the boy as he started to sing the boy his lullaby.

‘1, 2 Go to sleep, now wipe those tears and don’t be afraid
I will protect you all throughout the night
My princess, now fall into a deep sleep’

The creature circled his arms around the boy’s waist  when he saw him move uncomfortably in his sleep. He lifted  the blanket to cover the boy better and caressed his cheeks.

‘3, 4 It upsets my heart to see you toss and turn
So I put the blanket on you even warmer
As I hold in my breath so that I won’t make a single noise’

Minseok opened his eyes softly after being woken up by a dream. He stared at the beautiful sight in front of him. His angel had his eyes closed, but he was still singing, making Minseok warm inside and sleepier. He closed his eyes again, continuing to listen to the melodic singing voice.

‘Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow
Everything will probably be better than today, I promise
Now don’t worry and come into my arms baby
Fall into a deep sleep like a child
Baby, Dreamin’ Dreamin’ Dreamin’
Tonight, you will happily dream as you smile
You are smiling – tomorrow will be better
Have a good good night’

The last thing Minseok felt was a pair of soft, sweet lips on his own, before he drifted to a deep sleep, dreaming about tomorrow. A tomorrow where everything will be fine. His father will be there, he will have another  class and his angel Luhan will be there. Everything will be fine.

“Good night.”



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Chapter 1: So saaaaaaad :( but i love this <3
baekhyunblah #2
Chapter 1: Love it! <3
Chapter 1: wait what? Eh~ I already read this somewhere, but finished it again anyway.. hahahahaha~
Chapter 1: that's a hard life xiu is havin but he doesnt complain coz he has lu by his side~ i want more \o/
Chapter 1: C: Continue this plox. I want to find out what happens to lu n xiumin's relationship >_<
Kieu-My #6
Chapter 1: Poor minseok
Good story :)