Young Wife

One Saturday night, Hana was making Luhan a cup of coffee in the kitchen. He has told her before he went inside his home office. His father and Jia went out for whatever-the-reason-is and Lay hung out with Tao again. There’s one more person, the new member: Chorong.

Hana isn’t sure where the said girl is but she didn’t care much either. *As long as she’s not with my husband.*


Hana stopped whatever she was doing and held her breathe. She suddenly realized that she is being over-protective about Luhan. He has right to be with any girl he wants, wasn’t it supposed to be like this? Why would she feel upset when she saw Chorong inside Luhan’s bedroom? Was it because of the kiss?

*No, No, NO!* Hana shook her head, trying not to think hard about it. *I’m just not in the right state of mind. The kiss didn’t affect any of my feelings. Right, just think about Sehun. Think about Sehun, Hana, think about your boyfriend.*

The girl sighed as she poured the coffee from the coffee machine into the mug.

“What’s with the long sigh, Hana-ssi?”

Hana almost dropped the mug from her hand. She was surprised when she suddenly heard the voice came out of nowhere. Hana turned around and Chorong was in her sight smiling. “Did I surprise you?” Chorong asked as she walked toward Hana.

“When did you come in?”

“About the time when you let out a long heavy sigh. I saw you making coffee alone so I decided to come in. Probably we can have a little chat, if you don’t mind.”

Hana notices that there’s always a smile on CHorong’s lips whenever she talks. The smile expresses no harm at all, but the friendly feeling of the person. *She’s quite pretty.*

“I don’t mind, of course, but I afraid we can’t because I need to bring this coffee to Luhan oppa’s office.”

Again, Chorong smiles. “That’s ok. We can always talk in some other times.”

“Yes, right.” Hana smiles back. “I guess I’ll talk to you later.” She put the mug on the tray and was ready to bring it to her husband upstair. Before Hana could leave the kitchen, her phone rang. It was Sehun calling.

Hana doesn’t know what to do. She wants to answer her boyfriend’s call but she still has to bright the coffee to Luhan.

Chorong notices Hana’s hesitation, so she genuinely offered a help. “You can answer the phone, Hana-ssi. I can help bring the coffee up to your husband’s office.”

It was a great idea but Hana couldn’t bring herself to say yes immediately. Right now her mind is debating with her heart and finally her heart won. *Nothing is more important than Sehun.*

Hana smiled and gave the tray to Chorong. “Thank you.”


Luhan was inside his office reading some craps on the paper that his real secretary gave him. He heard a knock on the door and he knew that his time of coffee break has arrived. “Come in.”

He said. The door cracked open but Luhan didn’t bother to look to see who it was. His eyes were still glued on the paper as he said. “I can see that now you know how to behave before entering someone’s room, wifey.”

Chorong stood awkwardly next to Luhan’s desk since she didn’t know how to reply. It was obvious that Luhan didn’t know that she wasn’t his wife. She cleared and placed the coffee mug on the desk. “Uh…Luhan-ssi, I am not your wife.”

Luhan was a bit surprised when he jerked his head up to see Chorong instead of Hana. “Oh it’s you! Where’s my wife?”

“She’s talking on the phone.”

Luhan furrows his brows. *She’s on the phone? Must be with her boyfriend. An unpleasant feeling came into Luhan’s mind but he didn’t show it on his face. He looked at the coffee then back to Chorong. “Did you make this coffee?”

The girl quickly waved her hand. “No, I didn’t. You wife made it. She was about to bring it to you but her phone rang. I saw she looked hesitated so I just helped her out.”

Luhan nodded. *So he’s hesitated between me and her boyfriend. I can see you slightly changed, Hana.* Luhan smiled to his thought. “Well, thank you then.”

Chorong waved her hand and smiled. “That’s ok. I won’t interrupt you anymore. Good night, Luhan-ssi.”

Luhan nodded in acknowledgement as Chorong bowed at him and left the room. He watched as her smiled at him one last time before she closed the door. *She’s different from her aunt.*

Luhan sipped his coffee and continued reading his un-finished paper.


Chorong brought the tray back to the kitchen and Lay was there too. Tonight he came back home early. Chorong just put the tray back to its original place quietly but she still felt Lay’s gaze on her while he was drinking water. Even if they were staying under the same roof, but Lay and Chorong barely see each other, because Lay always goes out of the house.

Chorong wanted to be polite and greeted Lay but it was just too awkward for her to do so, especially when he kept looking at her like she was some kind of aliens from different planet.

“Hey, pretty!”

Chorong was about to leave the kitchen when she heard Lay’s voice. She turned around and faced him and she was greeted by his mischievous wink and the sly grin which showing his deep dimple.

Hana frowned with his behavior. *Is he flirting with me?*

“Did you call me?” She pointed to herself and the guy laughed. “You’re the only pretty girl around here. It must be you, of course.”

He said as he walked closer to her. Chorong took one step back since she thought it was too close. She sighed and looked at Lay. “Well then, my name is Chorong. Later you can call me by that.”

“Chorong? What a beautiful name, goes well with pretty lady. I’m Lay, by the way. Nice to meet you, Chorong-ssi.” Lay offered his hand. Chorong hesitated but later she accepted the handshake. She didn’t want to be rude, especially when she knew that Lay is Luhan’s cousin.

“Me too, Lay-ssi.” She half-heartily smiled.

Chorong started to feel uncomfortable when Lay didn’t let go of the handshake and started caressing the back of her hand. She quickly brought her hand back from his. “I have something else to do. I need to go now, sorry.” With that, the girl walked out of the kitchen.

Lay watched her with an amused smile on his face. *Finally there’s something to get myself busy at home. I don’t have to go out every night anymore.*


It was 10pm when Luhan finished his work. He left his office and walked directly to his room. When he entered, his wife was there lying on the bed watching some random show on TV. He smiled as he walked toward the bed. Hana tore her eyes from the TV and looked at Luhan’s breathtaking face. Her face reddened as her heart fastened its pace. After the incident at the party, it is always like this when Luhan is around. The husband seems to notice his wife’s behavior as well. He smiled sweetly to himself. *Adorable.*

“Aren’t you sleepy yet?” He asked to break the awkwardness. Hana shook her head. “Not yet. What about you?”

“Me too. I’m a bit tired but I don’t want to sleep yet. Do you want to watch a movie with me?”

Hana seems to like the idea so she nodded. “Sounds fun.”

They both walked out of the room and went inside the home-cinema. Luhan was the one who chose the movie. Probably Luhan did it on purpose when he chose the romantic love story to watch.  They both watched the movie in silent Hana was fine for the first 15 minutes but when the kiss scene appeared, she started to feel awkward. She looked away from the TV until the kiss scene end. It wasn’t all thought. When the movie nearly came to the end, there was this love scene which made Hana felt embarrassed. It was the scene where the actress reunioned with the actor and they both began to kiss like their lives depended on it.

Hana’s cheeks felt hot as she quickly looked away from the TV screen. At the same time, she was wondering about Luhan’s reaction. Slowly, she turned her head to his side. Strangely, Luhan was also looking at her. Their eyes locked. It was like Luhan just casted a spell on her. Hana couldn’t move and her breath cut short. She was lost in those beautiful sparkling eyes. Luhan leaned closer and closer until his face was only an inch away from her. Hana froze. She couldn’t bring herself away from him. Her heart skipped a beat when Luhan’s soft lips landed on hers. It was like a magic. Luhan’s kiss was sweet, tender and gentle. The way he moved his lips on her made her body felt weak and for the second time, she forgot all about Sehun.


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Chapter 29: Poor Sehun! He loved her so much, and ugh why is love so selfish? Luhan is such a good husband, wish i could find one like him.. or just marry him instead. HAHA JK- i dont want to die young xD
Buckley_13 #2
Chapter 29: my 2nd time reading..great story.. i love it!!!
gabpie #3
good story!!
poor sehun :(
gabpie #4
good story!!
poor sehun :(
Chapter 29: Wow daebak !!! I ♡ it.
Good job.. :)
Chapter 27: Whoahhh I love it so much author-nim, eveb though sometimes I thought that Hana really careless :), but I still love this story :)
Chapter 20: Wow...That's really great n nice story.Ireally love it.I really wanna have a husband like lu ge.U did great job authornim ...keep writing!!!
Buckley_13 #8
Chapter 29: *thumbs up* I really like it.. Sequel please? :-)
Marintei #9
Authornim~love your story very much~will read for the fifth time ^^
Chapter 27: kyaa ! this is one of the best luhan ff i ever read >.< .. jjang !! i love this sory ^^ .. i think i'll be the most luckiest and happiest girl in the world if i have a husband like that ! kekeke xD
good job author nim (^.^)