First Kiss, First Snow

First Kiss, First Snow

Tiffany sighed for the nth time once she reached her apartment. She opened the door and was greeted by the sight of her best friend using her laptop. She had a rough day. She had caught her boyfriend cheating on her while she was working and let's just say it did not go well. Tiffany sat on the sofa beside Taeyeon and leaned her head on the latter’s shoulder. It always felt comfortable to Tiffany whenever she placed her head on Taeyeon’s shoulder. She felt all problems disappear when she did so.


“What happened, Tiffany? You don’t look alright,” Taeyeon asked and stopped whatever she was doing on her laptop.


That was one thing Tiffany liked about Taeyeon. The latter was always caring about her. Even the smallest thing about missing breakfast Taeyeon cared. Tiffany did not mind if Taeyeon nagged at her all day long. She was happy that Taeyeon would always be by her side no matter what the circumstances were.


“I caught him cheating on me. Why can’t I just find someone who would love me for who I am?” Tiffany replied and again let out another sigh. She sat upright and leaned against the sofa.


Taeyeon turned off her laptop and took off her glasses. She turned her body to face Tiffany and plastered a small smile on her face. Tiffany furrowed her brows. “Why are you smiling?” she asked.


The older girl let out a small chuckle. Tiffany felt her heart skip a beat when she heard it. It felt like music to her ears. She quickly shook the thought away and glared at Taeyeon, acting like she was angry.


“That guy must have been blind to not notice how great of a person you are. How your eye smile can light someone’s world up. He lost such a great prize,” Taeyeon said and patted Tiffany’s head.


The American girl pouted and fixed her hair. She hated how Taeyeon treated her like a child whenever there were moments like this. “Wait,” Tiffany said. “Did you just compliment me?”


Tiffany finally realized how different the atmosphere was. Taeyeon had never once complimented anything good about her whenever they talked about Tiffany’s breakup. She would usually make bad comments about Tiffany but Tiffany knew that deep inside of Taeyeon, she did not mean what she said. She knew that Taeyeon made those kinds of commented so that she would not feel bad about herself. However, hearing Taeyeon complimenting her for the first time, it felt like a reward to Tiffany, something that she should cherish a lot and not forget about it. Even her heart fluttered when Taeyeon complimented on her eye smiles.


“I just felt like complimenting you. I can’t just spit bad things at you every time right? It might hurt your feelings and I’m afraid that you’ll leave me because you can’t take it anymore,” Taeyeon answered shyly. Although, her eyes were avoiding Tiffany’s own one.


Tiffany giggled. She pulled Taeyeon into a hug all of the sudden which shocked Taeyeon. The older girl regained her senses after a few seconds and hugged the girl back. Tiffany felt like she was on cloud nine. In fact, she liked having skin contacts with Taeyeon. It made her all tingly inside.


“Idiot,” Tiffany said. “Of course I won’t leave you. Didn’t I tell you that nothing can separate us?”


“One day you will though. You’ll get married with the one you love and you won’t have time for me because you have a family to take care of,” Taeyeon said in a sad tone.


Tiffany felt her heart clenched at the thought of having to leave Taeyeon. She could not even think about leaving Taeyeon. They had been best friends for almost a decade. When they fight, their bonds got even stronger. Tiffany tightened her hug around Taeyeon.


“If you’re afraid of that, I won’t get married. I would rather stay with my best friend than getting married,” Tiffany told Taeyeon.


“I’m not that selfish. I won’t mind as long as we keep in contact with each other,” Taeyeon murmured.  “It’s getting late Fany. It’s time to sleep.” Taeyeon pulled herself away from Tiffany’s hug and yawned.


“Can I sleep with you tonight?” Tiffany asked in a soft voice. Taeyeon smiled slightly and nodded her head.




A few weeks had passed and Tiffany had been hanging out a lot with Taeyeon. The latter had offered to find another boyfriend for her best friend but Tiffany declined. Tiffany would rather spend time with her best friend instead of a guy who she would meet for the first time.


Taeyeon could not be more than happy to spend time with Tiffany. The younger was always busy with her boyfriend that she would usually come back late. She was happy that Tiffany had declined the offer of finding a new boyfriend. The two best friends were currently walking in the park with their hands intertwined with each other. It was a bright Sunday morning and Taeyeon decided to treat Tiffany breakfast as she had just received her first pay.


“Where do you want to eat Fany?” Taeyeon asked.


“Hmm… how about we buy some groceries and you cook for me? I missed your cooking,” Tiffany answered and flashed her eye smile.


“I can’t say no right? Besides, I’ll do anything for you,” Taeyeon said. Realizing what she said, Taeyeon wanted to add something else but when she saw that Tiffany's cheeks had turned red, she decided not to and just smiled at her best friend. She found it cute that Tiffany was blushing.


"You know..." Tiffany said shyly. "We're acting like a couple."


"Really? Are you embarrassed? Should I let go of your hand?" Taeyeon asked worriedly. She was about to let go but Tiffany hugged Taeyeon's arm and shook her head.


"I'm not embarrassed. In fact, I like holding your hand," Tiffany replied. She leaned forward and pecked Taeyeon on the cheek. "See, I'm not embarrassed."


Taeyeon started to feel her cheeks getting warm and pulled Tiffany to the supermarket. "We better get going. I'm starting to feel hungry," she murmured.


Tiffany tilted her head. "Did I say something wrong?" she thought.


The two straight away went to the kitchen after buying whatever they needed. Tiffany sat at the table top and looked at Taeyeon doing all the work. She wished she could help but she was not good at cooking at all. One time she cooked for Taeyeon, the food was too salty that they ordered food in the end.


"Err...Tiffany. Can you help me cut the vegetables? I have to make the sauce first," Taeyeon asked as she looked at Tiffany.


"Sure. It's just cutting right?" Tiffany replied and went to get a chopping board and knife.


"Thanks Fany!" Taeyeon said and grinned.


Five minutes had passed and Tiffany was still cutting the vegetables. Taeyeon decided to look at how Tiffany was doing so far and laughed.


"Yah, why are you laughing?" Tiffany pouted.


"You're cutting the pieces too big. Come on, let me show you how to cut them," Taeyeon said with a smile.


Tiffany wanted to give Taeyeon the knife but instead, the older girl put her hands over Tiffany's and showed her how to cut. However, she had to tiptoe since she was shorter than Tiffany. Taeyeon explained to Tiffany how to make sure that each piece were of the same size and were not too big or too small but Tiffany was too distracted to listen what Taeyeon was saying. Her heart was beating rapidly, her face was getting warmer and she felt faint.


"That's how you cut okay? You can continue now," Taeyeon said and removed herself from Tiffany.


Tiffany took a moment to cool down. She put the knife down and slapped both her cheeks lightly. “What am I feeling?” she asked in her mind. “Why did I like the moment?”


Meanwhile, Taeyeon was in the same position as Tiffany. She was actually feeling the same way as Tiffany. She did not even know what possessed her to do that. Her face was getting red at the thought of the moment a while ago and she could not focus doing her task. Taeyeon turned her head to take a glance at Tiffany and at the same time, Tiffany turned too. Their eyes met and they gave an awkward smile before quickly looking away.


“This is so awkward!” the both of them thought.




Eventually, everything went back to normal and Tiffany started dating again. This time, Tiffany was really falling for the guy. He was a gentleman, handsome and generous. They had been going out for a month and Tiffany did not regret at all.


However, it was sad for Taeyeon. After the incident at the kitchen, Taeyeon realized that she was in love with her best friend. It took her quite a while to realize but once she did, Tiffany was already with someone else. She felt like an idiot not realizing it sooner. Even if she did, would Tiffany accept her? They were only best friends.


Taeyeon sighed and looked at the clock. It was already 9PM. Tiffany had promised to join for dinner at seven but she still was not home. Taeyeon looked at the food and decided to throw it away although it would be wasteful. She made sure she threw it at the bin outside of the house so that Tiffany would not find out about it. However, she had forgotten that she had sent Tiffany a text. “So much of being a best friend. She must like the guy so much,” Taeyeon muttered and decided to call it a night.


It was midnight when Tiffany finally got home. Her boyfriend, Nichkhun, had sent her home and wished her goodnight. He leaned in and wanted to kiss Tiffany but she pushed him away. “Not yet Nichkhun. Please understand me,” Tiffany said.


Nichkhun nodded and sighed. “Alright, goodnight. Think about what I asked you okay?” he said and entered his car.


Tiffany entered the house and took off her coat. The weather was getting colder as winter was about to come. Tiffany was expecting Taeyeon to be awake but she was not. “She must have been really tired. But… even if she was tired, she would have fallen asleep on the sofa waiting for me,” Tiffany thought. She did not know why but it hurt her that Taeyeon was not waiting for her. Tiffany pulled out her phone and turned it on. Nichkhun had told her to turn off her phone so that their date would not be ruined. She saw that there was a message from Taeyeon and groaned. She had totally forgotten about their dinner plan. “I guess she’s mad at me.”


The next day, Tiffany woke up and saw Taeyeon in the kitchen having breakfast. She was feeling really guilty for not remembering the dinner. “I’m sorry about yesterday Taeyeon. I had my phone turned off because Nichkhun did not want our date to be ruined,” Tiffany apologized. She looked at Taeyeon but the latter was not responding at all. “Nichkhun asked me if I wanted to follow him to the States. He has a business there. It’s okay if you don’t want me to go,” Tiffany said.


Taeyeon put the paper she was reading down and sighed. “Why are you asking me all of this? It’s your choice isn’t it? He’s your boyfriend and I’m just your best friend. Besides, your family is living in the States right? Why don’t you follow him? You like him don’t you?” Taeyeon raised her voice. She was feeling really upset.


Tiffany felt small. She was also hurt that Taeyeon had raised her voice. Taeyeon rubbed her temples. “Sorry, Fany I’m just not feeling well. About yesterday, it’s alright. You’re happy being with him right? If so, I am happy too,” Taeyeon lied and faked a smile. “I got to go to work now. See you later.”


That evening, Tiffany had meet up with Nichkhun. She saw her boyfriend and smiled at him. Nichkhun smiled back and linked hands with Tiffany. “Shall we go now?” he said and led Tiffany to the car.


“Why do you look sad Tiffany?” Nichkhun asked. He wanted to ignore it at first but it was distracting his mind.


“It’s Taeyeon. I forgot that I promised to join her for dinner yesterday and she’s angry at me now,” Tiffany replied.


The guy sighed and pulled the car to a corner. “What’s wrong Nichkhun? Why did you stop?” Tiffany asked. She was shocked by the sudden stop.


“Haven’t you realized? Every time we go out, there isn’t a time when you don’t go Taeyeon this Taeyeon that. You’ve been mentioning her name for almost all our dates,” Nichkhun asked frustratingly.


“We’ve been friends for almost a decade. I can’t help but to feel guilty when I make her angry,” Tiffany answered sadly.


"Even so, it's too much. You're saying all of this as if Taeyeon is your girlfriend or something. I don't want that in our relationship Fany ah," Nichkhun said.


"Don't call me that. Only Taeyeon can," Tiffany said.


"See, there you go again," Nichkhun sighed. "I think it's better if we break up. You need to sort out your feelings first. I won't be surprised if you ended up with her when I return from the States."


"I'm really sorry Nichkhun. I tried," Tiffany apologized.


"It's okay. I'll send you home."


Taeyeon was still not back from work when Tiffany got home. The latter sat on the sofa and thought about what Nichkhun had said. She then remembered what her sister had told her how she felt when she was in love. Tiffany listed down the things and she felt most of them when she was with Taeyeon.


"No… This is wrong. I can't have feelings for Taeyeon. I bet she only sees us as best friends," Tiffany thought.


Tiffany was lost in her thoughts that she did not realize Taeyeon was home. The older girl saw Tiffany in a daze and went closer to her and poked her cheek. "Earth to Miyoung, are you there?" Taeyeon giggled.


Tiffany snapped from her thoughts and immediately pulled Taeyeon into a tight hug. “You should really tell me when you want to hug me Fany. The random hugs are giving me a shock,” Taeyeon joked. Tiffany pouted and pushed Taeyeon away. She folded her arms and Taeyeon chuckled. “Come here,” Taeyeon said and went to hug Tiffany.


“Aren’t you angry at me? I forgot about our dinner yesterday,” Tiffany whispered.


“I am angry but what’s the point of staying angry for too long? It’s my fault too. I shouldn’t have planned it knowing you have a date,” Taeyeon said.


“Talking about date, Nichkhun and I broke up. It wasn’t going well since the start,” Tiffany muttered.


Taeyeon pulled away from the hug and looked at Tiffany with her head tilted. She thought Tiffany really liked the guy. Why break up all of the sudden? Tiffany smiled slightly and ruffled Taeyeon’s hair. “It’s alright Taeyeon. I realize that I don’t like him. Now, go take a shower. Let’s have dinner outside to compensate for yesterday’s plan. It’s my treat,” Tiffany said. Taeyeon nodded her head and did as her best friend had told her.


While Taeyeon was having a shower, Tiffany lied on the sofa and tried to figure out her feelings. “Nichkhun or Taeyeon?” she sighed. She heard footsteps nearing and quickly stood up from the sofa. Her head spun due to the fast action and she lost her balance for the moment. She thought she was going to fall as she could not find something to grasp onto but luckily Taeyeon was on time to grab Tiffany’s hand. The older girl chuckled and flicked Tiffany’s forehead.


“No need to rush alright? The night is still young,” Taeyeon grinned.




The chilly evening was not a problem to Taeyeon and Tiffany. In fact they liked it. As usual, their hands were intertwined and they were walking slowly to the restaurant. A question popped into Taeyeon’s head and she turned to Tiffany. “Fany ah, since you’ve dated a lot, have you ever kissed anyone of them?” Taeyeon asked. If someone did, Taeyeon would feel really jealous.


“Honestly no,” Tiffany replied nonchalantly.


“Really?” Taeyeon said almost too excitedly. She could not hide her excitement at all.


“I’m not lying Kim Taeyeon. Why are you so happy hearing my answer? Aw, would you be jealous if I did?” Tiffany teased. Taeyeon blushed making Tiffany giggle. “You’re so cute Taeyeon~!”



"Whatever," Taeyeon muttered.


After having dinner, the two of them decided to take a walk down Han River. It was Taeyeon's idea actually. She wanted to calm her mind down.


"Honestly, I'm in love with you. Would you give me a chance?"


Taeyeon was surprised. She turned and looked at Tiffany. The latter had her head down to hide her red face. This was not calming Taeyeon down at all. Her heart sped up and she shook her head. "Did I hear correctly?" she thought.


"Did you say something Fany?" Taeyeon asked to reassure herself.


"N-Nothing. It's getting late," Tiffany stuttered.


"I thought I heard you said you love-"


"Just forget about that. I bet you don't feel the same way," Tiffany intercepted and looked at Taeyeon with sad eyes. Taeyeon leaned forward and captured Tiffany's lips. She dared to do so as there were not a lot of people walking around.


Usually, Tiffany would not allow anyone to kiss her straightaway but Taeyeon was an exception. To be honest, she had been dying to have Taeyeon's lips on hers but she realized it only after the dinner. Tiffany returned the kiss and rested her arms on Taeyeon's shoulders.


Taeyeon pulled away first when she felt something soft fell onto her head. She looked up at the sky and smile. "Look, it's the first snow!" she exclaimed like a kid.


Tiffany giggled and looked at the sky as well. Indeed, snow was falling. Tiffany once again pulled Taeyeon into a hug all of the sudden and smiled. "Told you I will stay with you forever," she whispered. Taeyeon smiled and hugged Tiffany back. Nothing was going to separate them again.


Tiffany was happy that she had her first kiss with her best friend under the first snow of the year. She might have dated a lot of guys but Taeyeon would forever be first in her heart.


I don't know whether you readers liked it or not but I hope you do ^^ I'm still trying to improve my vocabulary so that I can create more interesting stories. I'm only 14 so I still have a lot to learn. (:

One more thing, thanks to those who subscribed and upvoted before I posted the chapter. It means so much to me ^^  


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 1: Sweet
juny98 #2
Chapter 2: I really thought that tiffany will follow her bf to us and leave taeyeon but it dont happen cause taeny are together and thank you for sharing this story :)
taenyeveryday #3
Chapter 1: Even though youre young but this is awesome storyy!
Le_truelocksmith #4
Chapter 2: Wow awesome story author>< l love this story so much!!
Author you still young hah but you created many awesome story already while me tsk (don't talk) we're in the same age anyways^^
Chapter 2: ODG! This is by far one of the most worderful oneshot I've ever read ♡
Thank you for sharing this story of yours authornim. This just made my day bright and lovely :))))
Chapter 2: Wow..
You are very young author :O
But it doesnt close the fact that you are a good writer :D
I bet you can have a great potential in writing story... how about in the future maybe interest in journalism, eh ? Hehe..
I like your story author... its so sweet...^^
Great job!
superj963 #7
Chapter 2: too young.... hahha anyway nice story. keep it up author!
Chapter 2: Woah, that was so nice and warm. Great job, young writer! Greetings! :)
Chapter 2: Lol it's never too young! Haha, great oneshot u did ^^
rincah4_r #10
Chapter 2: 14 huh??? Woowwww.. So talented..
Keep writing ..oke???
Nice story btw :)